[BSA-080] Security Update for postgresql-9.1

Package        : postgresql-9.1
Vulnerability  : several
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID         : CVE-2013-1899 CVE-2013-1900 CVE-2013-1901
Debian Bug     : 704479 

Several vulnerabilities were discovered in PostgreSQL database server.


    Mitsumasa Kondo and Kyotaro Horiguchi of NTT Open Source Software Center
    discovered that it was possible for a connection request containing a
    database name that begins with "-" to be crafted that can damage or destroy
    files within a server's data directory. Anyone with access to the port the
    PostgreSQL server listens on can initiate this request.


    Random numbers generated by contrib/pgcrypto functions may be easy for
    another database user to guess.


    An unprivileged user could run commands that could interfere with
    in-progress backups

For backports for the stable distribution (squeeze-backports), these
problems have been fixed in version 9.1.9-1~bpo60+1.

For the stable dist

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