Tag Archives: touchscreen

Unlock your phone with your ears & knuckles, says Yahoo

The cool thing: It doesn’t need the comparatively expensive fingerprint sensors to unlock your device, but can easily be used with any phone that sports a capacitive touchscreen.

With an app called Bodyprint, the users’ ears, knuckles, palms and fingers can be scanned. The only thing one needs to do is press the chosen body part against the touchscreen and voilà, it will unlock. The system, which was tested in a small study with 12 participants, was able to identify the users correctly 99,52% of the time.

“Unlocking your smartphone is something you do 150 times per day,” said Christian Holz, a research scientist at Yahoo Labs in Sunnyvale, California. “You want to make unlocking it convenient but also secure. That’s why fingerprint scanners are so successful.”

This sure sounds interesting! If you want to find out more just read the in-depth article over here.

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