Fedora EPEL 6 Security Update: drupal7-ctools-1.7-1.el6

Resolved Bugs
1203480 – drupal7-ctools-1.7 is available
1187880 – drupal7-ctools-1.6 is available<br
Update to upstream 1.7 release for security fixes
## 7.x-1.6
* Issue #2415709 by maximpodorov: Use drupal_static_fast pattern in ctools_get_plugins()
* Issue #813754 by mrjmd, japerry, DamienMcKenna, Michelle, anon, hiphip: Ability to set variant machine name in Panels UI
* Issue #1596720 by joel_osc: Undefined property: stdClass::$nid in ctools_node_created_content_type_render()
* Issue #2288741 by dobe, mrjmd, japerry: Title Headings
* Issue #2410815 by DamienMcKenna, mrjmd: Access plugin for node comments
* Issue #1928054 by mrjmd, yannickoo, Dave Reid, magicmyth: Field formatter settings with CTools content_type entity_field plugin
* Issue #2400915 by DamienMcKenna, japerry: Hardcode the last released CTools version in the info file
* Issue #1909408 by gmclelland, mrjmd: ctools_modal_form_wrapper returns form array instead of ajax_commands array
* Issue #2307025 by chemical, mrjmd: jQuery object always represent value true whether object is empty or not
* Issue #1760384 by DamienMcKenna, meba: Update node_view.inc to execute the normal Drupal hooks
* Issue #1907242 by mrjmd, logaritmisk: Strict check if ctools_context_handler_render is returning FALSE
* Issue #2328787 by Elijah Lynn, mrjmd: In ctools_block_content_type_render() if (empty($block)) is never true
* Issue #1844086 by mrjmd, InternetDevels: display content type when adding existing node
* Issue #2062603 by dixon_, Michelle: Provide user links content type plugin
* Issue #2396171 by plopesc: Pass Plugin info array to hook_plugin() implementations
* Issue #2058501 by dixon_: Provide comment links content type plugin
* Issue #2247071 by ohthehugemanatee, DamienMcKenna: Add option for Page Site Name pane to link to the homepage
* Issue #1652060 by mrfelton, andrewmacpherson: ‘Disable Drupal blocks/regions’ setting doesn’t work when blocks are placed into regions with systems other than core blocks
* Issue #2231535 by izus: Show which module provides a page
* Issue #2399033 by niko-, japerry: In string length access plugin “Equal to” option not work
* Issue #2381681 by maximpodorov: Incorrect unbinding in dependent.js
* Issue #2336985 by Dave Reid: ctools_entity_field_content_type_render() unnecessarily alters field deltas
* Issue #1686868 by gantenx, iSylence: Keyword subtitution in exposed filter form
* Issue #870938 by DamienMcKenna, lokapujya: Add new permission for controlling imports
* Issue #2228083 by AndrewsizZ: Delete not needed element from array in existing node plugin
* Issue #2397709 by maximpodorov, kristiaanvandeneynde: Set #tree property in the proper place
* Issue #2380253 by japerry, pc-wurm: Remove deprecated views_content_views_content_type_content_type() function
* Issue #1300562 by DamienMcKenna, smk-ka, zilverdistel: More control over wizard trail theming
* Issue #2155443 by das-peter: Enhancement of content type “List of related terms” (term_list)
* Issue #2063977 by maximpodorov: Broken form data generated by _ctools_context_selector()
* Issue #2186167 by maximpodorov: Undefined index notices in context-admin.inc
* Issue #1901946 by bangpound: ctools_export_ui_list_form argument should be passed by reference
* Issue #2207881 by tim.plunkett: Allow menu items with %ctools_js to work with drupal_valid_path()
* Issue #1163168 by kobee: Custom string context substitution
* Issue #1058786 by vgoodvin, Stevel, rooby: Caveat About Plugin Name Length and Export UI
* Issue #2059039 by B-Prod: Fallback behavior for user edit page omits the category parameter
* Issue #1820882 by DamienMcKenna: Make node revisions use the node_view display
* Issue #2273025 by alextdk: Fatal error in user context settings form
* Issue #1771088 by jenlampton, IshaDakota: Provide equivalent content pane for comment-wrapper.tpl.php content
* Issue #1532054 by dubois: Term from View Relationship problems
* Issue #2152405 by das-peter: ctools_fields_get_field_formatter_settings_form() not fully compatible to field_ui
* Issue #2168849 by jhedstrom: Add a selection rule based on whether a node is in a book or not
* Issue #2070217 by DYdave: Pass Entity Field Panes display settings to field formatters: offset, limit and reversed
* Minor whitespace JS cleanup related to #805704
* Issue #1823834 by prinds, jerrylow, joelpittet: Modal windows disable keyboard shortcuts in firefox and chrome
* Issue #1313368 by pfrenssen: remove $GLOBALS[‘lock’] usage in ctools_flush_caches()
* Issue #2296553 by DamienMcKenna: Pane plugin for displaying the taxonomy term’s name
* Issue #2222543 by tom friedhof: hook_block_view_MODULE_DELTA_alter not called when placing blocks in panels
* Issue #954942 by Jorrit, MegaChriz, merlinofchaos: Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::is_type() in includes/context.inc on line 147
* Issue #2374831 by korgik: set weight of Parent item if Panel menu item is default tab
* Issue #1948278 by MiSc, maximpodorov, gmclelland: Get an edit link for the view panes in Page Manger
* Issue #1669756 by dawehner, gmclelland, tim.plunkett: Provide a contextual link for view panes
* Issue #1630820 by maximpodorov, andypost, Dave Reid, japerry, mikeytown2: entity_field_value is completely broken
* Issue #2319515 by mrjmd, Silicon.Valet: Entity id context placeholder form (for use with panels preview)
* Issue #742832 by pounard, c960657, das-peter: ctools_plugin_load_includes() can set cache on every request
* Issue #2012188 by joelpittet, hefox, mpotter: IPE tries getting title for removed entity fields content, resulting in PHP warning
* Issue #2312505 by dsnopek: Views panes using invalid Views display option “more_link” (is actually called “use_more”)
* Issue #1565782 by djdevin, adam-delaney: Exclude fields for Allowed Settings Fields Override
* Issue #2055785 by roberttstephens, mpotter, dsnopek: Modal window top and left style values are incorrect after resizing
* Issue #1978378 by Samvel, dsnopek: Page title check plained twice

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