I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of version 9.5 of the PostgreSQL server on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64, delivered via a Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo). QuickStart ---------- You can get started in three easy steps: $ sudo yum install centos-release-scl $ sudo yum install rh-postgresql95 $ scl enable rh-postgresql95 bash At this point you should be able to use PostgreSQL just as a normal application. Here are some examples of commands you can run: $ postgresql-setup --initdb $ service rh-postgresql95-postgresql start $ su postgres -c psql In order to view the individual components included in this collection, including additional subpackages, you can run: $ sudo yum list rh-postgresql95* For more on PostgreSQL in general, see http://www.postgresql.org. About Software Collections -------------------------- Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection. The SCLo SIG in CentOS ---------------------- The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate a reference set of collections. In addition to the PostgreSQL collection being released here, we also build and deliver databases, web servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of MongoDB, MariaDB, Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Python and others. You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at: http://softwarecollections.org You can find information on the SIG at https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto get involved and help with the effort. Enjoy! Honza (thanks trepik for preparing the announcement)
Category Archives: CentOS
Announcing release of Python 3.5 on CentOS Linux7 x86_64 SCL
I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Python in version 3.5 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, delivered via a Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo). QuickStart ---------- You can get started in three easy steps: $ sudo yum install centos-release-scl $ sudo yum install rh-python35 $ scl enable rh-python35 bash At this point you should be able to use python just as a normal application. Here are some examples of commands you can run: $ python my-app.py $ sudo easy_install Flask $ sudo easy_install Django In order to view the individual components included in this collection, including additional python modules, you can run: $ sudo yum list rh-python35* Last but not least you can try this Software Collection in Docker. You can pull the image with the following command: $ sudo docker pull centos/python-35-centos7 For more on the docker image follow the link to public source repository: https://github.com/sclorg/s2i-python-container For more on Python in general, see https://www.python.org/. About Software Collections -------------------------- Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection. The SCLo SIG in CentOS ---------------------- The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate a reference set of collections. In addition to the collection Python being released here, we also build and deliver databases, web servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Ruby, Ruby on Rails and others. You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at: http://softwarecollections.org You can find information on the SIG at https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto get involved and help with the effort. Enjoy! Honza (thanks trepik for preparing the announcement)
Announcing release of Ruby on Rails 4.2 on CentOSLinux 7 x86_64 SCL
I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Ruby on Rails in version 4.2 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, delivered via a Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo). QuickStart ---------- You can get started in three easy steps: $ sudo yum install centos-release-scl $ sudo yum install rh-ror42 $ scl enable rh-ror42 rh-nodejs4 bash At this point you should be able to use rails just as a normal application. Here are some examples of commands you can run: $ rails new project $ cd project $ rails server -p 8080 $ rails generate controller pages In order to view the individual components included in this collection, you can run: $ sudo yum list rh-ror42* Last but not least you can try this Software Collection in Docker. You can pull the image with the following command: $ sudo docker pull centos/ror-42-centos7 For more on the docker image follow the link to public source repository: https://github.com/sclorg/ror-container For more on Ruby on Rails in general, see http://rubyonrails.org. About Software Collections -------------------------- Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection. The SCLo SIG in CentOS ---------------------- The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate a reference set of collections. In addition to the collection Ruby on Rails being released here, we also build and deliver databases, web servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Python and others. You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at: http://softwarecollections.org You can find information on the SIG at https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto get involved and help with the effort. Enjoy! Honza (thanks trepik for preparing the announcement)
Announcing release of Ruby 2.3 on CentOS Linux 7x86_64 SCL
I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Ruby in version 2.3 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, delivered via a Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo). QuickStart ---------- You can get started in three easy steps: $ sudo yum install centos-release-scl $ sudo yum install rh-ruby23 $ scl enable rh-ruby23 bash At this point you should be able to use ruby just as a normal application. Here are some examples of commands you can run: $ ruby my-app.rb $ gem install activeresource $ bundle $ irb In order to view the individual components included in this collection, you can run: $ sudo yum list rh-ruby23* Last but not least you can try this Software Collection in Docker. You can pull the image with the following command: $ sudo docker pull centos/ruby-23-centos7 For more on the docker image follow the link to public source repository: https://github.com/sclorg/s2i-ruby-container For more on Ruby in general, see https://www.ruby-lang.org or https://rubygems.org. About Software Collections -------------------------- Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection. The SCLo SIG in CentOS ---------------------- The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate a reference set of collections. In addition to the collection Ruby being released here, we also build and deliver databases, web servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Python and others. You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at: http://softwarecollections.org You can find information on the SIG at https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto get involved and help with the effort. Enjoy! Honza (thanks trepik for preparing the announcement)
Announcing release of Maven 3.3 on CentOS Linux 7x86_64 SCL
I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Maven in version 3.3 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, delivered via a Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo). QuickStart ---------- You can get started in three easy steps: $ sudo yum install centos-release-scl $ sudo yum install rh-maven33 $ scl enable rh-maven33 bash At this point you should be able to use maven just as a normal application. Here are some examples of commands you can run: $ mvn --version $ mvn compile $ mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies <package> $ mvn test In order to view the individual components included in this collection, you can run: $ sudo yum list rh-maven33* For more on Maven in general, see http://maven.apache.org/. About Software Collections -------------------------- Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection. The SCLo SIG in CentOS ---------------------- The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate a reference set of collections. In addition to the collection Maven being released here, we also build and deliver databases, web servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Python and others. You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at: http://softwarecollections.org You can find information on the SIG at https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto get involved and help with the effort. Enjoy! Honza (thanks trepik for preparing the announcement)
CESA-2016:1421 Important CentOS 6 httpd SecurityUpdate
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2016:1421 Important Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-1421.html The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) i386: 7cfbd11f14fc880c3a658124c3124a3b4c26402790eef913f38c3468c0038922 httpd-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.i686.rpm 21388bbbc70030b07395f9f2eb7ede8c160afc19e5d661543ddd42ba53c2e8cf httpd-devel-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.i686.rpm 4cfb8a97a60511a419c6b8e46f9eacfb6f702831ca3567313f927209b6fa5e39 httpd-manual-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.noarch.rpm 1a6a381d445b88f636453f7c7d039517adccac56aef9dc03127ce46e8e284246 httpd-tools-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.i686.rpm 7b187e5603d64d06f1983e96934a8f6da181220033cf989d2aa56bdfd629b791 mod_ssl-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.i686.rpm x86_64: 906becc435e278c73dfbdf10f4f1f704b7c1fff2963037c1e3b4a2eafd795f09 httpd-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm 21388bbbc70030b07395f9f2eb7ede8c160afc19e5d661543ddd42ba53c2e8cf httpd-devel-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.i686.rpm a87645e89f72a6e9362e41251d3c1be797ce31a7b7a643f0fe506f3ab506acf2 httpd-devel-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm 4cfb8a97a60511a419c6b8e46f9eacfb6f702831ca3567313f927209b6fa5e39 httpd-manual-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.noarch.rpm 4935ca24dabd3a45f83518174ea1ab5b1b0c8d281cce4db5df04f52e5743fc9c httpd-tools-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm 94ae91901d174c21c68f50d638027ecf4ab14aba483f7294107af9192b2adfb1 mod_ssl-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm Source: 5c7a92dbb6c6503be4ccd1e270c6ce96c42c61dcafc4495fe7f2c66d2c06f7cd httpd-2.2.15-54.el6.centos.src.rpm
CESA-2016:1422 Important CentOS 7 httpd SecurityUpdate
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2016:1422 Important Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-1422.html The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) x86_64: 045c43a0da2efc68117105e9018c475dc4cbb90a98aeb06542973ce953af1040 httpd-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.x86_64.rpm 16550ea80cc0241c3e25fece54a8ee4592fa1183056d8b72f0cd82278817554e httpd-devel-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.x86_64.rpm 9db85efe6e5a599a11eb853e9133e7f2e07b32cb5029c8f360bd8b9664ba31c8 httpd-manual-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.noarch.rpm b2f351116f23f0bef4293f62430cf6028d5b174823af5d1e53ad4c86c70ac14b httpd-tools-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.x86_64.rpm 388627215a1cf1cea9eac7ced702226998663154b63d10e93399a31ca3591f7e mod_ldap-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.x86_64.rpm 9f3104a304983a1ccf7fac98abca9a0ca411624d7ee2c998c8f1db5efb94c5b5 mod_proxy_html-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.x86_64.rpm cbdf94bb93b19fb4f4dbe452a3b2b2988e028bde5376782a0ec0185815b9a893 mod_session-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.x86_64.rpm 3f72250641bc96c5c190e933b496352c65318474492806b99ed0cab4cdbefd9d mod_ssl-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.x86_64.rpm Source: fc08ade63965c80e7ae80bcaef7cbbb496d76ec3e8e03409b1a223af657ef98f httpd-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.src.rpm
CESA-2016:1421 Important CentOS 5 httpd SecurityUpdate
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2016:1421 Important Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-1421.html The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) i386: ac324ee1118faf46ee81d043ab13428793816c78504177bd02be559ca45a0ad6 httpd-2.2.3-92.el5.centos.i386.rpm 7f507c251a02932b0530bcc9bbe3b684bcf333a8a55d159bd74ec45b907c7b74 httpd-devel-2.2.3-92.el5.centos.i386.rpm 9962fc21bb56a8db59b53c5a70cdbdb9288de76b4852cd93342d35edf99c93c4 httpd-manual-2.2.3-92.el5.centos.i386.rpm 193e7f1e8866422650c4fc3681ad7b8eb303ca94fbb271fc0f8e269da41ec44d mod_ssl-2.2.3-92.el5.centos.i386.rpm x86_64: 89c1aceb70086393b296f085cb3c1aadb2236f53d91028d24b65756d5e5ec0e6 httpd-2.2.3-92.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm 7f507c251a02932b0530bcc9bbe3b684bcf333a8a55d159bd74ec45b907c7b74 httpd-devel-2.2.3-92.el5.centos.i386.rpm 68223ae197beab75b2a2f18595659c5f00a2abce6af6949439098b3307b81a55 httpd-devel-2.2.3-92.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm c64e7002d0b3e256e58ebed1f1e298f47952ccb85d81bdd364e3970056993b9b httpd-manual-2.2.3-92.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm 5961b5567d7d8449ce917c2b0d3ce0c0bdcb268335d0a472b9600a33c99ce4d8 mod_ssl-2.2.3-92.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm Source: 9797c288db36a2b5610c73d9334b932ad6be5b11f259389c4e8159bdeeec7912 httpd-2.2.3-92.el5.centos.src.rpm
CESA-2016:1406 Important CentOS 6 kernel SecurityUpdate
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2016:1406 Important Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-1406.html The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) i386: 270ab885387bcd30ed1b72b1a228f37cf4358989d9cd8863c5f2c4d47ce66300 kernel-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.i686.rpm 88d421f057b56c5c6db2cb8fe179bc97000354df0d460cd4821d4934f3e5a6a0 kernel-abi-whitelists-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.noarch.rpm 2be0552dc5ab3768d29e28c5764a1c2f497393bc38e5e55d823ca2baaee1dbec kernel-debug-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.i686.rpm 536cce24b423aa87cc9551174a79943623c519905ba5118c5fe984d34d253cae kernel-debug-devel-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.i686.rpm 6a3e53e3730ba05bb584958f76a64ff6243524d7004735fb273a4655c33cfad7 kernel-devel-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.i686.rpm 8b48620cc50f738fc906f03bcc4c9180462f1ed83ee090431fcef05184a2263b kernel-doc-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.noarch.rpm 9038db1d90a00357d9635fc5ae0ae586d960588b7665e294dd7ddea2f4951cdd kernel-firmware-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.noarch.rpm a7ae2057e418c9b9d8d36572d72fcc47269043cc66220399ba5f6b4bbd5ad7d5 kernel-headers-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.i686.rpm 5a32f23692a473018a684da81c88dab58dbceb912ea7af574cbdb3da616cd632 perf-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.i686.rpm 0fad37803d3022167f003786f26eecf62af2ab8b1ecf09a9f9906162a5e094d8 python-perf-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.i686.rpm x86_64: 0a854e514ea2478f09092b56073b5855a1854deebd21786a7e3bf3310bda04ba kernel-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64.rpm 88d421f057b56c5c6db2cb8fe179bc97000354df0d460cd4821d4934f3e5a6a0 kernel-abi-whitelists-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.noarch.rpm 480c5b1bf9af44edf06b8c0742fdaa9da43077b08d9d876f0b9301301bf02777 kernel-debug-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64.rpm 536cce24b423aa87cc9551174a79943623c519905ba5118c5fe984d34d253cae kernel-debug-devel-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.i686.rpm e7f1d0f256f3b810a6bd1e8aaf1e5c3d77249f72f5c889ce26f873dfc518e9cb kernel-debug-devel-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64.rpm b5a5ff5449417303d53fde8bddf5eb3957280cb6b56180ea9b1563adf6c170fe kernel-devel-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64.rpm 8b48620cc50f738fc906f03bcc4c9180462f1ed83ee090431fcef05184a2263b kernel-doc-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.noarch.rpm 9038db1d90a00357d9635fc5ae0ae586d960588b7665e294dd7ddea2f4951cdd kernel-firmware-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.noarch.rpm 98fe219de77be5a992267fa8d273b7471fba54398623476ec1d9159ec7ed6528 kernel-headers-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64.rpm 5ab9d68902b3837df9960c95173cb2e6b4a4189be5de30d08b2e177dd0ae16d5 perf-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64.rpm 879a3fbfb24967bd0dcd1dfa7849ac611e86378bbf9517bcfa3b5c5f053d6078 python-perf-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64.rpm Source: 61b743211521a2985d0a325da4b7b94d7ec5fce7e53def3fcab5231f40a4a11b kernel-2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.src.rpm
CEBA-2016:1402 CentOS 6 xorg-x11-server BugFixUpdate
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2016:1402 Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2016-1402.html The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) i386: b78757f04e0625fe3b9a2ee1450ccdf64e2dd15983b7c9093e5dfc9d0784f252 xorg-x11-server-common-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.i686.rpm 65155e8765c0a663f3fd35001ccbc5ee542cf3a4a35a7ab4c14e060e7445b327 xorg-x11-server-devel-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.i686.rpm e2a782c836c14e5e69a882203518f5aadaa4e1d973d4e0b6cdb43ba157b1ed61 xorg-x11-server-source-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.noarch.rpm 032d5dcaf5419716a64ef57d2eac8e80c0bb76ac22c097e77c2e665fd908da52 xorg-x11-server-Xdmx-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.i686.rpm 4c18e18e035f039f5e736750c1e9a189c68bf0a27eb2dcb2d712ba1fec0a9c0d xorg-x11-server-Xephyr-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.i686.rpm 5ec8a5f7d2924e1e3807263ca9205cbc8578a4a2696c88b5991dba17c3994fd1 xorg-x11-server-Xnest-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.i686.rpm 68c408a8ec918f4e51a6943431b5dde65e746eff571473516be9ae2362777006 xorg-x11-server-Xorg-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.i686.rpm 274c23f8ad0682de786050c69f6417b965f51c9c1e08c6878c87ec127ade5be7 xorg-x11-server-Xvfb-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.i686.rpm x86_64: dc62ed724bf97d763a5b38832907e075933e6e838c7d7016c677835f87fe939f xorg-x11-server-common-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm 65155e8765c0a663f3fd35001ccbc5ee542cf3a4a35a7ab4c14e060e7445b327 xorg-x11-server-devel-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.i686.rpm 12c2b41cf93a2f86056eb3c7b2c4d6ee425ca8fd1e5b79f22db0717a16986d72 xorg-x11-server-devel-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm e2a782c836c14e5e69a882203518f5aadaa4e1d973d4e0b6cdb43ba157b1ed61 xorg-x11-server-source-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.noarch.rpm 4b5766f76b926a7f12100b2d513fc326f5a3fc0a7fd534e406d1cbda3e1d23c3 xorg-x11-server-Xdmx-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm cef39ff4c0de6870ffc2996203f5416d7fc1d690bad3214cca6c2e7ed7fae81b xorg-x11-server-Xephyr-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm 68e550e1d648a9b8889627aef07d74c511d39e3c7b8f2b08e7f238d600f842d7 xorg-x11-server-Xnest-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm fce632c75440a4ccd9aeb82b4421b1173b08bd1ac5f19024e31f7bd48a192d5a xorg-x11-server-Xorg-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm bfc504b39d0b06959a50fde547f6fc7fc343c1f231059e6ebc51cee370008c83 xorg-x11-server-Xvfb-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm Source: a8c73701acee33b210490a67ee5f62648fb0d49e6150376840b1064d2e09f839 xorg-x11-server-1.17.4-9.5.el6.centos.src.rpm