Tag Archives: computer virus

Creators of SpyEye Virus Sentenced to 24 Years in Prison

In Brief
Two International hackers, Aleksandr Andreevich Panin and Hamza Bendelladj, have been sentenced to a combined 24 years and 6 months in prison for their roles in developing and distributing SpyEye banking trojan, a powerful botnet similar to the infamous ZeuS malware.

Both hackers were charged with stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from banking institutions worldwide.

Enable this New Setting to Secure your Computer from Macro-based Malware

Do you deal with MS Word files on the daily basis?

If yes, then are you aware that even opening a simple doc file could compromise your system?

It is a matter to think that the virus does not directly affect you, but it is you who let the virus carry out the attack by enabling deadly “Macros” to view the doc contents that are generally on eye-catching subjects like bank invoice.


How Just Opening an MS Word Doc Can Hijack Every File On Your System

If you receive a mail masquerading as a company’s invoice and containing a Microsoft Word file, think twice before clicking on it.

Doing so could cripple your system and could lead to a catastrophic destruction.

Hackers are believed to be carrying out social engineering hoaxes by adopting eye-catching subjects in the spam emails and compromised websites to lure the victims into

Here's How to Decrypt Hydracrypt & Umbrecrypt Ransomware Files

Over the last few years, we have seen several types of Ransomware malware that demand a whopping amount of money from users for the retrieval of their locked, compromised sensitive files.

We have also witnessed the birth of decryption solution for some of the Ransomware like Cryptolocker (partial), Coinvault, Rescue Kit.

One more solution has recently been released for decryption of

Someone Hijacks Botnet Network & Replaces Malware with an Antivirus

The Dridex banking trojan that is widely being used by cyber criminals to distribute malware onto users’ machines has now been found distributing a security software.

A portion of the Dridex banking Trojan botnet may have been hacked or compromised by an unknown Whitehat Hacker, who replaced the malicious links with Avira Antivirus installers.

What is Dridex Banking Trojan? How it Works