Our hugely successful Cloud Summit in Phoenix for partners and managed services providers (MSPs) came to a fitting conclusion with a dinner to celebrate the winners of the AVG 2014 Awards Gala. AVG’s first ever event of this kind celebrated top performing partners from all over the world that were judged to have shown outstanding commitment, entrepreneurship and technical proficiency in protecting and managing their customers’ critical business systems during 2014. It was a great thrill to be able to honor so many partners for their exceptional contribution to our success this year and I am proud to hold up their accomplishments as standards of excellence for every partner to follow.

We had over 150 nominations from around the world contesting awards in eight categories. Each nomination was judged by our panel of AVG CloudCare™ and Managed Workplace® experts. I saw dozens of examples of the highest caliber from familiar, long-standing names to new cloud-oriented start-ups working on some highly innovative and exciting projects across the globe.
Winners were selected on the basis of such criteria as their outstanding levels of professionalism to customers, their market influence and their exemplary use of the AVG cloud-based security and remote monitoring & management (RMM) business solutions portfolio.
The complete list of categories and winners is as follows:
Largest Deployment of Managed Workplace
Awarded to the partner with the largest deployment of our managed workplace solution
Winner: Corporate Technologies
Recipient: David Pekarna: Senior Networking Engineer
Largest Growth with Managed Workplace, NOC & HD
Awarded to the partner who has had the largest growth with our managed workplace solution, NOC & HD offerings
Winner: Net@work
Recipient: Mohit Govani: IT Director
Most Complete MSP offerings
Awarded jointly to two companies adjudged to have leveraged all the tool sets within AVG’s product offerings
Joint Winner: Tekmate
Recipient: Jason Reopelle
Joint Winner: Alura Business Solutions
Recipient: Jason Derstine, President & CEO
Most Innovative Partner
Awarded to the partner that has shown the most growth and advancement through innovative business strategies
Winner: Advanced Technology Solutions
Recipient: Bob Ascherl, Product Development Manager
Community Partner of the Year
Awarded to individual MSP partners who have engaged, enriched, and helped to grow the AVG MW community
Winner: STF Consulting
Recipient: Sean Furman, President & CEO

Rookie of the Year
Awarded to a partner in their first year with AVG Managed Workplace who has shown the highest growth by aggressively deploying the solution and successfully launching their Managed Services offerings
Winner: 365 Managed IT
Recipient: Ken Stewart, Founding Partner
MSP of the Year
Awarded to the partner who has demonstrated outstanding growth, industry leadership, and customer service excellence with their Managed Services practice
Winner: TDARX
Recipient: Mike Shuping, President
To conclude, I should like to personally thank everyone that participated in our inaugural Partner of the Year Awards and many congratulations to the winners.
Already the bar has been set very high and I’m truly excited at what we can achieve together for our customers in the year ahead.