Celebrities around the World, beware! Many of us have surrender to Instagram, but we have to advice that we are endangering ourselves! One can easily follow our steps if we publish our photos without caution.
The filters used by this app, owned by Facebook, have become one of the celebs favorites! Even Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the United States, has an Instagram account! She –or her community manager- is making a mistake: sharing photos on Instagram and also sharing her location information.

Is a feature available to all Instagram users when sharing a picture. In addition to using filters you can add your location to your picture, captured via your smartphone GPS. Instagram will pinpoint your images on a worlds map, depending where you took them or where you shared them (in case the spot is not the same and the information is not on the metadata of the picture).

What happened to the First Lady is not the only and not even the most dangerous incident that jeopardizes the security of an important person. After all, the majority of Michelle Obama’s pictures are located at The White House. As expected.
However, many other celebrities share their location, making it easy to any follower to stalk them, capturing where they upload their photos, their habits or the places they usually visit.
Another celebrity that shares her map with her followers is Beyonce, if one clicked in her profile one would be able to see where the picture was taken or uploaded.

This information, which can only be seen from Instagram mobile app, is not shared by default. When uploading a photo on to this social network users can turn on the “Add to Photo Map” settings. Is by doing this, when followers are able to see where the picture was taken or uploaded.
Nevertheless, not all celebrities share this information with the public. Tailor Swift and Kim Kardashian, for example, have this option deactivated. They are actively involved with their followers but don’t take the risk of having thousands of fans monitoring their pace. Keeping their favourite places for themselves.

Sharing your location with your followers may seem risky, but it is not activated by default. You already know how to avoid social networks sharing your location! But celebrities can erase their tracks if they regret leaving breadcrumbs on Instagram, so their followers are not able to follow their steps. Each user can erase the photos on his map by clicking on it, from the app and choosing the “Edit” option.
Please be careful! We are sure your followers are very grateful that you are always telling them where you are, but for your security’s sake, don’t!
The post Celebrities on Instagram. Are they putting their lives at risk? appeared first on MediaCenter Panda Security.