If you think using the Lizard Stresser service is a good (or cool) idea, think again!
The post 6 Teenagers Arrested For Using Lizard Stresser appeared first on Avira Blog.
If you think using the Lizard Stresser service is a good (or cool) idea, think again!
The post 6 Teenagers Arrested For Using Lizard Stresser appeared first on Avira Blog.
What if you wanted to terminate a malicious app but it would continue to run and run and run and run?
The post Ins0mnia Will Let Your Apps Run Forever … appeared first on Avira Blog.
Remember the little contest we started some time ago concerning our new browser name? While we are not ready to announce the winners yet (we take the search for the right browser name very serious. Finding and going through the different candidates takes a lot of time, as does the involved research), I’m sure you are more than happy to get a sneak peak, right?
The post The Struggle For the Right Browser Name appeared first on Avira Blog.
Let’s start this blog entry on a philosophical note: If you had an accident and lost all your memories would you still be the same person? Also would you be the same person if you liked different kinds of music, made other decisions in life or had different friends?
The post Passwords and Digital Amnesia appeared first on Avira Blog.
Your Windows desktop is probably full of them, desktop Icons with shortcuts to your applications and folders. They allow you to conveniently access your most used applications and folders on a daily basis.
The post LNK Files – Shortcuts to Faster Infections appeared first on Avira Blog.
Spamming is a big and a nasty problem in our online world, every day. Each and every one of you probably had this one mail in your inbox. The mail where you didn’t know if you could open it because it might contain a dangerous attachment, or the one where you were just really annoyed by the nonsense content. I guess that we can all agree: nobody wants that.
The post Analysis of a Spam Mail appeared first on Avira Blog.
Spamming is a big and a nasty problem in our online world, every day. Each and every one of you probably had this one mail in your inbox. The mail where you didn’t know if you could open it because it might contain a dangerous attachment, or the one where you were just really annoyed by the nonsense content. I guess that we can all agree: nobody wants that.
The post Analysis of a Spam Mail appeared first on Avira Blog.
Our Mobile Development Team releases new App that checks your Android device for potential vulnerabilities.
The post Avira Vulnerability Checker: our newest app for Android appeared first on Avira Blog.
You might have noticed: Windows 10 has arrived. And obviously you want to upgrade. But will your programs be compatible? Well – in this article we will tell you which of our antivirus solutions are compatible with Windows 10 and help you migrating your Avira products.
The post Migration of Avira products to Windows 10 – how to get started appeared first on Avira Blog.
If one day, you were asked by your dearly trusted Facebook Messenger app to log in because your session had expired, would you do that? If the answer is yes, you might have just shared your Facebook credentials with an impostor app disguised in, otherwise legit, Facebook Messenger app.
The post ‘Serialization’ vulnerability: 6 in 10 Android devices can be hijacked appeared first on Avira Blog.