Tag Archives: Press

AVG Strengthens Channel with Product Enhancements, New Partners and Certification Program

AMSTERDAM — March 22, 2016 — AVG® Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG), the online security company™ providing leading software and services to secure devices, data and people, announced today key drivers to accelerate value for AVG channel partners and support small and medium business customers’ security needs. The company has optimized its AVG Business portfolio with new cloud security updates, added channel partners to enhance its partner ecosystem, and will be launching a partner certification program.

“We are transforming our AVG channel program to increase channel partner value,” said Fred Gerritse, GM, AVG Business. “Our partners need to effectively respond to their business customers’ security needs, while continuing to grow their own operations.  We are putting new initiatives in place that will address these needs and help enable partners to become more experienced in AVG business security solutions and to work more simply and efficiently with us in the process.”

New AVG CloudCare security features
The company is integrating key AVG Antivirus 2016 features with its AVG CloudCare product, for advanced endpoint security protection. The new features include a faster scanning engine; cloud-based, real-time outbreak detection and proactive artificial intelligence detection capabilities; and access to advanced policy settings. AVG CloudCare enables partners to access a range of security services through one platform and centralized dashboard, with the ability to manage and monitor services automatically.

New channel partners
AVG has signed new channel partners this year and also strengthened its AVG Business distribution channels to increase flexibility and revenue opportunities for distributors and partners. CMS Distribution, the largest UK and Ireland independent, value-added distributor, has joined AVG’s channel partner program as a new UK distributor. Serving 3,000 partners, including the top UK VARs, CMS Distribution brings the go-to-market track record to sell the full AVG Business portfolio, including AVG AntiVirus and Internet Security Business Edition, AVG CloudCare, and its remote monitoring and management (RMM) platform, AVG Managed Workplace®.

New partner certification program
AVG Business partners and distributors will soon have access, through a new partner certification program, to business, marketing and technical training to elevate AVG product expertise and simplify end customer onboarding and implementation. To meet these goals, the program will deliver an efficient, systematic approach to product and technical training, including a phased certification program that rewards partners for developing knowledge and achieving specific revenue milestones.

AVG’s Partner Certification Program and AVG CloudCare enhancements will be available in April. For more information, visit http://www.avg.com/service-provider-solutions.


About AVG Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG)
AVG is the leading provider of software services to secure devices, data and people. AVG’s award-winning consumer portfolio includes internet security, performance optimization, location services, data controls and insights, and privacy and identity protection, for mobile devices and desktops. The AVG Business portfolio, delivered through a global partner network, provides cloud security and remote monitoring and management (RMM) solutions that protect small and medium businesses around the world. For more information visit www.avg.com.


Press contacts

Zoe Kine, AVG Technologies
+1 415 694 3654

Tony Mays, AVG Technologies
+44 7852 776936

Rachel Starr, Inner Circle Labs
+1 415 684 9560


The Fight for Privacy– Apple vs. the Federal Government

AVG’s Chief Legal Officer, Harvey Anderson recently sat down with Marty Gonzalez from San Francisco’s Kron 4 Morning News Weekend to discuss why Apple is fighting back against privacy disclosure.

Over the last few weeks the entire country has been discussing the court order enforcing Apple to unlock data security from the iOS device used by one of the alleged terrorists in the San Bernardino shooting.  Whether talks of support were in favor of the Federal government or for the tech giant, the larger issue that continues to rise to the surface is how this could jeopardize the privacy of millions of iOS users.

Recently, AVG’s Chief Legal Officer, Harvey Anderson sat down with San Francisco’s own Marty Gonzalez from Kron 4 Morning News Weekend, to discuss the severity of Apple complying with the ruling and unlocking the door to privacy.

VIDEO: Chief Legal Officer discusses Apple vs Federal Government

Gonzalez: ….So far it’s been a stalemate between the FBI and Apple. What would be the long term range impact of Apple refusing this court order to crack the code?

Anderson: I think it’s dangerous what’s happening right now…You’re essentially asking a company to introduce a vulnerability, a bug, a security flaw into its system. Once that happens, there’s not a lot of confidence that this bug will only be used for this case. Suppose an authoritarian government gets it, suppose a malicious hacker gets it. Will it also be used the next time you want to get data….?

Gonzalez: Let’s say people are, people are thinking, wait a minute, why doesn’t Apple just give the FBI the phone, Apple cracks the code and gives it back to the FBI and it’s just a one-time deal. Is that not plausible?

Anderson: Not really. Actually, what happened in this case is that Apple was working very closely with the FBI and right after the phone was taken into custody it appears that we just learned is that the Apple ID password was reset. So Apple has a very easy way to do an iCloud backup of this phone. The phone could have been brought to a trusted network, the network would have recognized the data, and then the government could have gotten the data from Apple’s Cloud which it has access to. But someone within the San Bernardino county officials recently tweeted that the FBI asked them to reset the passwords, which prevented this easy method to get the data.

Gonzalez: Apple and the Federal government have been arguing the whole topic about encryption for years. This is just the latest step. Where do you think this issue goes from here?

Anderson: It’s so unknown. It’s such a dangerous precedent. If this order is upheld. As you know this order was actually an ex parte order. Apple has not had a chance to oppose it legally but I think it’s such a dangerous to force a company to introduce a security flaw. The problem is that there is no privacy without security. That’s the underlining paradigm that exists here. Once you start to take away security, it starts to compromise people’s privacy. It’s not privacy against the proper judicial use of disclosure and discover it’s against others.

Gonzalez: Apple is arguing that once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Anderson: Exactly.

AVG and The Scouts challenge UK children to ‘Take Six’ before posting online

LONDON – February 92016 – AVG Technologies (NYSE: AVG), the online security company™ providing leading software and services to secure devices, data and people, and The Scout Association, announced today the start of a new initiative aimed at encouraging young people to think before posting or sharing their pictures, videos or texts. Today’s launch of Take 6, or #tk6 is focused on helping people make more informed decisions online with a small, but significant, behaviour change.

In a society where communication via mobile and social media is immediate, many people do not give much thought to ramifications of sending that text or that image. #tk6 is built on the idea that people should stop to think before posting or sending, essentially encouraging them to “take six seconds” before making that decision.

There are three options for the #tk6 community to tackle their very own ‘six-second challenge’:

  • Six Seconds of Silence: With the help of their friends and fellow Scouts, we challenge children to record a video showing the action of counting to six in silence, to symbolise the six seconds of thinking before you post.
  • The Lemon Challenge: Accepting the nomination, brave the bitterness to bite into a lemon for six seconds, then nominate six more people to take the challenge.
  • Be Prepared: Create six-second videos illustrating The Scouts’ “Be Prepared” motto to represent the time needed to stop and think about a decision in the digital world.

Challenges will be accepted via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, when posted with #tk6.

The AVG Technologies and The Scout Association partnership sees the development of the #tk6 platform, supported by social media, designed to offer three, key interactions:

  1. Connect– building a community
  2. Discover– embed #tk6 into behavioural consciousness
  3. Engage– source and share relevant and entertaining content

Introducing this programme with The Scout Association and its extensive network, the “take six seconds” challenge empowers digitally savvy young people to make real change to their online behaviour. The programme creates a forum, where they can openly share some of the key issues in their world, learn from each other, and make better decisions for the future. When surveying the landscape of online content today, the vast majority of it is targeted to the parents or is talking down to kids. We want to create a place online where youth can positively influence each other, rather than listening to (or more likely ignoring) lectures from adults. With the right tools, and just a little bit of time to think before they act (say, six seconds), young people can be more responsible than we give them credit for.

“AVG is proud to be adding the #tk6 campaign to our #smartuser initiative,” said Tony Anscombe, Senior Security Evangelist at AVG Technologies. “The #smartuser initiative aims to educate and empower people, helping ensure they receive information about online responsibilities with the right content at the right time. Partnering with The Scout Association will introduce #tk6 to millions of UK-based Scouting, and indirectly, non-Scouting, individuals to play an active part in this.”

“Together, we will seek to create a #tk6 community where relevant brands, influencers and organisations can engage,” said Alex Killick, Corporate Partnerships Manager at The Scout Association. “Our aim is for this partnership to deliver the shared space, not just to create a community, but to give the community the opportunity to share the key issues they face.”



About AVG Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG):

AVG is the leading provider of software services to secure devices, data and people. AVG’s award-winning consumer portfolio includes internet security, performance optimization, location services, data controls and insights, and privacy and identity protection, for mobile devices and desktops. The AVG Business portfolio, delivered through a global partner network, provides cloud security and remote monitoring and management (RMM) solutions that protect small and medium businesses around the world. For more information visit www.avg.com.


About the Smart User Initiative:

The Smart User Initiative is a growing global digital coalition of individuals, businesses and brands working together to help prepare the next wave of digital citizens to be safer, happier and more productive online. Our aim is to nurture and enable the next four billion smart phone users to have the digital skills needed to enjoy the Internet and the digital world without compromising themselves or others. When people get their first smart phone it doesn’t come with an instruction manual to teach them the “dos and don’ts” of digital safety to protect themselves from identity theft, privacy breeches, cyberbullying and more. The Smart User Initiative uses entertaining and engaging content that’s accessible right where the users need it to create a place where anyone can get involved from simple association right through to active participation.



About Scouting:

The Scout Association was founded on 1 August 1907.

Adventure is at the core of Scouting, and the Association passionately believes in helping their members fulfil their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential by working in teams, learning by doing and thinking for themselves.

Over 200 activities are offered by Scouting around the UK, made possible by the efforts of 100,000 voluntary adult leaders. This has helped make Scouting the largest co-educational youth movement in the UK.

One of the challenges that the Scout Movement faces is finding more volunteers to plug the current gap.  At present there are over 35,000 young people on waiting lists as more and more young people want to experience the adventure of Scouting.

Studies have shown Scout Leaders contribute the equivalent of 37 million hours voluntary work every year which is the equivalent of £380 million pounds worth of unpaid youth work.

Worldwide Scouting has more than 31 million male and female members and operates in nearly every country in the world.

In January 2012 the Duchess of Cambridge started to volunteer with the Scout Movement with her local group in North Wales.

91% of Scout volunteers and 88% of youth members say that Scouting has helped them develop key skills for life. *

In 2012 Scouting was voted the UK’s most inspirational and practical charity. *

*Source nfpSynergy Brand Attributes Survey, May 2012 and PACE Members survey 2011



 AVG: Tony Mays
Tel: +44 7852 776936
Email: tony.mays@avg.com

 Press information: http://now.avg.com

AVG Unveils New Smart Photo Cleaner

AMSTERDAM – January 5, 2016 – AVG® Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG), the online security company™ for devices, data and people, today introduced Smart Photo Cleaner, a new feature within the AVG Cleaner™ for Android™ application. Perfect for consumers with a serious photo addiction, but who rarely delete blurry, duplicate or similar images, the new Smart Photo Cleaner helps users regain lost mobile storage by identifying and removing unwanted photos.

Additional updates to the latest version of AVG Cleaner, AVG’s flagship mobile performance app, include a new, one-click dashboard overview that analyzes the device’s status and initiates a one-tap clean-up of hidden files, storage and battery-draining apps.

“On average, we each carry 2GB of unnecessary photos on our smart devices,” said Ron Levy, Senior Product Manager at AVG Technologies. “These files slow mobile performance and take up valuable space that people would rather use for more memorable pictures, useful apps or new games. But manually editing your photo collection can be tedious and time-consuming. Smart Photo Cleaner does the dirty work for you, automatically finding photos you can do without, saving you time and improving your smartphone’s performance.”

AVG Cleaner for Android now includes

  • Smart Photo Cleaner: Automatically identifies duplicate, similar and poor quality photos, so users can remove them from the device and free storage
  • One-Click Dashboard Overview: Provides one-tap analysis of device performance, battery life and storage, helping users easily—and from a single screen—fix, clean and remove top resource hogs, bad photos, unnecessary files
  • Cache Cleaner: Identifies and cleans hidden and unused files to free space
  • History Cleaner: Earmarks browser history and old call logs for deletion
  • App Manager: Flags resource-hungry apps (as detailed in AVG’s latest App Performance & Trends Report) and helps users stop or delete them to free device storage, increase battery life
  • Battery Manager: Helps users optimize battery life by automatically turning off power-sapping features and creating “Battery Profiles,” which adjust battery usage based on location (i.e. at home, at work, in the car)



About AVG Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG)

AVG is the online security company™ for devices, data and people. AVG’s award-winning consumer portfolio includes internet security, performance optimization, location services, data controls and insights, and privacy and identity protection, for mobile devices and desktops. The AVG Business portfolio, delivered through a global partner network, provides cloud security and remote monitoring and management (RMM) solutions that protect small and medium businesses around the world. For more information visit www.avg.com.

Ashley Madison App Rebounding to Pre-hack Highs

AMSTERDAM – December 8, 2015 – Despite its high-profile data breach and very public fallout this summer, the controversial dating app Ashley Madison is bouncing back to pre-hack user numbers, according to the findings of the latest Android App Performance & Trends Report. Compiled on a quarterly basis since Q3 2014, by AVG® Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG), the online security company™ for more than 200 million monthly active users, and using anonymous data from over one million AVG Android app users, the report aims to highlight app usage trends among consumers, and identify apps having the most effect on Android battery life, storage and mobile data volume.

Perhaps in anticipation of a ‘singleton’ Christmas, dating and cheating apps, in general, saw an uptick in usage over the third quarter, with Ashley Madison competitor platforms MiuMeet and AnastasiaDate both joining the app in seeing a rise in numbers from the previous quarter.

Also examining the apps most likely to negatively impact device performance, the report saw popular retail apps, Amazon Shopping and Walmart, emerge as two of the top battery-draining apps – suggesting that the holiday season could well be as tough on devices as it is on wallets.

The following 20 apps – differentiated by those run at start up or run by the user – consumed the most overall battery drain, storage usage and mobile data combined.


Run at Start Up Run by User
Ranking App Ranking App
1 Facebook 1 Snapchat
2 Google Play Services 2 Amazon Shopping UK
3 BBM 3 Spotify Music
4 Instagram 4 LINE: Free Calls & Messages
5 Facebook Messenger 5 Clean Master (Boost & AppLock)
6 ChatON Voice & Video Chat 6 Samsung WatchON (Video)
7 Facebook Pages Manager 7 Netflix
8 The Weather Channel 8 BBC News
9 KakaoTalk 9 Amazon Shopping (Global)
10 WhatsApp Messenger 10 Microsoft Outlook


“Over the last year, we have been focused on helping our users understand which apps have the biggest impact on their smartphone performance. Based on the findings from all four quarterly App Reports, to date, and the engagement they have driven with consumers, we have developed a tool called AVG App Manager,” said Tony Anscombe, Senior Security Evangelist at AVG Technologies.

 “With AVG App Manager, Android users are able to see which apps are affecting their individual smartphone’s performance and then use this information to make better-informed choices about how to best manage their smartphone resources,” Anscombe concluded.

Available through AVG Cleaner for Android, the AVG App Manager observes the phone’s performance and gives an overview of app usage, including how each app is affecting storage, battery and mobile traffic.

The full report can be downloaded from http://now.avg.com/avg-android-app-performance-report-q3-2015



About AVG Technologies (NYSE: AVG)

AVG is the online security company providing leading software and services to secure devices, data and people. AVG’s award-winning technology is delivered to over 200 million monthly active users worldwide. AVG’s Consumer portfolio includes internet security, performance optimization, location services, data controls and insights, personal privacy and identity protection for mobile devices and desktops. The AVG

Business portfolio – delivered by managed service providers, VARs and resellers – offers

IT administration, control and reporting, integrated security and mobile device management that simplifies protection for businesses.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



North America:
Deanna Contreras
Tel: +1 415 371 2001
Email: deanna.contreras@avg.com

Rest of World:
Zena Martin
Tel: +44 7496 638 342
Email: zena.martin@avg.com

Press information: http://now.avg.com

 ‘Connected Cuddlies’ set to up the 2,190 hours tots spend online a year

LONDON, 24 November 2015: With parents gearing up for the online shopping blitz that is Black Friday and Cyber Monday later this month, AVG Technologies – the online security company for more than 200 million monthly active users – has released new research revealing the amount of time today’s kids are currently spending online and what this year’s ‘must have’ toys mean for their screen time and security risk.

The study, conducted among 2,200 UK parents, reveals that one in six (16%) 4-6 year-olds are spending up to six hours online each day, clocking up a massive 2,190 hours every year. The figure is three times higher than the UK average of 2 hours a day, for children aged 4-16.

However, with a new wave of internet-enabled toys – dubbed ‘Connected Cuddlies’ – topping kids’ wish lists this Christmas, this figure could significantly increase with the amount of additional screen time such ‘soft toys’ will add to their day.

The stats also show that two-thirds (66%) of kids already own one or two smart devices by the time they are six years old – a number that ignores the connected toy category completely.

The findings suggest that parents, too, are unaware of the online implications of connected toys like ‘Hello Barbie’, ‘My Friend Freddy’ and ‘Furby Boom’. With toy sales this Black Friday weekend likely to follow the trend set in 2014, exceeding those of the week prior to Christmas, parents need to be increasingly savvy about the type of toy – and subsequent connected commitments – they’re buying their child this holiday season.

Tony Anscombe, an online security expert at AVG Technologies, explains: “With key functionalities of these toys dependant on features such as WiFi connectivity, voice recognition and data collection within apps, parents must understand that the toy they are handing their child is a connected device. As with any connected device, it comes with security and privacy considerations – knowing what data is being collected, where it’s being held and how it can be protected is paramount.

“It’s easy to get caught up in the Christmas shopping culture, being persuaded to purchase by enticing online offers, or even pressure from our own children. However, as parents we must be conscious that the deals we strike online don’t prevent us from keeping our kids safe online – whether they’re ‘logging on’ with a tablet or teddy.

Further findings from the research and advice for parents on how to help their children remain safe online this Christmas no matter what gift they get, along with blogs from Anscombe, can be found at http://now.avg.com/.


About the Research / Methodology

AVG commissioned an online survey, interviewing 2,200 UK adult parents (aged 18-65) with one or more children aged 4-16 years old. The market research company, Vanson Bourne, carried out the fieldwork between 4-12 June 2015 using their propriety panels.


About AVG Technologies:

AVG is the online security company providing leading software and services to secure devices, data and people. AVG’s award-winning technology is delivered to over 200 million monthly active users worldwide.

AVG’s Consumer portfolio includes Internet security, performance optimization, and personal privacy and identity protection for mobile devices and desktops. The AVG Business portfolio – delivered by managed service providers, VARs and resellers – offers IT administration, control and reporting, integrated security, and mobile device management that simplify and protect businesses.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. www.avg.com


Press office contacts:

AVG UK Press Office, Waggener Edstrom Communications


Conecta Partners with AVG to help Secure Smartphones in Brazil

São Paulo, October 28, 2015 – More than 60 smartphones are stolen per hour in the four largest Brazilian cities. To help combat this issue, AVG® Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG), the online security companyTM for more than 200 million monthly active users, today announced a new partnership with Conecta to provide AVG’s anti-theft protection to Conecta customers in Brazil. Conecta is the leading Brazilian mobile insurance company responsible for managing more than 90% of the country’s policies. Customers who purchase a Conecta mobile insurance policy will receive a subscription to AVG Internet Security and AVG AntiVirus PRO for AndroidTM, which includes anti-theft protection, for one year. This partnership is being announced in conjunction with Futurecom 2015, an Information and Communication Technology Event of Latin America, from October 26-29 in São Paulo (SP).

AVG AntiVirus PRO for Android’s antitheft protection allows a user to track a device, lock it remotely, and delete the data stored on it, and even take a picture of the thief and back up applications.

“Smartphones are expensive items, usually purchased on credit. In cases of loss or theft, users would have to pay for the missing phone, as well as the cost of replacing it. They may also lose photos, music and other important content,” says Leandro Mantovam, Sales Director at AVG Technologies Brazil. “Between Conecta’s insurance and AVG’s apps, this partnership helps protects the device, the data and the content. A real and important example of online and physical security converging.”

Conecta is a leader in insurance for the mobile market and works with 100% of the mobile operators that offer smartphone insurance. Founded in 2001, Conecta was the first company to find solutions that would ensure the safe mobile phones in the country.

“As technology is becoming more essential for our customers, our mission is to make their lives easier and safer, while staying connected. To achieve our goals, we must focus on excellence in the provisioning of our services, and constantly improve our solutions,” said Thiago Villa, Operations Director of Conecta.

AVG will provide more information at the following event:
Futurecom 2015 – Leading the Digital Transformation
Date: October 26 to 29, 2015
Schedule: 9h30 a.m. to 8 p.m. (including Trade Show and International Congress) Location: Transamérica Expo Center – Avenida Doutor Mário Vilas Boas Rodrigues, 387 – Santo Amaro, São Paulo – SP – Brazil

About AVG Technologies (NYSE: AVG)

AVG is the online security company providing leading software and services to secure devices, data and people. AVG’s award-winning technology is delivered to over 200 million monthly active users worldwide. AVG’s Consumer portfolio includes internet security, performance optimization, location services, data controls and insights, personal privacy and identity protection for mobile devices and desktops. The AVG Business portfolio – delivered by managed service providers, VARs and resellers – offers IT administration, control and reporting, integrated security and mobile device management that simplifies protection for businesses.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. www.avg.com


About Conecta

A Conecta é especializada em soluções de proteção móvel, responsável pela gestão de mais de 90% das apólices que cobrem aparelhos celulares no Brasil. Atendendo 100% das operadoras de telefonia que oferecem seguros de celular, a empresa conecta todas as pontas que passam por mais de 2 milhões de consumidores, seguradoras, corretoras, call centers, bancos de dados e logística. Fundada em 2001, foi a primeira empresa a encontrar soluções que realmente viabilizassem os seguros de celulares no país.


Media Contacts in Brazil:

Camila Sanches
Tel: 055-11-33883059
Email: camila_sanches@tramaweb.com.br

Lizandra Cardelino:
Tel: 055-11-33883056
Email: lizandra@tramaweb.com.br

Media Contacts for rest of the world:

Deanna Contreras
Tel: 415-608-9627
Email: Deanna.Contreras@avg.com

Zena Martin
Tel: +44 7496 638 342
Email: Zena.Martin@avg.com

Press information: http://now.avg.com

Samsung to Provide AVG’s Award Winning Consumer Security in Latin America

São Paulo, October 27, 2015AVG® Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG), the online security companyTM for more than 200 million monthly active users, today announced Samsung Electronics will feature its security and performance mobile solutions in the Samsung Galaxy’s Latin American app store. AVG’s flagship AVG AntiVirus PRO for AndroidTM and AVG CleanerTM for AndroidTM will give Samsung customers in Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Peru access to AVG’s award-winning protection and performance products.

For a limited time, Samsung customers will receive a 90-day trial of both apps. After the trial, customers will either be able to choose to keep the enhanced features by purchasing the upgrades or to migrate to the award-winning free versions, which offer core protection and performance.

“Partnering with Samsung allows AVG to continue its expansion in strategic markets in Latin America, where smartphone use has been increasing dramatically,” said David Ferguson, Senior Vice President, Revenue & Business Operations, AVG Technologies. “Because mobile is the primary source of Internet connection for many users in high- growth markets, security has become an increasing concern for manufacturers who want to offer the best possible protection for their customers. We are very pleased to provide that peace of mind.”

In addition to strengthening AVG’s position as a leading provider of online security throughout the world, the partnership with Samsung in Latin America is another proof point of AVG’s heightened focus and presence in the Latin America market. Brazil is considered a key market in AVG’s expansion strategy for the future.

With users increasingly dependent on their mobile devices in their daily lives, we need to commit to providing safe Internet use for our customers,” said Aline dos Santos, Marketing Manager, Samsung Media Solution Center for Latin America. “Working with AVG allows us to leverage the knowledge and experience of a leading company in protection, privacy and performance mobile solutions to ensure that our users can enjoy their smartphones and tablets with peace of mind.”

AVG and Samsung will be discussing this partnership and other strategies for the Brazilian and Latin American markets at AVG’s booth at Futurecom 2015. The event will take place from today through Thursday, October 29, at the Transamerica Expo Center, São Paulo, Brazil.

Futurecom 2015 – Leading the Digital Transformation
Date: October 26 to 29, 2015
Schedule: 9h30 a.m. to 8 p.m. (including Trade Show and International Congress)
Location: Transamérica Expo Center – Avenida Doutor Mário Vilas Boas Rodrigues, 387 – Santo Amaro, São Paulo – SP – Brazil


About AVG Technologies (NYSE: AVG)

AVG is the online security company providing leading software and services to secure devices, data and people. AVG’s award-winning technology is delivered to over 200 million monthly active users worldwide. AVG’s Consumer portfolio includes internet security, performance optimization, location services, data controls and insights, personal privacy and identity protection for mobile devices and desktops. The AVG Business portfolio – delivered by managed service providers, VARs and resellers – offers IT administration, control and reporting, integrated security and mobile device management that simplifies protection for businesses.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. www.avg.com


About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 

For over 70 years, Samsung has been dedicated to making a better world through diverse businesses that today span advanced technology, semiconductors, skyscraper and plant construction, petrochemicals, fashion, medicine, finance, hotels, and more. Our flagship company, Samsung Electronics, leads the global market in high-tech electronics manufacturing and digital media. Through innovative, reliable products and services; talented people; a responsible approach to business and global citizenship; and collaboration with our partners and customers, Samsung is taking the world in imaginative new directions.

Media Solution Center is a division of Samsung present in various regions of the world. Brazil’s Office is responsible for Latin America Division that aims to create and offer quality content and services for the company’s devices. The Division also aims to boost the market for content and services through strategic partnerships with regional companies, as well as support the development of differentiated and exclusive applications, contributing to the ecosystem of developers in Latin America. http://developer.samsung.com/ 


Media Contacts in Brazil:

Camila Sanches
Tel: 055-11-33883059
Email: camila_sanches@tramaweb.com.br

Lizandra Cardelino:
Tel: 055-11-33883056
Email: lizandra@tramaweb.com.br

Media Contacts for rest of the world:

Deanna Contreras
Tel: 415-608-9627
Email: Deanna.Contreras@avg.com

Zena Martin
Tel: +44 7496 638 342
Email: Zena.Martin@avg.com

Press information: http://now.avg.com

AVG Technologies Launches AVG Family Graph to Help Mobile Operators Create Their Own Family Social Graph

SAO PAULO, BRAZIL—October 27, 2015AVG® Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG), the online security companyTM for more than 200 million monthly active users, today announced the availability of AVG Family Graph for mobile operators. AVG Family Graph helps mobile operators attract and retain valuable family plan subscribers by creating the family social graph, a view into intra-family connections. For subscribers, the product offers the ability to locate family members’ phones regardless of their mobile operator.

AVG Family Graph is built by Location Labs, the AVG business unit focused on serving the mobile operator market. Location Labs by AVG is the US family locator market leader, with mobile operator customers including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless. In the US market, where over two-thirds of consumer lines are on family plans, evidence suggests that wireless accounts moving from 1 line to 4 lines have 75% lower churn. For markets where pre-paid penetration is high and family plan adoption is low, AVG Family Graph will become the mobile operator’s view into connections within families, creating a de facto family plan.

By partnering with AVG to offer Family Graph to customers, mobile operators outside the US can now apply this model to make single line subscribers behave more like a family account, potentially increasing customer lifetimes as much as 400%, as the US market has shown.

“Operators worldwide want greater family plan adoption. Working with every Tier 1 mobile operator in the US, we’ve seen the success of this strategy,” said Tasso Roumeliotis, Founder & CEO of Location Labs by AVG. “By launching our operator- branded family safety product, operators can create customer engagement and loyalty among the coveted family segment and remain competitive in a market expected to reach $275 billion USD in South America, alone, by 2020.”

“AVG Family Graph further demonstrates our commitment to protecting devices, data, and people. We’re expanding beyond the US to bring people protection to the global market,” said Todd Simpson, Chief Strategy Officer, AVG Technologies. “With quick time to market, Family Graph gives a vital tool to mobile operators who recognize the value of onboarding and keeping entire families as customers.”

In conjunction with the launch of Family Graph, Tasso Roumeliotis, Founder & CEO of Location Labs by AVG, will deliver the keynote at Futurecom on Tuesday, October 27, sharing in-depth analysis of the future of mobile safety innovation, how operators can attract and retain their most valuable subscribers, and why partnerships with cutting- edge Silicon Valley companies are vital.

AVG Family Graph is available immediately for mobile operators. The iOS and Android apps are designed for co-branding and can be quickly brought to market. For mobile operators who want more information about AVG Family Graph, email familygraph@avg.com. For more information on Tasso Roumeliotis’s Futurecom keynote, visit http://agenda.futurecom.com.br/en/27.



About AVG Technologies (NYSE: AVG)

AVG is the online security company providing leading software and services to secure devices, data and people. AVG’s award-winning technology is delivered to over 200 million monthly active users worldwide. AVG’s Consumer portfolio includes internet security, performance optimization, location services, data controls and insights, personal privacy and identity protection for mobile devices and desktops. The AVG Business portfolio – delivered by managed service providers, VARs and resellers – offers IT administration, control and reporting, integrated security and mobile device management that simplifies protection for businesses.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. www.avg.com

Media Contacts in Brazil:

Camila Sanches
Tel: 055-11-33883059
Email: camila_sanches@tramaweb.com.br

Lizandra Cardelino:
Tel: 055-11-33883056
Email: lizandra@tramaweb.com.br

Media Contact in North America:

Deanna Contreras
Tel: 415-608-9627
Email: Deanna.Contreras@avg.com

Press information: http://now.avg.com

AVG Technologies to Participate in Futurecom 2015

AMSTERDAM – October 20, 2015 – AVG® Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG), the online security company™ for more than 200 million monthly active users, announced today that it will bring its security and digital privacy protection solutions to Futurecom 2015 in Brazil. AVG plans to exhibit at the Futurecom Business Trade Show and speak at the International Congress of Futurecom.

In addition to exhibiting AVG’s suite of protection and performance products at booth B14, members of AVG’s senior staff have been chosen to participate in the presentations.  Tasso Roumeliotis, Founder and CEO of Location Labs by AVG, will deliver a keynote addressing proven methods for attracting and retaining family plan subscribers and the necessity for partnerships with cutting-edge technology companies.

Tony Anscombe, AVG Senior Security Evangelist, will also speak in a panel discussion about how to increase the safety of users while thwarting cyber-attacks. He will address how and why the expansion of mobile applications and the Internet of Things will continue to be one of the biggest challenges for mobile operators and security companies to continue protecting customers.

This year, Futurecom, the most important Information and Communication Technology Event in Latin America, will feature 350 exhibitors and host an anticipated 14,000+ visitors.

Futurecom 2015 – Leading the Digital Transformation

Date: October 26 to 29, 2015
Schedule: 9h30 a.m. to 8 p.m. (including Trade Show and International Congress)
Location: Transamérica Expo Center – Avenida Doutor Mário Vilas Boas Rodrigues, 387 – Santo Amaro, São Paulo – SP – Brazil


“Unlocking the potential of mobile operators’ most valuable customer segment”

Speaker: Tasso Roumeliotis, Founder & CEO of Location Labs by AVG
Date: October 27, 2015
Schedule: 3h20 p.m. to 3h50 p.m.
Location: Colombia Auditorium


“Security – advanced solutions for networks, Mobile devices and the new challenges with the Internet of things”

Panelist: Tony Anscombe, AVG Technologies Senior Security Evangelist
Date: October 28, 2015
Schedule: 11h30 a.m. to 1h p.m.
Location: Colombia Auditorium


About AVG Technologies (NYSE: AVG)

AVG is the online security company providing leading software and services to secure devices, data and people. AVG’s award-winning technology is delivered to over 200 million monthly active users worldwide. AVG’s Consumer portfolio includes internet security, performance optimization, location services, data controls and insights, personal privacy and identity protection for mobile devices and desktops. The AVG Business portfolio – delivered by managed service providers, VARs and resellers – offers IT administration, control and reporting, integrated security and mobile device management that simplifies protection for businesses.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. www.avg.com

Media Contacts in Brazil:

Camila Sanches
Tel: 055-11-33883059
Email: camila_sanches@tramaweb.com.br

Lizandra Cardelino:
Tel: 055-11-33883056
Email: lizandra@tramaweb.com.br

Media Contact in North America:

Deanna Contreras
Tel: 415-608-9627
Email: Deanna.Contreras@avg.com

Press information: http://now.avg.com