Category Archives: US-CERT

US-CERT Alerts – Alerts warn about vulnerabilities, incidents, and other security issues that pose a significant risk.

TA16-250A: The Increasing Threat to Network Infrastructure Devices and Recommended Mitigations

Original release date: September 06, 2016

Systems Affected

Network Infrastructure Devices


The advancing capabilities of organized hacker groups and cyber adversaries create an increasing global threat to information systems. The rising threat levels place more demands on security personnel and network administrators to protect information systems. Protecting the network infrastructure is critical to preserve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of communication and services across an enterprise.

To address threats to network infrastructure devices, this Alert provides information on recent vectors of attack that advanced persistent threat (APT) actors are targeting, along with prevention and mitigation recommendations.


Network infrastructure consists of interconnected devices designed to transport communications needed for data, applications, services, and multi-media. Routers and firewalls are the focus of this alert; however, many other devices exist in the network, such as switches, load-balancers, intrusion detection systems, etc. Perimeter devices, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, have been the traditional technologies used to secure the network, but as threats change, so must security strategies. Organizations can no longer rely on perimeter devices to protect the network from cyber intrusions; organizations must also be able to contain the impact/losses within the internal network and infrastructure.

For several years now, vulnerable network devices have been the attack-vector of choice and one of the most effective techniques for sophisticated hackers and advanced threat actors. In this environment, there has never been a greater need to improve network infrastructure security. Unlike hosts that receive significant administrative security attention and for which security tools such as anti-malware exist, network devices are often working in the background with little oversight—until network connectivity is broken or diminished. Malicious cyber actors take advantage of this fact and often target network devices. Once on the device, they can remain there undetected for long periods. After an incident, where administrators and security professionals perform forensic analysis and recover control, a malicious cyber actor with persistent access on network devices can reattack the recently cleaned hosts. For this reason, administrators need to ensure proper configuration and control of network devices.

Proliferation of Threats to Information Systems

SYNful Knock

In September 2015, an attack known as SYNful Knock was disclosed. SYNful Knock silently changes a router’s operating system image, thus allowing attackers to gain a foothold on a victim’s network. The malware can be customized and updated once embedded. When the modified malicious image is uploaded, it provides a backdoor into the victim’s network. Using a crafted TCP SYN packet, a communication channel is established between the compromised device and the malicious command and control (C2) server. The impact of this infection to a network or device is severe and most likely indicates that there may be additional backdoors or compromised devices on the network. This foothold gives an attacker the ability to maneuver and infect other hosts and access sensitive data.

The initial infection vector does not leverage a zero-day vulnerability. Attackers either use the default credentials to log into the device or obtain weak credentials from other insecure devices or communications. The implant resides within a modified IOS image and, when loaded, maintains its persistence in the environment, even after a system reboot. Any further modules loaded by the attacker will only exist in the router’s volatile memory and will not be available for use after the device reboots. However, these devices are rarely or never rebooted.

To prevent the size of the image from changing, the malware overwrites several legitimate IOS functions with its own executable code. The attacker examines the functionality of the router and determines functions that can be overwritten without causing issues on the router. Thus, the overwritten functions will vary upon deployment.

The attacker can utilize the secret backdoor password in three different authentication scenarios. In these scenarios the implant first checks to see if the user input is the backdoor password. If so, access is granted. Otherwise, the implanted code will forward the credentials for normal verification of potentially valid credentials. This generally raises the least amount of suspicion. Cisco has provided an alert on this attack vector. For more information, see the Cisco SYNful Knock Security Advisory.

Other attacks against network infrastructure devices have also been reported, including more complicated persistent malware that silently changes the firmware on the device that is used to load the operating system so that the malware can inject code into the running operating system. For more information, please see Cisco’s description of the evolution of attacks on Cisco IOS devices.

Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA)

A Cisco ASA device is a network device that provides firewall and Virtual Private Network (VPN) functionality. These devices are often deployed at the edge of a network to protect a site’s network infrastructure, and to give remote users access to protected local resources.

In June 2016, NCCIC received several reports of compromised Cisco ASA devices that were modified in an unauthorized way. The ASA devices directed users to a location where malicious actors tried to socially engineer the users into divulging their credentials.

It is suspected that malicious actors leveraged CVE-2014-3393 to inject malicious code into the affected devices. The malicious actor would then be able to modify the contents of the Random Access Memory Filing System (RAMFS) cache file system and inject the malicious code into the appliance’s configuration. Refer to the Cisco Security Advisory Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco ASA Software for more information and for remediation details.

In August 2016, a group known as “Shadow Brokers” publicly released a large number of files, including exploitation tools for both old and newly exposed vulnerabilities. Cisco ASA devices were found to be vulnerable to the released exploit code. In response, Cisco released an update to address a newly disclosed Cisco ASA Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2016-6366). In addition, one exploit tool targeted a previously patched Cisco vulnerability (CVE-2016-6367). Although Cisco provided patches to fix this Cisco ASA command-line interface (CLI) remote code execution vulnerability in 2011, devices that remain unpatched are still vulnerable to the described attack. Attackers may target vulnerabilities for months or even years after patches become available.


If the network infrastructure is compromised, malicious hackers or adversaries can gain full control of the network infrastructure enabling further compromise of other types of devices and data and allowing traffic to be redirected, changed, or denied. Possibilities of manipulation include denial-of-service, data theft, or unauthorized changes to the data.

Intruders with infrastructure privilege and access can impede productivity and severely hinder re-establishing network connectivity. Even if other compromised devices are detected, tracking back to a compromised infrastructure device is often difficult.

Malicious actors with persistent access to network devices can reattack and move laterally after they have been ejected from previously exploited hosts.


1.    Segregate Networks and Functions

Proper network segmentation is a very effective security mechanism to prevent an intruder from propagating exploits or laterally moving around an internal network. On a poorly segmented network, intruders are able to extend their impact to control critical devices or gain access to sensitive data and intellectual property. Security architects must consider the overall infrastructure layout, segmentation, and segregation. Segregation separates network segments based on role and functionality. A securely segregated network can contain malicious occurrences, reducing the impact from intruders, in the event that they have gained a foothold somewhere inside the network.

Physical Separation of Sensitive Information

Local Area Network (LAN) segments are separated by traditional network devices such as routers. Routers are placed between networks to create boundaries, increase the number of broadcast domains, and effectively filter users’ broadcast traffic. These boundaries can be used to contain security breaches by restricting traffic to separate segments and can even shut down segments of the network during an intrusion, restricting adversary access.

  • Implement Principles of Least Privilege and need-to-know when designing network segments.
  • Separate sensitive information and security requirements into network segments.
  • Apply security recommendations and secure configurations to all network segments and network layers.
Virtual Separation of Sensitive Information        

As technologies change, new strategies are developed to improve IT efficiencies and network security controls. Virtual separation is the logical isolation of networks on the same physical network. The same physical segmentation design principles apply to virtual segmentation but no additional hardware is required. Existing technologies can be used to prevent an intruder from breaching other internal network segments.

  • Use Private Virtual LANs to isolate a user from the rest of the broadcast domains.
  • Use Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) technology to segment network traffic over multiple routing tables simultaneously on a single router.
  • Use VPNs to securely extend a host/network by tunneling through public or private networks.

2.    Limit Unnecessary Lateral Communications

Allowing unfiltered workstation-to-workstation communications (as well as other peer-to-peer communications) creates serious vulnerabilities, and can allow a network intruder to easily spread to multiple systems. An intruder can establish an effective “beach head” within the network, and then spread to create backdoors into the network to maintain persistence and make it difficult for defenders to contain and eradicate.

  • Restrict communications using host-based firewall rules to deny the flow of packets from other hosts in the network. The firewall rules can be created to filter on a host device, user, program, or IP address to limit access from services and systems.
  • Implement a VLAN Access Control List (VACL), a filter that controls access to/from VLANs. VACL filters should be created to deny packets the ability to flow to other VLANs.
  • Logically segregate the network using physical or virtual separation allowing network administrators to isolate critical devices onto network segments.

3.    Harden Network Devices

A fundamental way to enhance network infrastructure security is to safeguard networking devices with secure configurations. Government agencies, organizations, and vendors supply a wide range of resources to administrators on how to harden network devices. These resources include benchmarks and best practices. These recommendations should be implemented in conjunction with laws, regulations, site security policies, standards, and industry best practices. These guides provide a baseline security configuration for the enterprise that protects the integrity of network infrastructure devices. This guidance supplements the network security best practices supplied by vendors.

  • Disable unencrypted remote admin protocols used to manage network infrastructure (e.g., Telnet, FTP).
  • Disable unnecessary services (e.g. discovery protocols, source routing, HTTP, SNMP, BOOTP).
  • Use SNMPv3 (or subsequent version) but do not use SNMP community strings.
  • Secure access to the console, auxiliary, and VTY lines.
  • Implement robust password policies and use the strongest password encryption available.
  • Protect router/switch by controlling access lists for remote administration.
  • Restrict physical access to routers/switches.
  • Backup configurations and store offline. Use the latest version of the network device operating system and update with all patches.
  • Periodically test security configurations against security requirements.
  • Protect configuration files with encryption and/or access controls when sending them electronically and when they are stored and backed up.

4.    Secure Access to Infrastructure Devices

Administrative privileges on infrastructure devices allow access to resources that are normally unavailable to most users and permit the execution of actions that would otherwise be restricted. When administrator privileges are improperly authorized, granted widely, and/or not closely audited, intruders can exploit them. These compromised privileges can enable adversaries to traverse a network, expanding access and potentially allowing full control of the infrastructure backbone. Unauthorized infrastructure access can be mitigated by properly implementing secure access policies and procedures.

  • Implement Multi-Factor Authentication – Authentication is a process to validate a user’s identity. Weak authentication processes are commonly exploited by attackers. Multi-factor authentication uses at least two identity components to authenticate a user’s identity. Identity components include something the user knows (e.g., password); an object the user has possession of (e.g., token); and a trait unique to the specific person (e.g., biometric).
  • Manage Privileged Access – Use an authorization server to store access information for network device management. This type of server will enable network administrators to assign different privilege levels to users based on the principle of least privilege. When a user tries to execute an unauthorized command, it will be rejected. To increase the strength and robustness of user authentication, implement a hard token authentication server in addition to the AAA server, if possible. Multi-factor authentication increases the difficulty for intruders to steal and reuse credentials to gain access to network devices.
  • Manage Administrative Credentials – Although multi-factor authentication is highly recommended and a best practice, systems that cannot meet this requirement can at least improve their security level by changing default passwords and enforcing complex password policies. Network accounts must contain complex passwords of at least 14 characters from multiple character domains including lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and special characters. Enforce password expiration and reuse policies. If passwords are stored for emergency access, keep these in a protected off-network location, such as a safe.

5.    Perform Out-of-Band Management

Out-of-Band (OoB) management uses alternate communication paths to remotely manage network infrastructure devices. These dedicated paths can vary in configuration to include anything from virtual tunneling to physical separation. Using OoB access to manage the network infrastructure will strengthen security by limiting access and separating user traffic from network management traffic. OoB management provides security monitoring and can implement corrective actions without allowing the adversary who may have already compromised a portion of the network to observe these changes.

OoB management can be implemented physically or virtually, or through a hybrid of the two. Building additional physical network infrastructure is the most secure option for the network managers, although it can be very expensive to implement and maintain. Virtual implementation is less costly, but still requires significant configuration changes and administration. In some situations, such as access to remote locations, virtual encrypted tunnels may be the only viable option.

  • Segregate standard network traffic from management traffic.
  • Enforce that management traffic on devices only comes from the OoB.
  • Apply encryption to all management channels.
  • Encrypt all remote access to infrastructure devices such as terminal or dial-in servers.
  • Manage all administrative functions from a dedicated host (fully patched) over a secure channel, preferably on the OoB.
  • Harden network management devices by testing patches, turning off unnecessary services on routers and switches, and enforcing strong password policies. Monitor the network and review logs Implement access controls that only permit required administrative or management services (SNMP, NTP SSH, FTP, TFTP).

6.    Validate Integrity of Hardware and Software

Products purchased through unauthorized channels are often known as “counterfeit,” “secondary,” or “grey market” devices. There have been numerous reports in the press regarding grey market hardware and software being introduced into the marketplace. Grey market products have not been thoroughly tested to meet quality standards and can introduce risks to the network. Lack of awareness or validation of the legitimacy of hardware and software presents a serious risk to users’ information and the overall integrity of the network environment. Products purchased from the secondary market run the risk of having the supply chain breached, which can result in the introduction of counterfeit, stolen, or second-hand devices. This could affect network performance and compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of network assets. Furthermore, breaches in the supply chain provide an opportunity for malicious software or hardware to be installed on the equipment. In addition, unauthorized or malicious software can be loaded onto a device after it is in operational use, so integrity checking of software should be done on a regular basis.

  • Maintain strict control of the supply chain; purchase only from authorized resellers.
  • Require resellers to implement a supply chain integrity check to validate hardware and software authenticity.
  • Inspect the device for signs of tampering.
  • Validate serial numbers from multiple sources.
  • Download software, updates, patches, and upgrades from validated sources.
  • Perform hash verification and compare values against the vendor’s database to detect unauthorized modification to the firmware.
  • Monitor and log devices, verifying network configurations of devices on a regular schedule.
  • Train network owners, administrators, and procurement personnel to increase awareness of grey market devices.


Shadow Broker Exploits
Vendor CVE Exploit Name Vulnerability
Fortinet CVE-2016-6909    EGREGIOUSBLUNDER Authentication cookie overflow
WatchGuard    CVE-2016-7089 ESCALATEPLOWMAN Command line injection via ipconfig
Cisco CVE-2016-6366 EXTRABACON SNMP remote code execution
Cisco CVE-2016-6367 EPICBANANA Command line injection remote code execution
Cisco N/A BENIGNCERTAIN/PIXPOCKET    Information/memory leak
TOPSEC N/A ELIGIBLEBACHELOR Attack vector unknown, but has an XML-like payload
beginning with <?tos length=”001e.%8.8x”?
TOPSEC N/A ELIGIBLEBOMBSHELL HTTP cookie command injection
TOPSEC N/A ELIGIBLECANDIDATE HTTP cookie command injection



Revision History

  • September 6, 2016: Initial release

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SB16-249: Vulnerability Summary for the Week of August 29, 2016

Original release date: September 05, 2016 | Last revised: September 06, 2016

The US-CERT Cyber Security Bulletin provides a summary of new vulnerabilities that have been recorded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Vulnerability Database (NVD) in the past week. The NVD is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) / United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT). For modified or updated entries, please visit the NVD, which contains historical vulnerability information.

The vulnerabilities are based on the CVE vulnerability naming standard and are organized according to severity, determined by the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) standard. The division of high, medium, and low severities correspond to the following scores:

  • High – Vulnerabilities will be labeled High severity if they have a CVSS base score of 7.0 – 10.0

  • Medium – Vulnerabilities will be labeled Medium severity if they have a CVSS base score of 4.0 – 6.9

  • Low – Vulnerabilities will be labeled Low severity if they have a CVSS base score of 0.0 – 3.9

Entries may include additional information provided by organizations and efforts sponsored by US-CERT. This information may include identifying information, values, definitions, and related links. Patch information is provided when available. Please note that some of the information in the bulletins is compiled from external, open source reports and is not a direct result of US-CERT analysis.

High Vulnerabilities

Vendor — Product
Description Published CVSS Score Source & Patch Info
accellion — kiteworks_appliance Accellion Kiteworks appliances before kw2016.03.00 use setuid-root permissions for /opt/bin/cli, which allows local users to gain privileges via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-26 7.2 CVE-2016-5662
adobe — acrobat Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.16, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30172, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.016.20039 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-1037, CVE-2016-1063, CVE-2016-1064, CVE-2016-1071, CVE-2016-1072, CVE-2016-1073, CVE-2016-1074, CVE-2016-1076, CVE-2016-1077, CVE-2016-1078, CVE-2016-1080, CVE-2016-1081, CVE-2016-1082, CVE-2016-1083, CVE-2016-1084, CVE-2016-1085, CVE-2016-1086, CVE-2016-1088, CVE-2016-1093, CVE-2016-1095, CVE-2016-1116, CVE-2016-1118, CVE-2016-1119, CVE-2016-1120, CVE-2016-1123, CVE-2016-1124, CVE-2016-1125, CVE-2016-1126, CVE-2016-1127, CVE-2016-1128, CVE-2016-1129, CVE-2016-1130, CVE-2016-4088, CVE-2016-4089, CVE-2016-4090, CVE-2016-4093, CVE-2016-4094, CVE-2016-4096, CVE-2016-4097, CVE-2016-4098, CVE-2016-4099, CVE-2016-4100, CVE-2016-4101, CVE-2016-4103, CVE-2016-4104, and CVE-2016-4105. 2016-08-26 10.0 CVE-2016-4119
adobe — acrobat Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4266, CVE-2016-4267, CVE-2016-4268, CVE-2016-4269, and CVE-2016-4270. 2016-08-26 10.0 CVE-2016-4265
adobe — acrobat Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4265, CVE-2016-4267, CVE-2016-4268, CVE-2016-4269, and CVE-2016-4270. 2016-08-26 10.0 CVE-2016-4266
adobe — acrobat Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4265, CVE-2016-4266, CVE-2016-4268, CVE-2016-4269, and CVE-2016-4270. 2016-08-26 10.0 CVE-2016-4267
adobe — acrobat Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4265, CVE-2016-4266, CVE-2016-4267, CVE-2016-4269, and CVE-2016-4270. 2016-08-26 10.0 CVE-2016-4268
adobe — acrobat Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4265, CVE-2016-4266, CVE-2016-4267, CVE-2016-4268, and CVE-2016-4270. 2016-08-26 10.0 CVE-2016-4269
adobe — acrobat Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4265, CVE-2016-4266, CVE-2016-4267, CVE-2016-4268, and CVE-2016-4269. 2016-08-26 10.0 CVE-2016-4270
cisco — small_business_220_series_smart_plus_switches Cisco Small Business 220 devices with firmware before have a hardcoded SNMP community, which allows remote attackers to read or modify SNMP objects by leveraging knowledge of this community, aka Bug ID CSCuz76216. 2016-09-01 10.0 CVE-2016-1473
linux — linux_kernel Heap-based buffer overflow in the wcnss_wlan_write function in drivers/net/wireless/wcnss/wcnss_wlan.c in the wcnss_wlan device driver for the Linux kernel 3.x, as used in Qualcomm Innovation Center (QuIC) Android contributions for MSM devices and other products, allows attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact by writing to /dev/wcnss_wlan with an unexpected amount of data. 2016-08-30 10.0 CVE-2016-5342
linux — linux_kernel Multiple integer overflows in the MDSS driver for the Linux kernel 3.x, as used in Qualcomm Innovation Center (QuIC) Android contributions for MSM devices and other products, allow attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via a large size value, related to mdss_compat_utils.c, mdss_fb.c, and mdss_rotator.c. 2016-08-30 10.0 CVE-2016-5344
mac-telnet_project — mac-telnet Buffer overflow in the handle_packet function in mactelnet.c in the client in MAC-Telnet 0.4.3 and earlier allows remote TELNET servers to execute arbitrary code via a long string in an MT_CPTYPE_PASSSALT control packet. 2016-08-30 7.5 CVE-2016-7115
netgear — readynas_surveillance __debugging_center_utils___.php in NUUO NVRmini 2 1.7.5 through 3.0.0, NUUO NVRsolo 1.7.5 through 3.0.0, and NETGEAR ReadyNAS Surveillance 1.1.1 through 1.4.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via the log parameter. 2016-08-31 10.0 CVE-2016-5674
netgear — readynas_surveillance handle_daylightsaving.php in NUUO NVRmini 2 1.7.5 through 3.0.0, NUUO NVRsolo 1.0.0 through 3.0.0, NUUO Crystal 2.2.1 through 3.2.0, and NETGEAR ReadyNAS Surveillance 1.1.1 through 1.4.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via the NTPServer parameter. 2016-08-31 10.0 CVE-2016-5675
netgear — readynas_surveillance cgi-bin/cgi_main in NUUO NVRmini 2 1.7.6 through 3.0.0 and NETGEAR ReadyNAS Surveillance 1.1.2 allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary commands via shell metacharacters in the sn parameter to the transfer_license command. 2016-08-31 9.0 CVE-2016-5679
netgear — readynas_surveillance Stack-based buffer overflow in cgi-bin/cgi_main in NUUO NVRmini 2 1.7.6 through 3.0.0 and NETGEAR ReadyNAS Surveillance 1.1.2 allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary code via the sn parameter to the transfer_license command. 2016-08-31 9.0 CVE-2016-5680
nuuo — nvrmini_2 NUUO NVRmini 2 1.0.0 through 3.0.0 and NUUO NVRsolo 1.0.0 through 3.0.0 have hardcoded root credentials, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative access via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-31 10.0 CVE-2016-5678
python — python Integer overflow in the get_data function in zipimport.c in CPython (aka Python) before 2.7.12, 3.x before 3.4.5, and 3.5.x before 3.5.2 allows remote attackers to have unspecified impact via a negative data size value, which triggers a heap-based buffer overflow. 2016-09-02 10.0 CVE-2016-5636
readydesk — readydesk SQL injection vulnerability in chat/staff/default.aspx in ReadyDesk 9.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the user name field. 2016-08-26 7.5 CVE-2016-5048
readydesk — readydesk Unrestricted file upload vulnerability in chat/sendfile.aspx in ReadyDesk 9.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by uploading and requesting a .aspx file. 2016-08-26 7.5 CVE-2016-5050
vbulletin — vbulletin SQL injection vulnerability in forumrunner/includes/moderation.php in vBulletin before 4.2.2 Patch Level 5 and 4.2.3 before Patch Level 1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the postids parameter to forumrunner/request.php, as exploited in the wild in July 2016. 2016-08-30 7.5 CVE-2016-6195
vmware — photon_os VMware Photos OS OVA 1.0 before 2016-08-14 has a default SSH public key in an authorized_keys file, which allows remote attackers to obtain SSH access by leveraging knowledge of the private key. 2016-08-30 9.3 CVE-2016-5333
vmware — identity_manger VMware Identity Manager 2.x before 2.7 and vRealize Automation 7.0.x before 7.1 allow local users to obtain root access via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-30 7.2 CVE-2016-5335
vmware — vrealize_automation VMware vRealize Automation 7.0.x before 7.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-30 7.5 CVE-2016-5336

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Medium Vulnerabilities

Vendor — Product
Description Published CVSS Score Source & Patch Info
N/A — N/A AKABEi SOFT2 games allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary OS commands via crafted saved data, as demonstrated by Happy Wardrobe. 2016-09-01 6.8 CVE-2016-4853
accellion — kiteworks_appliance Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in oauth_callback.php on Accellion Kiteworks appliances before kw2016.03.00 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) code, (2) error, or (3) error_description parameter. 2016-08-26 4.3 CVE-2016-5663
accellion — kiteworks_appliance Directory traversal vulnerability on Accellion Kiteworks appliances before kw2016.03.00 allows remote attackers to read files via a crafted URI. 2016-08-26 5.0 CVE-2016-5664
adobe — coldfusion The Office Open XML (OOXML) feature in Adobe ColdFusion 10 before Update 21 and 11 before Update 10 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files or send TCP requests to intranet servers via a crafted OOXML spreadsheet containing an external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference, related to an XML External Entity (XXE) issue. 2016-09-01 6.4 CVE-2016-4264
cisco — small_business_220_series_smart_plus_switches Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in the web-based management interface on Cisco Small Business 220 devices with firmware before allows remote attackers to hijack the authentication of arbitrary users, aka Bug ID CSCuz76230. 2016-09-01 6.8 CVE-2016-1470
cisco — small_business_220_series_smart_plus_switches Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the web-based management interface on Cisco Small Business 220 devices with firmware before allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted URL, aka Bug ID CSCuz76232. 2016-09-01 4.3 CVE-2016-1471
cisco — small_business_220_series_smart_plus_switches The web-based management interface on Cisco Small Business 220 devices with firmware before allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (interface outage) via a crafted HTTP request, aka Bug ID CSCuz76238. 2016-09-01 5.0 CVE-2016-1472
cisco — content_security_management_appliance The DES and Triple DES ciphers, as used in the TLS, SSH, and IPSec protocols and other protocols and products, have a birthday bound of approximately four billion blocks, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain cleartext data via a birthday attack against a long-duration encrypted session, as demonstrated by an HTTPS session using Triple DES in CBC mode, aka a “Sweet32” attack. 2016-08-31 5.0 CVE-2016-2183
cisco — wireless_lan_controller The Adaptive Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (wIPS) feature on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) devices before, 8.1.x and 8.2.x before, and 8.3.x before allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (device restart) via a malformed wIPS packet, aka Bug ID CSCuz40263. 2016-09-01 6.1 CVE-2016-6376
clipbucket_project — clipbucket Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in ClipBucket before 2.8.1 RC2 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors. 2016-09-01 4.3 CVE-2016-4848
debian — debian_linux fs/fcntl.c in the “aufs 3.2.x+setfl-debian” patch in the linux-image package 3.2.0-4 (kernel 3.2.81-1) in Debian wheezy mishandles F_SETFL fcntl calls on directories, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and system crash) via standard filesystem operations, as demonstrated by scp from an AUFS filesystem. 2016-08-31 4.9 CVE-2016-7118
gnu — mailman Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in the user options page in GNU Mailman 2.1.x before 2.1.23 allows remote attackers to hijack the authentication of arbitrary users for requests that modify an option, as demonstrated by gaining access to the credentials of a victim’s account. 2016-09-02 6.8 CVE-2016-6893
gnu — mailman Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in the admin web interface in GNU Mailman before 2.1.15 allows remote attackers to hijack the authentication of administrators. 2016-09-02 6.8 CVE-2016-7123
hp — xp7_command_view The (1) Device Manager, (2) Tiered Storage Manager, (3) Replication Manager, (4) Replication Monitor, and (5) Hitachi Automation Director (HAD) components in HPE XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Software before 8.4.1-00 and XP7 Command View Advanced Edition Suite before 8.4.1-00 allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-26 5.0 CVE-2016-4378
ibm — bigfix_platform Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in IBM BigFix Platform (formerly Tivoli Endpoint Manager) 9.x before 9.1.8 and 9.2.x before 9.2.8 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a modified .beswrpt file. 2016-08-31 4.3 CVE-2016-0293
ibm — bigfix_webreports WebReports in IBM BigFix Platform (formerly Tivoli Endpoint Manager) 9.x before 9.5.2 allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information by sniffing the network for HTTP traffic. 2016-08-30 4.3 CVE-2016-0397
ibm — mq_appliance_firmware MQCLI on IBM MQ Appliance M2000 and M2001 devices allows local users to execute arbitrary shell commands via a crafted (1) Disaster Recovery or (2) High Availability command. 2016-09-02 4.6 CVE-2016-5879
jwcrypto_project — jwcrypto The _Rsa15 class in the RSA 1.5 algorithm implementation in in jwcrypto before 0.3.2 lacks the Random Filling protection mechanism, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain cleartext data via a Million Message Attack (MMA). 2016-09-01 4.3 CVE-2016-6298
let’s_php! — simple_chat Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Let’s PHP! simple chat before 2016-08-15 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors. 2016-09-01 4.3 CVE-2016-4851
netapp — clustered_data_ontap NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP before 8.2.4P4 and 8.3.x before 8.3.2P2 allows remote authenticated users to obtain sensitive cluster and tenant information via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-31 4.0 CVE-2016-3064
netapp — oncommand_system_manager NetApp OnCommand System Manager 8.3.x before 8.3.2P5 allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service via unspecified vectors. 2016-09-01 4.0 CVE-2016-5047
netgear — readynas_surveillance cgi-bin/cgi_system in NUUO NVRmini 2 1.7.5 through 2.x, NUUO NVRsolo 1.7.5 through 2.x, and NETGEAR ReadyNAS Surveillance 1.1.1 through 1.4.1 allows remote attackers to reset the administrator password via a cmd=loaddefconfig action. 2016-08-31 5.0 CVE-2016-5676
netgear — readynas_surveillance NUUO NVRmini 2 1.7.5 through 3.0.0, NUUO NVRsolo 1.0.0 through 3.0.0, and NETGEAR ReadyNAS Surveillance 1.1.1 through 1.4.1 have a hardcoded qwe23622260 password for the nuuoeng account, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via an __nvr_status___.php request. 2016-08-31 5.0 CVE-2016-5677
python — python The smtplib library in CPython (aka Python) before 2.7.12, 3.x before 3.4.5, and 3.5.x before 3.5.2 does not return an error when StartTLS fails, which might allow man-in-the-middle attackers to bypass the TLS protections by leveraging a network position between the client and the registry to block the StartTLS command, aka a “StartTLS stripping attack.” 2016-09-02 5.8 CVE-2016-0772
python — python CRLF injection vulnerability in the HTTPConnection.putheader function in urllib2 and urllib in CPython (aka Python) before 2.7.10 and 3.x before 3.4.4 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary HTTP headers via CRLF sequences in a URL. 2016-09-02 4.3 CVE-2016-5699
readydesk — readydesk Directory traversal vulnerability in chat/openattach.aspx in ReadyDesk 9.1 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) in the SESID parameter in conjunction with a filename in the FNAME parameter. 2016-08-26 5.0 CVE-2016-5049
readydesk — readydesk ReadyDesk 9.1 allows local users to determine cleartext SQL Server credentials by reading the SQL_Config.aspx file and decrypting data with a hardcoded key in the ReadyDesk.dll file. 2016-08-26 4.6 CVE-2016-5683
vbulletin — vbulletin The media-file upload feature in vBulletin before 3.8.7 Patch Level 6, 3.8.8 before Patch Level 2, 3.8.9 before Patch Level 1, 4.x before 4.2.2 Patch Level 6, 4.2.3 before Patch Level 2, 5.x before 5.2.0 Patch Level 3, 5.2.1 before Patch Level 1, and 5.2.2 before Patch Level 1 allows remote attackers to conduct SSRF attacks via a crafted URL that results in a Redirection HTTP status code. 2016-09-01 5.0 CVE-2016-6483
vmware — vrealize_log_insight Directory traversal vulnerability in VMware vRealize Log Insight 2.x and 3.x before 3.6.0 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-30 5.0 CVE-2016-5332
zimbra — zimbra_collaboration_server Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Zimbra Collaboration before 8.7.0 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-29 4.3 CVE-2016-5721

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Low Vulnerabilities

Vendor — Product
Description Published CVSS Score Source & Patch Info
dotnetnuke — dotnetnuke Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the user-profile biography section in DotNetNuke (DNN) before 8.0.1 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted onclick attribute in an IMG element. 2016-08-31 3.5 CVE-2016-7119
ibm — bigfix_webreports WebReports in IBM BigFix Platform (formerly Tivoli Endpoint Manager) 9.x before 9.5.2 allows local users to discover the cleartext system password by reading a report. 2016-08-30 2.1 CVE-2016-0292
ibm — forms_experience_builder Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in IBM Forms Experience Builder 8.5.x and 8.6.x before 8.6.3 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via crafted input to an application that was built with this product. 2016-08-31 3.5 CVE-2016-0370
ibm — websphere_application_server Buffer overflow in IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 7.0 before, 8.0 before, 8.5 before, 9.0 before, and Liberty before, when HttpSessionIdReuse is enabled, allows remote authenticated users to obtain sensitive information via unspecified vectors. 2016-09-01 3.5 CVE-2016-0385
ibm — connections Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Web UI in IBM Connections 5.0 before CR4 and 5.5 before CR1 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-2956 and CVE-2016-3008. 2016-09-01 3.5 CVE-2016-2954
ibm — connections Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Web UI in IBM Connections 5.0 before CR4 and 5.5 before CR1 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-2954 and CVE-2016-3008. 2016-09-01 3.5 CVE-2016-2956
ibm — connections Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Web UI in IBM Connections 4.0 through CR4, 4.5 through CR5, 5.0 before CR4, and 5.5 before CR1 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-2997, CVE-2016-3005, and CVE-2016-3010. 2016-09-01 3.5 CVE-2016-2995
ibm — connections Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Web UI in IBM Connections 4.0 through CR4, 4.5 through CR5, 5.0 before CR4, and 5.5 before CR1 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-2995, CVE-2016-3005, and CVE-2016-3010. 2016-09-01 3.5 CVE-2016-2997
ibm — connections Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in IBM Connections 4.0 through CR4, 4.5 through CR5, 5.0 before CR4, and 5.5 before CR1 allows remote authenticated users to hijack the authentication of arbitrary users for requests that update data. 2016-09-01 3.5 CVE-2016-2998
ibm — connections Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Web UI in IBM Connections 4.0 through CR4, 4.5 through CR5, 5.0 before CR4, and 5.5 before CR1 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-2995, CVE-2016-2997, and CVE-2016-3010. 2016-09-01 3.5 CVE-2016-3005
ibm — connections Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Web UI in IBM Connections 5.0 before CR4 and 5.5 before CR1 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-2954 and CVE-2016-2956. 2016-09-01 3.5 CVE-2016-3008
ibm — connections Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Web UI in IBM Connections 4.0 through CR4, 4.5 through CR5, 5.0 before CR4, and 5.5 before CR1 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-2995, CVE-2016-2997, and CVE-2016-3005. 2016-09-01 3.5 CVE-2016-3010
phpvibe — phpvibe Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in PHPVibe before 4.21 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a comment. 2016-08-26 3.5 CVE-2015-5399
qemu — qemu QEMU (aka Quick Emulator), when built with VMWARE PVSCSI paravirtual SCSI bus emulation support, allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds array access) via vectors related to the (1) PVSCSI_CMD_SETUP_RINGS or (2) PVSCSI_CMD_SETUP_MSG_RING SCSI command. 2016-09-02 1.5 CVE-2016-4952
qemu — qemu The megasas_dcmd_cfg_read function in hw/scsi/megasas.c in QEMU, when built with MegaRAID SAS 8708EM2 Host Bus Adapter emulation support, uses an uninitialized variable, which allows local guest administrators to read host memory via vectors involving a MegaRAID Firmware Interface (MFI) command. 2016-09-02 1.9 CVE-2016-5105
qemu — qemu The megasas_dcmd_set_properties function in hw/scsi/megasas.c in QEMU, when built with MegaRAID SAS 8708EM2 Host Bus Adapter emulation support, allows local guest administrators to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds write access) via vectors involving a MegaRAID Firmware Interface (MFI) command. 2016-09-02 1.5 CVE-2016-5106
qemu — qemu The megasas_lookup_frame function in QEMU, when built with MegaRAID SAS 8708EM2 Host Bus Adapter emulation support, allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and crash) via unspecified vectors. 2016-09-02 1.5 CVE-2016-5107

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Severity Not Yet Assigned

Vendor — Product
Description Published CVSS Score Source & Patch Info
cisco — virtual_media_packager Media Origination System Suite Software 2.6 and earlier in Cisco Virtual Media Packager (VMP) allows remote attackers to bypass authentication and make arbitrary Platform and Applications Manager (PAM) API calls via unspecified vectors, aka Bug ID CSCuz52110. 2016-09-03 not yet calculated CVE-2016-6377
cisco — webex_meetings_player Cisco WebEx Meetings Player T29.10, when WRF file support is enabled, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted file, aka Bug ID CSCva09375. 2016-09-03 not yet calculated CVE-2016-1464
cisco — webex_mettings_player Cisco WebEx Meetings Player T29.10, when WRF file support is enabled, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted file, aka Bug ID CSCuz80455. 2016-09-03 not yet cakculated CVE-2016-1415
jose_jwe — jose_jwe The RSA 1.5 algorithm implementation in the JOSE_JWE class in JWE.php in jose-php before 2.2.1 lacks the Random Filling protection mechanism, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain cleartext data via a Million Message Attack (MMA). 2016-09-03 not yet calculated CVE-2016-5430
jose_php — jose_php jose-php before 2.2.1 does not use constant-time operations for HMAC comparison, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via a timing attack, related to JWE.php and JWS.php. 2016-09-03 not yet calculated CVE-2016-5429
misp — misp app/Controller/TemplatesController.php in Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) before 2.3.92 does not properly restrict filenames under the tmp/files/ directory, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. 2016-09-03 not yet calculated CVE-2015-5719
misp — misp Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) before 2.3.90 allows remote attackers to conduct PHP object injection attacks via crafted serialized data, related to TemplatesController.php and populate_event_from_template_attributes.ctp. 2016-09-03 not yet calculated CVE-2015-5721
misp — misp Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the template-creation feature in Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) before 2.3.90 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via vectors involving (1) add.ctp, (2) edit.ctp, and (3) ajaxification.js. 2016-09-03 not yet calculated CVE-2015-5720

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Apple Releases Security Updates

Original release date: September 01, 2016

Apple has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in OS X and Safari. Exploitation of some of these vulnerabilities may allow a remote attacker to take control of an affected system.

Users and administrators are encouraged to review the Apple security page for OS X and Safari and apply the necessary updates.

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Cisco Releases Security Updates

Original release date: August 31, 2016

Cisco has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in several products. Exploitation of some of these vulnerabilities could allow a remote attacker to take control of an affected system.

US-CERT encourages users and administrators to review the following Cisco Security Advisories and apply the necessary updates:

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Google Releases Security Update for Chrome

Original release date: August 31, 2016

Google has released Chrome version 53.0.2785.89 to address multiple vulnerabilities for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Exploitation of some of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to take control of an affected system.

Users and administrators are encouraged to review the Chrome Releases page and apply the necessary update.

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FTC Releases Alert on Securing Personal Information When Using Rental Vehicles

Original release date: August 30, 2016

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has released recommendations for consumers to protect their personal data when using rental vehicles. Rental vehicles may contain infotainment systems that can connect with personal devices to stream music, allow hands-free calls and texts, or guide navigation. However, using connected vehicles can increase the risks of having personal data compromised. By taking precautions, users can protect themselves and their personal information.

US-CERT encourages users to review the FTC Alert and US-CERT’s Tip on Cybersecurity for Electronic Devices for more information.

This product is provided subject to this Notification and this Privacy & Use policy.

Adobe Releases Security Updates for ColdFusion

Original release date: August 30, 2016

Adobe has released security updates to address a vulnerability in ColdFusion. Exploitation of this vulnerability may allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information from an affected system.

Users and administrators are encouraged to review Adobe Security Bulletin APSB16-30 and apply the necessary updates.

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SB16-242: Vulnerability Summary for the Week of August 22, 2016

Original release date: August 29, 2016

The US-CERT Cyber Security Bulletin provides a summary of new vulnerabilities that have been recorded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Vulnerability Database (NVD) in the past week. The NVD is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) / United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT). For modified or updated entries, please visit the NVD, which contains historical vulnerability information.

The vulnerabilities are based on the CVE vulnerability naming standard and are organized according to severity, determined by the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) standard. The division of high, medium, and low severities correspond to the following scores:

  • High – Vulnerabilities will be labeled High severity if they have a CVSS base score of 7.0 – 10.0

  • Medium – Vulnerabilities will be labeled Medium severity if they have a CVSS base score of 4.0 – 6.9

  • Low – Vulnerabilities will be labeled Low severity if they have a CVSS base score of 0.0 – 3.9

Entries may include additional information provided by organizations and efforts sponsored by US-CERT. This information may include identifying information, values, definitions, and related links. Patch information is provided when available. Please note that some of the information in the bulletins is compiled from external, open source reports and is not a direct result of US-CERT analysis.

High Vulnerabilities

Vendor — Product
Description Published CVSS Score Source & Patch Info
apple — iphone_os The kernel in Apple iOS before 9.3.5 allows attackers to obtain sensitive information from memory via a crafted app. 2016-08-25 7.1 CVE-2016-4655
apple — iphone_os The kernel in Apple iOS before 9.3.5 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code in a privileged context or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via a crafted app. 2016-08-25 9.3 CVE-2016-4656
brocade — fabric_os HPE FOS before 7.4.1d and 8.x before 8.0.1 on StoreFabric B switches allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-22 7.8 CVE-2016-4376
cisco — ip_phone_8800_series_firmware Cisco IP Phone 8800 devices with software 11.0(1) allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via a crafted HTTP request, aka Bug ID CSCuz03038. 2016-08-22 7.8 CVE-2016-1479
cisco — ios_xr Memory leak in Cisco IOS XR 5.1.x through 5.1.3, 5.2.x through 5.2.5, and 5.3.x through 5.3.2 on ASR 9001 devices allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (control-plane protocol outage) via crafted fragmented packets, aka Bug ID CSCux26791. 2016-08-22 7.8 CVE-2016-6355
cisco — aironet_access_point_software Cisco Aironet 1800, 2800, and 3800 devices with software before, 8.2.12x before, and 8.3.x before allow local users to gain privileges via crafted CLI parameters, aka Bug ID CSCuz24725. 2016-08-22 7.2 CVE-2016-6362
cisco — anyconnect_secure_mobility_client Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client before 4.2.05015 and 4.3.x before 4.3.02039 mishandles pathnames, which allows local users to gain privileges via a crafted INF file, aka Bug ID CSCuz92464. 2016-08-25 7.2 CVE-2016-6369
citrix — xenapp Citrix XenApp 6.x before 6.5 HRP07 and 7.x before 7.9 and Citrix XenDesktop before 7.9 might allow attackers to weaken an unspecified security mitigation via vectors related to memory permission. 2016-08-19 7.5 CVE-2016-6493
d-link — dir-822_firmware Stack-based buffer overflow in dws/api/Login on D-Link DIR-850L B1 2.07 before 2.07WWB05, DIR-817 Ax, DIR-818LW Bx before 2.05b03beta03, DIR-822 C1 3.01 before 3.01WWb02, DIR-823 A1 1.00 before 1.00WWb05, DIR-895L A1 1.11 before 1.11WWb04, DIR-890L A1 1.09 before 1.09b14, DIR-885L A1 1.11 before 1.11WWb07, DIR-880L A1 1.07 before 1.07WWb08, DIR-868L B1 2.03 before 2.03WWb01, and DIR-868L C1 3.00 before 3.00WWb01 devices allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long session cookie. 2016-08-25 9.3 CVE-2016-5681
dbd-mysql_project — dbd-mysql Use-after-free vulnerability in DBD::mysql before 4.029 allows attackers to cause a denial of service (program crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors related to a lost server connection. 2016-08-19 10.0 CVE-2014-9906
dbd-mysql_project — dbd-mysql Use-after-free vulnerability in the my_login function in DBD::mysql before 4.033_01 allows attackers to have unspecified impact by leveraging a call to mysql_errno after a failure of my_login. 2016-08-19 10.0 CVE-2015-8949
f5 — big-ip_access_policy_manager The Configuration utility in F5 BIG-IP LTM, Analytics, APM, ASM, GTM, and Link Controller 11.x before 11.2.1 HF16, 11.3.x, 11.4.x before 11.4.1 HF10, 11.5.x before 11.5.4, and 11.6.x before 11.6.1; BIG-IP AAM 11.4.x before 11.4.1 HF10, 11.5.x before 11.5.4, and 11.6.x before 11.6.1; BIG-IP AFM and PEM 11.3.x, 11.4.x before 11.4.1 HF10, 11.5.x before 11.5.4, and 11.6.x before 11.6.1; BIG-IP Edge Gateway, WebAccelerator, and WOM 11.x before 11.2.1 HF16 and 11.3.0; and BIG-IP PSM 11.x before 11.2.1 HF16, 11.3.x, and 11.4.x before 11.4.1 HF10 allows remote authenticated users with certain permissions to gain privileges by leveraging an Access Policy Manager customization configuration section that allows file uploads. 2016-08-19 8.5 CVE-2015-8022
fortinet — fortios Buffer overflow in the Cookie parser in Fortinet FortiOS 4.x before 4.1.11, 4.2.x before 4.2.13, and 4.3.x before 4.3.9 and FortiSwitch before 3.4.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted HTTP request, aka EGREGIOUSBLUNDER. 2016-08-24 10.0 CVE-2016-6909
hp — converged_infrastructure_solution_sizer_suite HPE Smart Update in Storage Sizing Tool before 13.0, Converged Infrastructure Solution Sizer Suite (CISSS) before 2.13.1, Power Advisor before 7.8.2, Insight Management Sizer before 16.12.1, Synergy Planning Tool before 3.3, SAP Sizing Tool before 16.12.1, Sizing Tool for SAP Business Suite powered by HANA before 16.11.1, Sizer for ConvergedSystems Virtualization before 16.7.1, Sizer for Microsoft Exchange Server before 16.12.1, Sizer for Microsoft Lync Server 2013 before 16.12.1, Sizer for Microsoft SharePoint 2013 before 16.13.1, Sizer for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 before 16.11.1, and Sizer for Microsoft Skype for Business Server 2015 before 16.5.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-22 7.6 CVE-2016-4377
moxa — oncell_g3001_firmware Moxa OnCell G3100V2 devices before 2.8 and G3111, G3151, G3211, and G3251 devices before 1.7 do not properly restrict authentication attempts, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a brute-force attack. 2016-08-23 10.0 CVE-2016-5799
navis — webaccess SQL injection vulnerability in news pages in Cargotec Navis WebAccess before 2016-08-10 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-22 7.5 CVE-2016-5817
rockwellautomation — 1766-l32awa Rockwell Automation MicroLogix 1400 PLC 1766-L32BWA, 1766-L32AWA, 1766-L32BXB, 1766-L32BWAA, 1766-L32AWAA, and 1766-L32BXBA devices have a hardcoded SNMP community, which makes it easier for remote attackers to load arbitrary firmware updates by leveraging knowledge of this community. 2016-08-23 7.5 CVE-2016-5645
watchguard — rapidstream WatchGuard RapidStream appliances allow local users to gain privileges and execute arbitrary commands via a crafted ifconfig command, aka ESCALATEPLOWMAN. 2016-08-24 7.2 CVE-2016-7089
zmodo — zp-ibh-13w ZModo ZP-NE14-S and ZP-IBH-13W devices have a hardcoded root password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a TELNET session. 2016-08-23 10.0 CVE-2016-5081

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Medium Vulnerabilities

Vendor — Product
Description Published CVSS Score Source & Patch Info
apache — sentry Multiple incomplete blacklist vulnerabilities in Apache Sentry before 1.7.0 allow remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary code via the (1) reflect, (2) reflect2, or (3) java_method Hive builtin functions. 2016-08-19 6.5 CVE-2016-0760
apache — openmeetings Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the SWF panel in Apache OpenMeetings before 3.1.2 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the swf parameter. 2016-08-19 4.3 CVE-2016-3089
apple — iphone_os WebKit in Apple iOS before 9.3.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via a crafted web site. 2016-08-25 6.8 CVE-2016-4657
cisco — connected_streaming_analytics Cisco Connected Streaming Analytics 1.1.1 allows remote authenticated users to discover a notification service password by reading administrative pages, aka Bug ID CSCuz92891. 2016-08-22 4.0 CVE-2016-1477
cisco — webex_meetings_server Cisco WebEx Meetings Server 2.6 allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions and obtain sensitive application information via unspecified vectors, aka Bug ID CSCuy92724. 2016-08-22 5.0 CVE-2016-1484
cisco — identity_services_engine_software Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Cisco Identity Services Engine 1.3(0.876) allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via crafted parameters, aka Bug ID CSCva46497. 2016-08-22 4.3 CVE-2016-1485
cisco — transport_gateway_installation_software Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Cisco Transport Gateway Installation Software 4.1(4.0) on Smart Call Home Transport Gateway devices allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted value, aka Bug IDs CSCva40650 and CSCva40817. 2016-08-22 4.3 CVE-2016-6359
cisco — aironet_access_point_software The Aggregated MAC Protocol Data Unit (AMPDU) implementation on Cisco Aironet 1800, 2800, and 3800 devices with software before and 8.3.x before allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (device reload) via a crafted AMPDU header, aka Bug ID CSCuz56288. 2016-08-22 6.1 CVE-2016-6361
cisco — aironet_access_point_software The rate-limit feature in the 802.11 protocol implementation on Cisco Aironet 1800, 2800, and 3800 devices with software before and 8.3.x before allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (device reload) via crafted 802.11 frames, aka Bug ID CSCva06192. 2016-08-22 6.1 CVE-2016-6363
cisco — unified_communications_manager The User Data Services (UDS) API implementation in Cisco Unified Communications Manager 11.5 allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions and obtain sensitive information via unspecified API calls, aka Bug ID CSCux67855. 2016-08-22 5.0 CVE-2016-6364
cisco — firepower_management_center Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Cisco Firepower Management Center 4.10.3, 5.2.0, 5.3.0,, 5.3.1, and 5.4.0 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified parameters, aka Bug IDs CSCur25508 and CSCur25518. 2016-08-22 4.3 CVE-2016-6365
collectd — collectd Heap-based buffer overflow in the parse_packet function in network.c in collectd before 5.4.3 and 5.x before 5.5.2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted network packet. 2016-08-19 6.4 CVE-2016-6254
emc — authentication_manager_prime_self-service The Self-Service Portal in EMC RSA Authentication Manager (AM) Prime Self-Service 3.0 and 3.1 before 3.1 1915.42871 allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (PIN change for an arbitrary user) via a modified token serial number within a PIN change request, related to a “direct object reference vulnerability.” 2016-08-22 5.5 CVE-2016-0915
f5 — big-ip_access_policy_manager The Configuration utility in F5 BIG-IP systems 11.0.x, 11.1.x, 11.2.x before 11.2.1 HF16, 11.3.x, 11.4.x before 11.4.1 HF10, 11.5.x before 11.5.4 HF2, 1.6.x before 11.6.1, and 12.0.0 before HF1 allows remote administrators to read Access Policy Manager (APM) access logs via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-26 4.0 CVE-2016-1497
f5 — big-ip_access_policy_manager Virtual servers in F5 BIG-IP systems 11.2.1 HF11 through HF15, 11.4.1 HF4 through HF10, 11.5.3 through 11.5.4, 11.6.0 HF5 through HF7, and 12.0.0, when configured with a TCP profile, allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (Traffic Management Microkernel restart) via crafted network traffic. 2016-08-26 5.0 CVE-2016-5023
f5 — big-ip_access_policy_manager The default configuration of the IPsec IKE peer listener in F5 BIG-IP LTM, Analytics, APM, ASM, and Link Controller 11.2.1 before HF16, 11.4.x, 11.5.x before 11.5.4 HF2, 11.6.x before 11.6.1, and 12.x before 12.0.0 HF2; BIG-IP AAM, AFM, and PEM 11.4.x, 11.5.x before 11.5.4 HF2, 11.6.x before 11.6.1, and 12.x before 12.0.0 HF2; BIG-IP DNS 12.x before 12.0.0 HF2; BIG-IP Edge Gateway, WebAccelerator, and WOM 11.2.1 before HF16; BIG-IP GTM 11.2.1 before HF16, 11.4.x, 11.5.x before 11.5.4 HF2, and 11.6.x before 11.6.1; and BIG-IP PSM 11.4.0 through 11.4.1 improperly enables the anonymous IPsec IKE peer configuration object, which allows remote attackers to establish an IKE Phase 1 negotiation and possibly conduct brute-force attacks against Phase 2 negotiations via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-19 5.0 CVE-2016-5736
fortinet — fortianalyzer_firmware Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the address added page in Fortinet FortiManager 5.x before 5.0.12 and 5.2.x before 5.2.6 and FortiAnalyzer 5.x before 5.0.13 and 5.2.x before 5.2.6 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-19 4.3 CVE-2016-3194
fortinet — fortianalyzer_firmware Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Web-UI in Fortinet FortiManager 5.x before 5.0.12 and 5.2.x before 5.2.6 and FortiAnalyzer 5.x before 5.0.13 and 5.2.x before 5.2.6 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-19 4.3 CVE-2016-3195
kaspersky — safe_browser Kaspersky Safe Browser iOS before 1.7.0 does not verify X.509 certificates from SSL servers, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to obtain sensitive information via a crafted certificate. 2016-08-25 4.3 CVE-2016-6231
redhat — cloudforms The web UI in Red Hat CloudForms 4.1 allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving “Lack of field filters.” 2016-08-26 6.5 CVE-2016-5383
roundcube — webmail Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Roundcube Webmail before 1.1.5 allows remote attackers to hijack the authentication of users for requests that download attachments and cause a denial of service (disk consumption) via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-25 6.8 CVE-2016-4069
theforeman — foreman The (1) Organization and (2) Locations APIs in Foreman before 1.11.3 and 1.12.x before 1.12.0-RC1 allow remote authenticated users with unlimited filters to bypass organization and location restrictions and read or modify data for an arbitrary organization by leveraging knowledge of the id of that organization. 2016-08-19 6.0 CVE-2016-4451
theforeman — foreman The (1) Organization and (2) Locations APIs and UIs in Foreman before 1.11.4 and 1.12.x before 1.12.0-RC3 allow remote authenticated users to bypass organization and location restrictions and (a) read, (b) edit, or (c) delete arbitrary organizations or locations via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-19 6.5 CVE-2016-4475
theforeman — foreman Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in app/helpers/form_helper.rb in Foreman before 1.12.2, as used by Remote Execution and possibly other plugins, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the label parameter. 2016-08-19 4.3 CVE-2016-6319
ultravnc — repeater UltraVNC Repeater before 1300 does not restrict destination IP addresses or TCP ports, which allows remote attackers to obtain open-proxy functionality by using a :: substring in between the IP address and port number. 2016-08-25 5.0 CVE-2016-5673
zmodo — zp-ibh-13w ZModo ZP-NE14-S and ZP-IBH-13W devices do not enforce a WPA2 configuration setting, which allows remote attackers to trigger association with an arbitrary access point by using a recognized SSID value. 2016-08-23 5.0 CVE-2016-5650

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Low Vulnerabilities

Vendor — Product
Description Published CVSS Score Source & Patch Info
cisco — ip_phone_8800_series_firmware Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability on Cisco IP Phone 8800 devices with software 11.0 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via crafted parameters, aka Bug ID CSCuz03024. 2016-08-22 3.5 CVE-2016-1476
fortinet — fortianalyzer_firmware Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the appliance web-application in Fortinet FortiManager 5.x before 5.0.12, 5.2.x before 5.2.6, and 5.4.x before 5.4.1 and FortiAnalyzer 5.x before 5.0.13, 5.2.x before 5.2.6, and 5.4.x before 5.4.1 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-19 3.5 CVE-2016-3193
moxa — oncell_g3001_firmware Moxa OnCell G3100V2 devices before 2.8 and G3111, G3151, G3211, and G3251 devices before 1.7 use cleartext password storage, which makes it easier for local users to obtain sensitive information by reading a configuration file. 2016-08-23 2.1 CVE-2016-5812
theforeman — foreman Foreman before 1.11.4 and 1.12.x before 1.12.1 does not properly restrict access to preview provisioning templates, which allows remote authenticated users with permission to view some hosts to obtain sensitive host configuration information via a URL with a hostname. 2016-08-19 3.5 CVE-2016-4995
theforeman — foreman Foreman before 1.11.4 and 1.12.x before 1.12.1 allow remote authenticated users with the view_hosts permission containing a filter to obtain sensitive network interface information via a request to API routes beneath “hosts,” as demonstrated by a GET request to api/v2/hosts/secrethost/interfaces. 2016-08-19 2.1 CVE-2016-5390
theforeman — foreman Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js in Foreman before 1.12.2 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the network interface device identifier in the host interface form. 2016-08-19 3.5 CVE-2016-6320

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Severity Not Yet Assigned

Vendor — Product
Description Published CVSS Score Source & Patch Info
accellion — kiteworks_appliance Accellion Kiteworks appliances before kw2016.03.00 use setuid-root permissions for /opt/bin/cli, which allows local users to gain privileges via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-5662
accellion — kiteworks_appliance Directory traversal vulnerability on Accellion Kiteworks appliances before kw2016.03.00 allows remote attackers to read files via a crafted URI. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-5664
accellion — kiteworks_appliance Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in oauth_callback.php on Accellion Kiteworks appliances before kw2016.03.00 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) code, (2) error, or (3) error_description parameter. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-5663
adobe — acrobat_and_reader Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.16, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30172, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.016.20039 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-1037, CVE-2016-1063, CVE-2016-1064, CVE-2016-1071, CVE-2016-1072, CVE-2016-1073, CVE-2016-1074, CVE-2016-1076, CVE-2016-1077, CVE-2016-1078, CVE-2016-1080, CVE-2016-1081, CVE-2016-1082, CVE-2016-1083, CVE-2016-1084, CVE-2016-1085, CVE-2016-1086, CVE-2016-1088, CVE-2016-1093, CVE-2016-1095, CVE-2016-1116, CVE-2016-1118, CVE-2016-1119, CVE-2016-1120, CVE-2016-1123, CVE-2016-1124, CVE-2016-1125, CVE-2016-1126, CVE-2016-1127, CVE-2016-1128, CVE-2016-1129, CVE-2016-1130, CVE-2016-4088, CVE-2016-4089, CVE-2016-4090, CVE-2016-4093, CVE-2016-4094, CVE-2016-4096, CVE-2016-4097, CVE-2016-4098, CVE-2016-4099, CVE-2016-4100, CVE-2016-4101, CVE-2016-4103, CVE-2016-4104, and CVE-2016-4105. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-4119
adobe — acrobat_and_reader Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4265, CVE-2016-4266, CVE-2016-4267, CVE-2016-4268, and CVE-2016-4269. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-4270
adobe — acrobat_and_reader Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4265, CVE-2016-4266, CVE-2016-4267, CVE-2016-4268, and CVE-2016-4270. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-4269
adobe — acrobat_and_reader Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4265, CVE-2016-4266, CVE-2016-4267, CVE-2016-4269, and CVE-2016-4270. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-4268
adobe — acrobat_and_reader Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4265, CVE-2016-4266, CVE-2016-4268, CVE-2016-4269, and CVE-2016-4270. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-4267
adobe — acrobat_and_reader Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4265, CVE-2016-4267, CVE-2016-4268, CVE-2016-4269, and CVE-2016-4270. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-4266
adobe — acrobat_and_reader Adobe Reader and Acrobat before 11.0.17, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Classic before 15.006.30198, and Acrobat and Acrobat Reader DC Continuous before 15.017.20050 on Windows and OS X allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2016-4191, CVE-2016-4192, CVE-2016-4193, CVE-2016-4194, CVE-2016-4195, CVE-2016-4196, CVE-2016-4197, CVE-2016-4198, CVE-2016-4199, CVE-2016-4200, CVE-2016-4201, CVE-2016-4202, CVE-2016-4203, CVE-2016-4204, CVE-2016-4205, CVE-2016-4206, CVE-2016-4207, CVE-2016-4208, CVE-2016-4211, CVE-2016-4212, CVE-2016-4213, CVE-2016-4214, CVE-2016-4250, CVE-2016-4251, CVE-2016-4252, CVE-2016-4254, CVE-2016-4266, CVE-2016-4267, CVE-2016-4268, CVE-2016-4269, and CVE-2016-4270. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-4265
HPE — command_view The (1) Device Manager, (2) Tiered Storage Manager, (3) Replication Manager, (4) Replication Monitor, and (5) Hitachi Automation Director (HAD) components in HPE XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Software before 8.4.1-00 and XP7 Command View Advanced Edition Suite before 8.4.1-00 allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via unspecified vectors. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-4378
php — vibe Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in PHPVibe before 4.21 allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a comment. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2015-5399
readydesk — readydesk Directory traversal vulnerability in chat/openattach.aspx in ReadyDesk 9.1 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) in the SESID parameter in conjunction with a filename in the FNAME parameter. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-5049
readydesk — readydesk ReadyDesk 9.1 allows local users to determine cleartext SQL Server credentials by reading the SQL_Config.aspx file and decrypting data with a hardcoded key in the ReadyDesk.dll file. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-5683
readydesk — readydesk SQL injection vulnerability in chat/staff/default.aspx in ReadyDesk 9.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the user name field. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-5048
readydesk — readydesk Unrestricted file upload vulnerability in chat/sendfile.aspx in ReadyDesk 9.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by uploading and requesting a .aspx file. 2016-08-26 not yet assigned CVE-2016-5050

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Apple Releases Security Update

Original release date: August 25, 2016

Apple has released a security update to address multiple vulnerabilites in iOS. Exploitation of some of these vulnerabilities may allow a remote attacker to take control of an affected system. The update is for iPhone 4s and later, iPad 2 and later, and iPod touch (5th generation) and later.

US-CERT encourages users and administrators to review the Apple security page for iOS 9.3.5 and apply the necessary update.

This product is provided subject to this Notification and this Privacy & Use policy.

VMWare Releases Security Updates

Original release date: August 24, 2016

VMWare has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in VMware Identity Manager and vRealize Automation. Exploitation of one of these vulnerabilities could allow a remote attacker to take control of an affected system.

Users and administrators are encouraged to review VMware Security Advisory VMSA-2016-0013 and apply the necessary updates.

This product is provided subject to this Notification and this Privacy & Use policy.