
Rapid7 AppSpider Pro installers prior to version 6.14.053 contain a DLL preloading vulnerability, wherein it is possible for the installer to load a malicious DLL located in the current working directory of the installer.


Rapid7 Metasploit Pro installers prior to version 4.13.0-2017022101 contain a DLL preloading vulnerability, wherein it is possible for the installer to load a malicious DLL located in the current working directory of the installer.


Rapid7 Insight Collector installers prior to version 1.0.16 contain a DLL preloading vulnerability, wherein it is possible for the installer to load a malicious DLL located in the current working directory of the installer.


All editions of Rapid7 Metasploit prior to version 4.13.0-2017020701 contain a directory traversal vulnerability in the Meterpreter stdapi function. By using a specially-crafted build of Meterpreter, it is possible to write to an arbitrary directory on the Metasploit console with the permissions of the running Metasploit instance.


All editions of Rapid7 Metasploit prior to version 4.13.0-2017020701 contain a directory traversal vulnerability in the Meterpreter extapi Clipboard.parse_dump() function. By using a specially-crafted build of Meterpreter, it is possible to write to an arbitrary directory on the Metasploit console with the permissions of the running Metasploit instance.


All editions of Rapid7 Nexpose installers prior to version 6.4.24 contain a DLL preloading vulnerability, wherein it is possible for the installer to load a malicious DLL located in the current working directory of the installer.


All editions of Rapid7 Metasploit prior to version 4.13.0-2017020701 contain a directory traversal vulnerability in the Meterpreter stdapi CommandDispatcher.cmd_download() function. By using a specially-crafted build of Meterpreter, it is possible to write to an arbitrary directory on the Metasploit console with the permissions of the running Metasploit instance.


The Java keystore in all versions and editions of Rapid7 Nexpose is encrypted with a static password of ‘r@p1d7k3y5t0r3’ which is not modifiable by the user. The keystore provides storage for saved scan credentials in an otherwise secure location on disk.