Remember the Hacker who hacked Hacking Team?
In 2015, a hacker named Phineas Fisher hacked Hacking Team – the Italy-based spyware company that sells spying software to law enforcement agencies worldwide – and exposed some 500 gigabytes of internal data for anyone to download.
Now, the Spanish authorities believe that they have arrested Phineas Fisher, who was not just behind the embarrassing

After several controversial data mining and privacy invasion features within Microsoft’s newest operating system, Microsoft continued convincing its users that Windows 10 is not spying on anyone and that the company is not collecting more data than it needs.
In addition, Microsoft also updated its privacy policy in order to clear how and when Windows 10 utilizes users’ data.
But wait,

North Korea has its own homegrown computer operating system that looks remarkably just like Apple’s OS X, which not only prevents potential foreign hacking attempts but also provides extensive surveillance capabilities.
Two German researchers have just conducted an in-depth analysis of the secretive state’s operating system and found that the OS does more than what is known about it.

UK’s Secretive Spy Agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has open-sourced one of its tools on code-sharing website GitHub for free…
A graph database called ‘Gaffer.’
Gaffer, written in Java, is a kind of database that makes it “easy to store large-scale graphs in which the nodes and edges have statistics such as counts, histograms and sketches.”
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Software and Security Information