Besides Apple Music, iOS 9, and watchOS 2, this June was an exciting month for Mac developers with Apple’s presentation of OS X El Capitan at its Worldwide Developers Conference.
You might know us as the guys and girls making that awesome antivirus, but deep down inside most of us are geeks that love a good sci-fi movie, book or a damn good video game. And we are pretty excited about this year’s Gamescom.
Nowadays, our Personal Computers are able to perform a huge amount of tasks as we can find Applications for mostly everything one can imagine. Not to mention, we often have more than one App installed for the same kind of task. When does it become too much?
You sure remember the big data breach that targeted the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, right? Well, the same group apparently attacked United Airlines.
Huge vulnerability disclosed this week for Android devices performing a remote code execution over MMS. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to increase the level of security on your smartphone.
Huge vulnerability disclosed this week for Android devices performing a remote code execution over MMS. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to increase the level of security on your smartphone.