Tag Archives: hacking news

26-Year-Old Hacker Sentenced to Record 334 Years in Prison

A 26-year-old hacker has been sentenced to 334 years in prison for identity theft as well as mass bank fraud in Turkey, or in simple words, he has been sentenced to life in prison.
Named Onur Kopçak, the hacker was arrested in 2013 for operating a phishing website that impersonated bank site, tricking victims into providing their bank details including credit card information.<!– adsense –>

602 Gbps! This May Have Been the Largest DDoS Attack in History

Cyber attacks are getting evil and worst nightmare for companies day-by-day, and the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one of the favorite weapon for hackers to temporarily suspend services of a host connected to the Internet.

Until now, nearly every big website had been a victim of this attack, and the most recent one was conducted against the BBC’s websites and Republican

Police Arrested Hackers Who Stole Millions from European ATMs

Romanian law enforcement authorities have arrested eight cyber criminals suspected of being part of an international criminal gang that pilfered cash from ATMs (automatic teller machines) using malware.

The operation said to be one of the first operations of this type in Europe, was conducted in Romania and Moldova by Romanian National Police and the Directorate for Investigating Organised

Hackers Install Free SSL Certs from Let's Encrypt On Malicious Web Sites

Who else didn’t see this coming?

It was so obvious as I stressed earlier that the Let’s Encrypt free HTTPS certificates would not just help legitimate website operators to encrypt its users’ traffic, but also help criminals to bother innocent users with malware through secure sites.

Let’s Encrypt allows anyone to obtain free SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security)

EPIC Fail — For the Third Time, Linux Ransomware CRACKED!

Ransomware is now a common practice for money-motivated cyber criminals. It’s basically a type of software written in any system-based programming language that has the ability to hijack victim’s computer, encrypts files and then ask for a ransom amount to get them back.

One such ransomware dubbed Linux.Encoder targets Linux-powered websites and servers by encrypting MySQL, Apache, and

Zerodium Offers $100,000 for Flash Zero-Day Exploit that Bypasses Mitigations

A well-known company popular for buying and selling zero-day vulnerabilities is now offering up to $100,000 for providing a working zero-day exploit for bypassing the Flash Player’s Heap Isolation mitigation.

Few months back, Adobe deployed Heap Isolation in Flash version 18.0.0209 with an aim at making the Use-After-Free (UAF) vulnerabilities more difficult for cybercriminals to exploit.

Hackers Cause World's First Power Outage with Malware

SCADA system has always been an interesting target for cyber crooks, given the success of Stuxnet malware that was developed by the US and Israeli together to sabotage the Iranian nuclear facilities a few years ago, and “Havex” that previously targeted organizations in the energy sector.

Now once again, hackers have used highly destructive malware and infected, at least, three regional

PlayStation 4 Hacked to Run Linux

Hackers enjoy much playing with PlayStation and Xbox, rather than playing on them. And this time, they have done some crazy things with Sony’s PlayStation gaming console.

It appears that a console-hacking that goes by the name of Fail0verflow have managed to hack PlayStation 4 (PS4) to run a Linux kernel-based operating system.

Fail0verflow announced this week that they successfully

Microsoft will Inform You If Government is Spying on You

Following in the footsteps of Twitter, Facebook and Google, Microsoft promises to notify users of its e-mail (Outlook) and cloud storage (OneDrive) services if government hackers may have targeted their accounts.

The company already notifies users if an unauthorized person tries to access their Outlook or OneDrive accounts. But from now on, the company will also inform if it suspects