Tag Archives: Red Hat

Common Criteria

What is Common Criteria?

Common Criteria (CC) is an international standard (ISO/IEC 15408) for certifying computer security software. Using Protection Profiles, computer systems can be secured to certain levels that meet requirements laid out by the Common Criteria. Established by governments, the Common Criteria treaty has been signed by 17 countries, and each country recognizes the other’s certifications.

In the U.S., Common Criteria is handled by the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP). Other countries have their own CC authorities. Each authority certifies CC labs, which do the actual work of evaluating products. Once certified by the authority, based on the evidence from the lab and the vendor, that certification is recognized globally.

Your certification is given a particular assurance level which, roughly speaking, represents the strength of the certification. Confidence is higher at a level EAL4 than at EAL2 for a certification. Attention is usually given to the assurance level, instead of what, specifically, you’re being assured of, which is the protection profiles.
CC certification represents a very specific set of software and hardware configurations. Software versions and hardware model and version is important as differences will break the certification.

How does the Common Criteria work?

The Common Criteria authority in each country creates a set of expectations for particular kinds of software: operating systems, firewalls, and so on. Those expections are called Protection Profiles. Vendors, like Red Hat, then work with a third-party lab to document how we meet the Protection Profile. A Target of Evaluation (TOE) is created which is all the specific hardware and software that’s being evaluated. Months are then spent in the lab getting the package ready for submission. This state is known as “in evaluation”.
Once the package is complete, it is submitted to the relevant authority. Once the authority reviews and approves the package the product becomes “Common Criteria certified” for that target.

Why does Red Hat need or want Common Criteria?

Common Criteria is mandatory for software used within the US Government and other countries’ government systems. Other industries in the United States may also require Common Criteria. Because it is important to our customers, Red Hat spends the time and energy to meet these standards.

What Red Hat products are Common Criteria certified?

Currently, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.x and 6.x meet Common Criteria in various versions. Also, Red Hat’s JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5 is certified in various versions. It should be noted that while Fedora and CentOS operating systems are related to RHEL, they are not CC certified. The Common Criteria Portal provides information on what specific versions of a product are certified and to what level. Red Hat also provides a listing of all certifications and accreditation of our products.

Are minor releases of RHEL certified?

When a minor release, or a bug fix, or a security issue arises, most customers will want to patch their systems to remain secure against the latest threats. Technically, this means falling out of compliance. For most systems, the agency’s Certifying Authority (CA) requires these updates as a matter of basic security measures. It is already understood that this breaks CC.

Connecting Common Criteria evaluation to a specific minor versions is difficult, at best, for a couple of reasons:

First, the certifications will never line up with a particular minor version exactly. A RHEL minor version is, after all, just a convenient waypoint for what is actually a constant stream of updates. The CC target, for example, began with RHEL 6.2, but the evaluated configuration will inevitably end up having packages updated from their 6.2 versions. In the case of FIPS, the certifications aren’t tied to a RHEL version at all, but to the version of the certified package. So OpenSSH server version 5.3p1-70.el6 is certified, no matter which minor RHEL version you happen to be using.

This leads to the second reason. Customers have, in the past, forced programs to stay on hopelessly outdated and unpatched systems only because they want to see /etc/redhat-release match the CC documentation exactly. Policies like this ignore the possibility that a certified package could exist in RHEL 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, etc., and the likelihood that subsequent security patches may have been made to the certified package. So we’re discouraging customers from saying “you must use version X.” After all, that’s not how CC was designed to work. We think CC should be treated as a starting point or baseline on which a program can conduct a sensible patching and errata strategy.

Can I use a product if it’s “in evaluation”?

Under NSTISSP #11, government customers must prefer products that have been certified using a US-approved protection profile. Failing that, you can use something certified under another profile. Failing that, you must ensure that the product is in evaluation.

Red Hat has successfully completed many Common Criteria processes so “in evaluation” is less uncertain than it might sound. When a product is “in evaluation”, the confidence level is high that certification will be awarded. We work with our customers and their CAs and DAAs to help provide information they need to make a decision on C&A packages that are up for review.

I’m worried about the timing of the certification. I need to deploy today!

Red Hat makes it as easy as possible for customers to use the version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux that they’re comfortable with. A subscription lets you use any version of the product as long as you have a current subscription. So you can buy a subscription today, deploy a currently certified version, and move to a more recent version once it’s certified–at no additional cost.

Why can’t I find your certification on the NIAP website?

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 was certified by BSI under OS Protection Profile at EAL4+. This is equivalent to certifying under NIAP under the Common Criteria mutual recognition treaties. More information on mutual recognition can be found on the CCRA web site. That site includes a list of the member countries that recognize one another’s evaluations.

How can I keep my CC-configured system patched?

A security plugin for the yum update tool allows customers to only install patches that are security fixes. This allows a system to be updated for security issues while not allowing bug fixes or enhancements to be installed. This makes for a more stable system that also meets security update requirements.

To install the security plugin, from a root-authenticated prompt:

# yum install yum-plugin-security
# yum updateinfo
# yum update --security

Once security updates have been added to the system, the CC-evaluated configuration has changed and the system is no longer certified. STIG requirements are now being met, however, and the system is more secure. This is the recommended way of building a system: starting with CC and then patching in accordance with DISA regulations. Consulting the CA and DAA during the system’s C&A process will help establish guidelines and expectations.

You didn’t answer all my questions. Where do I go for more help?

Red Hat Support is available anytime a customer, or potential customer, has a question about a Red Hat product.

Additional Reading

Life-cycle of a Security Vulnerability

Security vulnerabilities, like most things, go through a life cycle from discovery to installation of a fix on an affected system. Red Hat devotes many hours a day to combing through code, researching vulnerabilities, working with the community, and testing fixes–often before customers even know a problem exists.


When a vulnerability is discovered, Red Hat engineers go to work verifying the vulnerability and rating it to determine it’s overall impact to a system. This is a most important step as mis-identifying the risk could lead to a partial fix and leave systems vulnerable to a variation of the original problem. This also allows prioritization of fixes so that those issues with the greatest risk to customers are handled first and issues of low or minimal risk are not passed on to customers who also need to invest time in validating new packages for their environment.


Many times a vulnerability is discovered outside of Red Hat’s domain. This means that the vulnerability must be researched and reproduced in-house to fully understand the risk involved. Sometimes reproducing a vulnerability leads to discovering other vulnerabilities which need fixes or re-engineering.


When a vulnerability has been discovered, Red Hat works with upstream developers to develop and ship a patch that fixes the problem. A CVE assignment will be made that records the vulnerability and links the problem with the fix among all applicable implementations. Sometimes the vulnerability is embedded in other software and that host software would acquire the CVE. This CVE is also used by other vendors or projects that ship the same package with the same code—CVEs assigned to software Red Hat ships are not necessarily Red Hat specific.

Patch development

One of the most difficult parts of the process is the development of the fix. This fix must remedy the vulnerability completely while not introducing any other problems along the way. Red Hat reviews all patches to verify it fixes the underlying vulnerability while also checking for regressions. Sometimes Red Hat must come up with our own patches to fix a vulnerability. When this happens, we fix not only our shipped software, but also provide this fix back upstream for possible inclusion into the master software repository. In other cases, the upstream patch is not applicable because the version of the software we ship is older, and in these cases Red Hat has to backport the patch to the version we do ship. This allows us to minimize any changes exclusively to those required to fix the flaw without introducing and possible regressions or API/ABI changes that could have an impact on our customers.

Quality assurance

As important as patch development, Red Hat’s QE teams validate the vulnerability fix and also check for regressions. This step can take a significant amount of time and effort depending on the package, but any potential delays introduced due to the quality assurance effort is worth it as it significantly reduces any possible risk that the security fix may be incomplete or introduces other regressions or incompatibilities. Red Hat takes the delivery of security fixes seriously and we want to ensure that we get it right the first time as the overhead of re-delivering a fix, not to mention the additional effort by customers to re-validate a secondary fix, can be costly.


To make understanding flaws easier, Red Hat spends time to document what the flaw is and what it can do. This documentation is used to describe flaws in the errata that is released and in our public CVE pages. Having descriptions of issues that are easier to understand than developer comments in patches is important to customers who want to know what the flaw is and what it can do. This allows customers to properly assess the impact of the issue to their own environment. A single flaw may have much different exposure and impact to different customers and different environments, and properly-described issues allow customers to make appropriate decisions on how, when, and if the fix will be deployed in their own environment.

Patch shipment

Once a fix has made it through the engineering and verification processes, it is time to send it to the customers. At the same time the fixes are made available in the repositories, a Red Hat Security Advisory (RHSA) is published and customers are notified using the rhsa-announce list. The RHSA will provide information on the vulnerability and will point to errata that more thoroughly explain the fix.

Customers will begin to see updates available on their system almost immediately.

Follow-on support

Sometimes questions arise when security vulnerabilities are made public. Red Hat customers have access to our technical support team that help support all Red Hat products. Not only can they answer questions, but they can also help customers apply fixes.


Handling security issues properly is a complex process that involves a number of people and steps. Ensuring these steps are dealt with correctly and all issues are properly prioritized is one of the things Red Hat provides with each subscription. The level of expertise required to properly handle security issues can be quite high. Red Hat has a team of talented individuals who worry about these things so you don’t have to.

Security improvements in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Each new release of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® is not only built on top of the previous version, but a large number of its components incorporate development from the Fedora distribution. For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, most components are aligned with Fedora 19, and with select components coming from Fedora 20. This means that users benefit from new development in Fedora, such as firewalld which is described below. While preparing the next release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, we review components for their readiness for an enterprise-class distribution. We also make sure that we address known vulnerabilities before the initial release. And we review new components to check that they meet our standards regarding security and general suitability for enterprise use.

One of the first things that happens is a review of the material going into a new version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Each release includes new packages that Red Hat has never shipped before and anything that has never been shipped in a Red Hat product receives a security review. We look for various problems – from security bugs in the actual software to packaging issues. It’s even possible that some packages won’t make the cut if they prove to have issues that cannot be resolved in a manner we decide is acceptable. It’s also possible that a package was once included as a dependency or feature that is no longer planned for the release. Rather than leave those in the release, we do our best to remove the unneeded packages as they could result in security problems later down the road.

Previously fixed security issues are also reviewed to ensure nothing has been missed since the last version. While uncommon, it is possible that a security fix didn’t make it upstream, or was somehow dropped from a package at some point during the move between major releases. We spend time reviewing these to ensure nothing important was missed that could create problems later.

Red Hat Product Security also adds several new security features in order to better protect the system.

Before its 2011 revision, the C++ language definition was ambiguous as to what should happen if an integer overflow occurs during the size computation of an array allocation. The C++ compiler in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 will perform a size check (and throw std::bad_alloc on failure) if the size (in bytes) of the allocated array exceeds the width of a register, even in C++98 mode. This change affects the code generated by the compiler–it is not a library-level correction. Consequently, we compiled all of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 with a compiler version that performs this additional check.

When we compiled Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, we also tuned the compiler to add “stack protector” instrumentation to additional functions. The GCC compiler in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 used heuristics to determine whether a function warrants “stack protector” instrumentation. In contrast, the compiler in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 uses precise rules that add the instrumentation to only those functions that need it. This allowed us to instrument additional functions with minimal performance impact, extending this probabilistic defense against stack-based buffer overflows to an even larger part of the code base.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 also includes firewalld. firewalld allows for centralized firewall management using high-level concepts, such as zones. It also extends spoofing protection based on reverse path filters to IPv6, where previous Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions only applied anti-spoofing filter rules to IPv4 network traffic.

Every version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the result of countless hours of work from many individuals. Above we highlighted a few of the efforts that the Red Hat Product Security team assisted with in the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. We also worked with a number of other individuals to see these changes become reality. Our job doesn’t stop there, though. Once Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 was released, we immediately began tracking new security issues and deciding how to fix them. We’ll further explain that process in an upcoming blog post about fixing security issues in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

Before you initiate a “docker pull”

In addition to the general challenges that are inherent to isolating containers, Docker brings with it an entirely new attack surface in the form of its automated fetching and installation mechanism, “docker pull”. It may be counter-intuitive, but “docker pull” both fetches and unpacks a container image in one step. There is no verification step and, surprisingly, malformed packages can compromise a system even if the container itself is never run. Many of the CVE’s issues against Docker have been related to packaging that can lead to install-time compromise and/or issues with the Docker registry.

One, now resolved, way such malicious issues could compromise a system was by a simple path traversal during the unpack step. By simply using a tarball’s capacity to unpack to paths such as “../../../” malicious images were able to override any part of a host file system they desired.

Thus, one of the most important ways you can protect yourself when using Docker images is to make sure you only use content from a source you trust and to separate the download and unpack/install steps. The easiest way to do this is simply to not use “docker pull” command. Instead, download your Docker images over a secure channel from a trusted source and then use the “docker load” command. Most image providers also serve images directly over a secure, or at least verifiable, connection. For example, Red Hat provides a SSL-accessible “Container Images”.  Fedora also provides Docker images with each release as well.

While Fedora does not provide SSL with all mirrors, it does provide a signed checksum of the Docker image that can be used to verify it before you use “docker load”.

Since “docker pull” automatically unpacks images and this unpacking process itself is often compromised, it is possible that typos can lead to system compromises (e.g. a malicious “rel” image downloaded and unpacked when you intended “rhel”). This typo problem can also occur in Dockerfiles. One way to protect yourself is to prevent accidental access to index.docker.io at the firewall-level or by adding the following /etc/hosts entry: index.docker.io

This will cause such mistakes to timeout instead of potentially downloading unwanted images. You can still use “docker pull” for private repositories by explicitly providing the registry:

docker pull registry.somewhere.com/image

And you can use a similar syntax in Dockerfiles:

from registry.somewhere.com/image

Providing a wider ecosystem of trusted images is exactly why Red Hat began its certification program for container applications. Docker is an amazing technology, but it is neither a security nor interoperability panacea. Images still need to come from sources that certify their security, level-of-support, and compatibility.

Container Security: Isolation Heaven or Dependency Hell

Docker is the public face of Linux containers and two of Linux’s unsung heroes: control groups (cgroups) and namespaces. Like virtualization, containers are appealing because they help solve two of the oldest problems to plague developers: “dependency hell” and “environmental hell.”

Closely related, dependency and environmental hell can best be thought of as the chief cause of “works for me” situations. Dependency hell simply describes the complexity inherent in modern application’s tangled graph of external libraries and programs they need to function. Environmental hell is the name for the operating system portion of that same problem (i.e. what wrinkles, in particular which bash implementation,on which that quick script you wrote unknowingly relies).

Namespaces provide the solution in much the same way as virtual memory simplified writing code on a multi-tenant machine: by providing the illusion that an application suite has the computer all to itself. In other words,”via isolation”. When a process or process group is isolated via these new namespace features, we say they are “contained.” In this way, virtualization and containers are conceptually related, but containers isolate in a completely different way and conflating the two is just the first of a series of misconceptions that must be cleared up in order to understand how to use containers as securely as possible. Virtualization involves fully isolating programs to the point that one can use Linux, for example, while another uses BSD. Containers are not so isolated. Here are a few of the ways that “containers do not contain:”

  1. Containers all share the same kernel. If a contained application is hijacked with a privilege escalation vulnerability, all running containers *and* the host are compromised. Similarly, it isn’t possible for two containers to use different versions of the same kernel module.
  2. Several resources are *not* namespaced. Examples include normal ulimit systems still being needed to control resources such as filehandlers. The kernel keyring is another example of a resource that is not namespaced. Many beginning users of containers find it counter-intuitive that socket handlers can be exhausted or that kerberos credentials are shared between containers when they believe they have exclusive system access. A badly behaving process in one container could use up all the filehandles on a system and starve the other containers. Diagnosing the shared resource usage is not feasible from within
  3. By default, containers inherit many system-level kernel capabilities. While Docker has many useful options for restricting kernel capabilities, you need a deeper understanding of an application’s needs to run it inside containers than you would if running it in a VM. The containers and the application within them will be dependent on the capabilities of the kernel on which they reside.
  4. Containers are not “write once, run anywhere”. Since they use the host kernel, applications must be compatible with said kernel. Just because many applications don’t depend on particular kernel features doesn’t mean that no applications do.

For these and other reasons, Docker images should be designed and used with consideration for the host system on which they are running. . By only consuming images from trusted sources, you reduce the risk of deploying containerized applications that exhaust system resources or otherwise create a denial of service attack on shared resources. Docker images should be considered as powerful as RPMs and should only be installed from sources you trust. You wouldn’t expect your system to remain secured if you were to randomly install untrusted RPMs nor should you if you “docker pull” random Docker images.

In the future we will discuss the topic of untrusted images.

Analysis of the CVE-2013-6435 Flaw in RPM

The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command-line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. RPM was originally written in 1997 by Erik Troan and Marc Ewing. Since then RPM has been successfully used in all versions of Red Hat Linux and currently in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

RPM offers considerable advantages over traditional open-source software install methodology of building from source via tar balls, especially when it comes to software distribution and management. This has led to other Linux distributions to accept RPM as either the default package management system or offer it as an alternative to the ones which are default in those distributions.

Like any big, widely used software, over time several features are added to it and also several security flaws are found. On several occasions Red Hat has found and fixed security issues with RPM.

Florian Weimer of Red Hat Product Security discovered an interesting flaw in RPM, which was assigned CVE-2013-6435. Firstly, let’s take a brief look at the structure of an RPM file. It consists of two main parts: the RPM header and the payload. The payload is a compressed CPIO archive of binary files that are installed by the RPM utility. The RPM header, among other things, contains a cryptographic checksum of all the installed files in the CPIO archive. The header also contains a provision for a cryptographic signature. The signature works by performing a mathematical function on the header and archive section of the file. The mathematical function can be an encryption process, such as PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), or a message digest in the MD5 format.

If the RPM is signed, one can use the corresponding public key to verify the integrity and even the authenticity of the package. However, RPM only checked the header and not the payload during the installation.

When an RPM is installed, it writes the contents of the package to its target directory and then verifies its checksum against the value in the header. If the checksum does not match, that means something is wrong with the package (possibly someone has tampered with it) and the file is removed. At this point RPM refuses to install that particular package.

Though this may seem like the correct way to handle things, it has a bad consequence. Let’s assume RPM installs a file in the /etc/cron.d directory and then verifies its checksum. This offers a small race-window, in which crond can run before the checksum is found to be incorrect and the file is removed. There are several ways to prolong this window as well. So in the end we achieve arbitrary code execution as root, even though the system administrator assumes that the RPM package was never installed.

The approach Red Hat used to solve the problem is:

  • Require the size in the header to match with the size of the file in the payload. This prevents anyone from tampering with the payload, because the header is cryptographically verified. (This fix is already present in the upstream version of RPM)
  • Set restrictive permissions while a file is being unpacked from an RPM package. This will only allow root to access those file. Also, several programs, including cron, perform a check for permission sanity before running those files.

Another approach to mitigate this issue is the use of the O_TMPFILE flag. Linux kernel 3.11 and above introduced this flag, which can be passed to open(2), to simplify the creation of secure temporary files. Files opened with the O_TMPFILE flag are created, but they are not visible in the file system. As soon as they are closed, they are deleted. There are two uses for these files: race-free temporary files and creation of initially unreachable files. These unreachable files can be written to or changed same as regular files. RPM could use this approach to create a temporary, unreachable file, run a checksum on it, and either delete it or atomically link it to set the file up, without being vulnerable to the attack described above. However, as mentioned above, this feature is only available in Linux kernel 3.11 and above, was added to glibc 2.19, and is slowly making its way into GNU/Linux distributions.

The risk mentioned above is greatly reduced if the following precautions are followed:

  • Always check signatures of RPM packages before installing them. Red Hat RPMs are signed with cryptographic keys provided at https://access.redhat.com/security/team/key. When installing RPMs from Red Hat or Fedora repositories, Yum will automatically validate RPM packages via the respective public keys, unless explicitly told not to (via the “nogpgcheck” option and configuration directive).
  • Package downloads via Red Hat software repositories are protected via TLS/SSL so it is extremely difficult to tamper with them in transit. Fedora uses a whole-file hash chain rooted in a hash downloaded over TLS/SSL from a Fedora-run central server.

The above issue (CVE-2013-6435) has been fixed along with another issue (CVE-2014-8118), which is a potentially exploitable crash in the CPIO parser.

Red Hat customers should update to the latest versions of RPM via the following security advisories:

Is your software fixed?

A common query seen at Red Hat is “our auditor says our Red Hat machines are vulnerable to CVE-2015-1234, is this true?” or “Why hasn’t Red Hat updated software package foo to version 1.2.3?” In other words, our customers (and their auditors) are not sure whether or not we have fixed a security vulnerability, or if a given package is up to date with respect to security issues. In an effort to help our security-conscious customers, Red Hat make this information available in an easy to consume format.

What’s the deal with CVEs?

Red Hat is committed to the CVE process. To quote our CVE compatibility page:

We believe that giving our users accurate and complete information about security issues is extremely important. By including CVE names when we discuss security issues in our services and products, we can help users cross-reference vulnerabilities so they spend less time investigating and categorizing security events.

Red Hat has a representative on the CVE Editorial Board and declared CVE compatibility in April 2002.

To put it simply: if it’s a security issue and we fix it in an RHSA it gets a CVE. In fact we usually assign CVEs as soon as we determine a security issue exists (additional information on determining what constitutes a security issue can be found on our blog.).

How to tell if you software is fixed?

A CVE can be queried at our public CVE page.  Details concerning the vulnerability, the CVSS v2 metrics, and security errata are easily accessible from here.

To verify you system is secure, simply check which version of the package you have installed and if the NVR of your installed package is equal to or higher than the NVR of the package in the RHSA then you’re safe.

What’s an NVR?

The NVR is the Name-Version-Release of the package. The Heartbleed RHSA lists packages such as: openssl-1.0.1e-16.el6_5.7.x86_64.rpm. So from this we see a package name of “openssl” (a hyphen), a version of 1.0.1e (a hyphen) and the release is 16.el6_5.7. Assuming you are running RHEL 6, x86_64, if you have openssl version 1.0.1e release 16.el6_5.7 or later you’re protected from the Heartbleed issue.

Please note, there is an additional field called “epoch”, this field actually supersedes the version number (and release), most packages do not have an epoch number, however a larger epoch number means that a package can override a package with a lower epoch. This can be useful, for example, if you need a custom modified version of a package that also exists in RPM repos you are already using.  By assigning an epoch number to your package RPM you can override the same version package RPMs from another repo even if they have a higher version number. So be aware, using packages that have the same name and a higher epoch number you will not get security updates unless you specifically create new RPM’s with the epoch number and the security update.

But what if there is no CVE page?

As part of our process the CVE pages are automatically created if public entries exist in Bugzilla.  CVE information may not be available if the details of the vulnerability have not been released or the issue is still embargoed.  We do encourage responsible handling of vulnerabilities and sometimes delay CVE information from being made public.

Also, CVE information will not be created if the software we shipped wasn’t vulnerable.

How to tell if your system is vulnerable?

If you have a specific CVE or set of CVEs that you are worried about you can use the yum command to see if your system is vulnerable. Start by installing yum-plugin-security:

sudo yum install yum-plugin-security

Then query the CVE you are interested in, for example on a RHEL 7 system without the OpenSSL update:

[root@localhost ~]# yum updateinfo info --cve CVE-2014-0224
 Important: openssl security update
 Update ID : RHSA-2014:0679
 Release : 
 Type : security
 Status : final
 Issued : 2014-06-10 00:00:00
 Bugs : 1087195 - CVE-2010-5298 openssl: freelist misuse causing 
        a possible use-after-free
 : 1093837 - CVE-2014-0198 openssl: SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS NULL
   pointer dereference in do_ssl3_write()
 : 1103586 - CVE-2014-0224 openssl: SSL/TLS MITM vulnerability
 : 1103593 - CVE-2014-0221 openssl: DoS when sending invalid DTLS
 : 1103598 - CVE-2014-0195 openssl: Buffer overflow via DTLS 
   invalid fragment
 : 1103600 - CVE-2014-3470 openssl: client-side denial of service 
   when using anonymous ECDH
 CVEs : CVE-2014-0224
 : CVE-2014-0221
 : CVE-2014-0198
 : CVE-2014-0195
 : CVE-2010-5298
 : CVE-2014-3470
Description : OpenSSL is a toolkit that implements the Secure 
Sockets Layer

If your system is up to date or the CVE doesn’t affect the platform you’re on then no information will be returned.


Red Hat Product Security makes available as much information as we can regarding vulnerabilities affecting our customers.  This information is available on our customer portal as well as within the software repositories. As you can see it is both easy and quick to determine if your system is up to date on security patches with the provided information and tools.

The following checklist can be used to check if systems or packages are affected by specific security issues:

1) Check if the issue you’re concerned about has a CVE and check the Red Hat CVE page:


2) Check to see if your system is up to date for that issue:

sudo yum install yum-plugin-security 
yum updateinfo info --cve CVE-2014-0224

3) Alternatively you can check the package NVR in the RHSA errata listed in the CVE page (in #1) and compare it to the packages on your system to see if they are the same or greater.
4) If you still have questions please contact Red Hat Support!

Reactive Product Security at Red Hat

The goal of Product Security at Red Hat is “to help protect customers from meaningful security concerns when using Red Hat products and services.” What does that really mean and how do we go about it? In this blog, we take a look at how Red Hat handles security vulnerabilities and what we do to reduce risk to our customers.

In 2001, we founded a dedicated security team within Red Hat to handle product security. Back then, we really had just one product line, the Red Hat® Linux® distribution. Now, 14 years later, we support well over 100 different products and versions from Red Hat Enterprise Linux, to OpenStack®, to Docker. In addition to handling the reaction to vulnerabilities found in our products, we also proactively work on improving security for the future. An upcoming blog post will highlight some of those activities.

All software, no matter what the license, provenance, or supply-chain involved, have bugs–mistakes in the code which introduce errors. Some of those errors may cause a program to behave differently than what is expected, others may cause a program to crash. Of these errors, a small proportion are classified as vulnerabilities if they pose a security risk where an attacker can deliberately cause a program to fail.

Our products are generally made up of many different open source components; for example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 is composed of several thousand different packages and each one can be a separate open source project. Red Hat Product Security is accountable for knowing every component used in every product so we can keep track of the security issues. This has become an area of expertise for us and is recognized by the industry as handling vulnerabilities in third party software is not a trivial task.

It all starts with a team which monitors a number of sources to find out about security issues in such third party components. In a previous blog post, we gave some metrics for a years worth of vulnerabilities and showed that in nearly half of the vulnerabilities we fixed, we were aware in advance of the issue being made public. The biggest source of information regarding non-public issues was through the two-way relationships we have with upstream open source projects and our peer vendors. Additionally, 17% of all the issues we fixed were found internally by Red Hat through security audits by our Quality Engineering team or by the product engineering teams themselves.

The next step is to assess whether these issues affect any of our products and determine the severity of each one. We do this based on a technical assessment from our team of skilled researchers. In addition to the nature of the vulnerability itself and the types of exploits likely to operate against it, other considerations include which specific pieces of code are impacted, the sensitivity of the applications they support, and their potential degree of exposure. For any given a vulnerability in an Open Source component, different products across different vendors could be affected in different ways depending on the versions being used, what patches are included, and even how the package is compiled.

In order to manage this workload, the Product Security team makes use of a number of tools and workflow processes all built around the principles of GTD.

Depending on the severity of the issue and the life-cycle for the product, patches get created and updates prepared. For many of our products, our policy is to back-port fixes an approach that significantly reduces the potential for compatibility issues and the introduction of additional vulnerabilities while making it easier for customers to consume updates. These updates, together with our advisory text explaining the issue, make their way to customers as security errata.

We actively monitor the time it takes for vulnerabilities to pass through this entire process. For example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, since its release in 2007, has had 98% of all critical flaw fixes available to customers either the same day or next calendar day, once the issue was known to the public. We make all of our data on this available so customers can determine metrics for their particular environment.

In practice, what this means is that a Red Hat subscription provides customers with guidance, stability, and security that can only come from Red Hat. For a given product, there is a single mechanism to get updates for security issues across all components and technologies included, no matter which open source project they came from. Products are supported with long life cycles, and we maintain security updates for open source components included even beyond their upstream end of life.

We’ve briefly shown that we have well-established processes to effectively manage vulnerabilities in open source software, and that we are effective in getting fixes for these issues to customers, but there’s more that we do on the reactive side of handling security events.

2014 will be remembered for a number of high profile vulnerabilities, including several in widely used open source components: Heartbleed, ShellShock, and Poodle. Where these affected Red Hat products, we provided fast updates to correct them. However, getting fast fixes out was only part of the value.

In September last year, serious issues were found in the UNIX-like shell, Bash, called ShellShock. During this incident, Red Hat customers also received:

  • Timely advice. By the time the issue went public, we had specific knowledge base articles on the Customer Portal explaining how products were affected, how to get and install the fixes, and how to determine if you were vulnerable to the issue. Our article, linked above, was the definitive source of information about the vulnerability–being cited by most news articles, Wikipedia, and even US-CERT. The knowledge base and blog were continually updated with the latest knowledge and best practices.
  • Industry-leading security expertise. After the original flaw in Bash was identified and fixed, a second issue was discovered in public. It was a Red Hat Product Security engineer who designed and wrote the comprehensive patch used by most vendors in fully addressing this issue.
  • Immediate support. The Red Hat Customer Portal had an alert on every page, with notifications, and our support staff had access to the technical information. We were ready to provide immediate support to customers.
  • Proactive notifications. For customers with products affected by the issue, we sent email notifications within the first few hours. This email provided a call to action and linked to our specific knowledge and fixes for this issue. Posts on our Red Hat Support social media channels also directed customers to our knowledge base articles and fixes.
  • A self-detection tool: We also released a self-detection tool via Red Hat Access Labs to allow customers to easily identify whether their environment was vulnerable.

We’d like customers to hear about these major security issues from us first and then be able to install the fix for the issue. When a significant security event occurs, customers can can come to Red Hat first, safe in the knowledge that we’ll be on top of the situation and be able to give specific, timely, calm, and technically-accurate advice on how the issues affect all of our products and services.