CVE-2017-6429: Buffer overflow vulnerability in Tcpreplay tcpcapinfo utility

Posted by Aromal Raj on Mar 06

Document Title:
CVE-2017-6429: Buffer overflow vulnerability in Tcpreplay tcpcapinfo utility

Appneta (

Product and Versions Affected:
Tcpreplay 4.1.2 and possibly prior.

Fixed Version:
4.2.0 Beta 1

Product Description:
Tcpreplay is a suite of GPLv3 licensed utilities for UNIX (and Win32 under
Cygwin) operating systems…

OpenElec: Remote Code Execution Vulnerability through Man-In-The-Middle(CVE-2017-6445)

Posted by Wolfgang on Mar 06

During my research about update mechanisms of open-source software I
discovered vulnerabilities in OpenElec.

== [ OVERVIEW ] ==

System affected: OpenElec
CVE: CVE-2017-6445
Vulnerable component: auto-update feature
Software-Version: 6.0.3, 7.0.1
User-Interaction: Reboot required
Impact: Remote Code Execution with root permission


According to its website “Open Embedded Linux…

CVE-2017-6430: Out-of-Bounds Read (DOS) Vulnerability in Ettercap Etterfilter utility

Posted by Aromal Raj on Mar 06

Document Title:
CVE-2017-6430: Out-of-Bounds Read (DOS) Vulnerability in Ettercap
Etterfilter utility

Ettercap (

Product and Versions Affected:
Etterfilter 0.8.2 and possibly prior.

Vulnerability Type:

CVE Reference:

Vulnerability Details:

Executable installers are defective^WEVIL (case 2): innosetup-5.5.9.exe and innosetup-5.5.9-unicode.exe

Posted by Stefan Kanthak on Mar 06

Hi @ll,

InnoSetup is BROKEN, it creates DEFECTIVE “portable executable”
image files, for example innosetup-5.5.9.exe itself.

JFTR: unfortunately Windows’ module loader covers these bugs and
loads such defective PE image files.


1. all (8) IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR entries in the IMPORT directory
are INVALID: their Characteristics/OriginalFirstThunk fields
contain 0 instead of the RVA of the import…

Database of 1.4 Billion Records leaked from World’s Biggest Spam Networks

A database of 1.4 billion email addresses combined with real names, IP addresses, and often physical address has been exposed in what appears to be one the largest data breach of this year.

What’s worrisome? There are high chances that you, or at least someone you know, is affected by this latest data breach.
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Security researcher Chris Vickery of MacKeeper and Steve Ragan of

GNU Transport Layer Security Library 3.3.27

GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL and TLS protocols and technologies around them. It provides a simple C language application programming interface (API) to access the secure communications protocols, as well as APIs to parse and write X.509, PKCS #12, OpenPGP, and other required structures. It is intended to be portable and efficient with a focus on security and interoperability.



#2889: Fixed ‘Too many files open’ errors.
#2861: Added support for python-geoip for use with libtorrent 1.1.
#2149: Fixed a single proxy entry being overwritten resulting in no proxy set.


Added tracker_status translation to UIs.


#2901: Strip whitespace from infohash before checks.
Add missed feature autofill infohash entry from clipboard.


#1908: Backport bind interface option for server.
Security: Fixed WebUI CSRF Vulnerability.


#2948 [Console] Fix decode error comparing non-ascii (str) torrent name.

AutoAdd? Plugin

Fixes for splitting magnets from file.
Remove duplicate magnet extension when splitting.