Tag Archives: Android

Warning: Millions of Xiaomi Phones Vulnerable to Remote Hacking

Millions of Xiaomi smartphones are vulnerable to a dangerous remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability that could grant attackers complete control of handsets.

The vulnerability, now patched, exists in MIUI – Xiaomi’s own implementation of the Android operating system – in versions prior to MIUI Global Stable 7.2 which is based on Android 6.0.

The flaw, discovered by IBM X-Force researcher

This Android Hacking Group is making $500,000 per day

Own an Android smartphone?

Hackers can secretly install malicious apps, games, and pop-up adverts on your smartphone remotely in order to make large sums of money.

Security researchers at Cheetah Mobile have uncovered one of the world’s largest and most prolific Trojan families, infecting millions of Android devices around the world.

Dubbed Hummer, the notorious mobile trojan stealthily

How to Crack Android Full Disk Encryption on Qualcomm Devices

The heated battle between Apple and the FBI provoked a lot of talk about Encryption – the technology that has been used to keep all your bits and bytes as safe as possible.

We can not say a lot about Apple’s users, but Android users are at severe risk when it comes to encryption of their personal and sensitive data.

Android’s full-disk encryption can be cracked much more easily than expected