A hacker with little more than a minute can bypass the authentication procedures on some Linux systems just by holding down the Enter key for around 70 seconds.
The result? The act grants the hacker a shell with root privileges, which allows them to gain complete remote control over encrypted Linux machine.
The security issue relies due to a vulnerability (CVE-2016-4484) in the

Information security and privacy are consistently hot topics after Edward Snowden revelations of NSA’s global surveillance that brought the world’s attention towards data protection and encryption as never before.
Moreover, just days after Windows 10’s successful launch last summer, we saw various default settings in the Microsoft’s newest OS that compromise users’ privacy, making a large

Good News for Linux Techno Freaks! Do you usually mess with your Android smartphone by trying out the continual ins and outs of various apps and custom ROMs?
Then this news would be a perfect pick for you!
What If, you can effectively carry a Linux computer in your pocket?
Hereby introducing a new Android-based Operating system named “Maru OS” that combine the mobility of a

Ian Murdock, the founder the Debian Linux operating system and the creator of apt-get, has passed away.
Yes, it is very sad to announce that Ian Murdock is not between us. His death has touched the entire software community. He was just 42.
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The announcement of Murdock death came out via a blog post on Docker website, where Murdock was working as a member of the technical

Software and Security Information