Tag Archives: Distributed Denial of Service

An Army of Million Hacked IoT Devices Almost Broke the Internet Today

A massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack against Dyn, a major domain name system (DNS) provider, broke large portions of the Internet on Friday, causing a significant outage to a ton of websites and services, including Twitter, GitHub, PayPal, Amazon, Reddit, Netflix, and Spotify.

But how the attack happened? What’s the cause behind the attack?

Exact details of the attack remain

Here's How Hackers Can Disrupt '911' Emergency System and Put Your Life at Risk

What would it take for hackers to significantly disrupt the US’ 911 emergency call system?

It only takes 6,000 Smartphones.

Yes, you heard it right!

According to new research published last week, a malicious attacker can leverage a botnet of infected smartphone devices located throughout the country to knock the 911 service offline in an entire state, and possibly the whole United States,

DDoS Extortionists made $100,000 without Launching a Single Attack

In Brief
Cyber crooks find a new and ingenious way to make hundreds of thousands of dollars with no effort.

An unknown cyber gang, pretending to be Armada Collective, has made more than $100,000 in less than two months simply by threatening to launch DDoS attack on websites, but never actually launched a single attack.

A group of Cyber Extortionists is sending threatening emails to