jessie released – backports related changes

      Dear users of the backports service!

 With the release of Jessie (coming up) we are pleased to open the doors
for jessie-backports and wheezy-backports-sloppy (mostly all
architectures are already buildable there, too).  Whee!

 But, PLEASE DO READ ON, there are some changes in the process that we
would like to do for the new upload pockets.

== What to upload where ==

 As a reminder, uploads to a release-backports pocket are to be taken
from release + 1, uploads to a release-backports-sloppy pocket are to be
taken from release + 2.  Which means:

 Source Distribution | Backports Distribution | Sloppy Distribution
 stretch             | jessie-backports       | wheezy-backports-sloppy
 jessie              | wheezy-backports       | squeeze-backports-sloppy

== We drop -v switch hard requirement ==

 We required uploads to contain the changelog entries since the former
version in stable in the changes file.  This was quite con

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