Making the web a more positive place this Safer Internet Day

This blog has been written by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, a part of The Children’s Bureau charity in the UK. To celebrate Safer Internet Day 2015, AVG has teamed up with the Anti-Bullying Alliance to create a graphic designed to help anyone who may be experiencing cyberbullying.


It seems like a lifetime ago but many of us at the Anti-Bullying Alliance can still remember a pre-Internet world. There were few computers and certainly no smartphones.

Once you left the house you had to print a map of where you were going and hope that the person you arranged to meet would actually turn up.

Fortunately, now we have the Internet and it’s infinite different uses. Looking around, it is hard to find a part of our day to day lives that hasn’t been touched by the world wide web.

However, as is so often the case, with great power comes great responsibility. The Internet gives us an incredible window into the world but it’s up to each of us that we use the net responsibly.

The Anti-Bullying Alliance is all about working to make the Internet a safe and positive place to be. But with recent stories in the press about antisocial behaviour on social media sites it’s no wonder parents and schools are concerned about keeping young people safe from cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is a significant issue facing young people today, and according to Safer Internet Day research in 2013, as many as 41% of 7–11 year olds knew someone who had been cyberbullied

That’s why we’ve created some tips in the infographic below with AVG to support Safer Internet Day 2015.

Don’t forget that the biggest impact we can have to reduce cyberbullying is to model kindness and respect both online and off – stay safe, fun and connected.

You can follow the Anti-Bullying Alliance on Twitter @ABAonline


Safer Internet Day Cyberbullying Graphic


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