Tag Archives: Yahoo data breach

US Charges Two Russian Spies & Two Hackers For Hacking 500 Million Yahoo Accounts

The 2014 Yahoo hack disclosed late last year that compromised over 500 million Yahoo user accounts was believed to be carried out by a state-sponsored hacking group.

Now, two Russian intelligence officers and two criminal hackers have been charged by the US government in connection with the 2014 Yahoo hack that compromised about 500 million Yahoo user accounts, the Department of Justice

Yahoo Hacked Once Again! Quietly Warns Affected Users About New Attack

Has Yahoo rebuilt your trust again?

If yes, then you need to think once again, as the company is warning its users of another hack.

Last year, Yahoo admitted two of the largest data breaches on record. One of which that took place in 2013 disclosed personal details associated with more than 1 Billion Yahoo user accounts.

Well, it’s happened yet again.
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Yahoo sent out another

1-Billion Yahoo Users' Database Reportedly Sold For $300,000 On Dark Web

Recently Yahoo disclosed a three-year-old massive data breach in its company that exposed personal details associated with more than 1 Billion user accounts, which is said to be the largest data breach of any company ever.

The new development in Yahoo!’s 2013 data breach is that the hacker sold its over Billion-user database on the Dark Web last August for $300,000, according to Andrew

Yahoo Admits 1 Billion Accounts Compromised in Newly Discovered Data Breach

In what believe to be the largest data breach in history, Yahoo is reporting a massive data breach that disclosed personal details associated with more than 1 Billion user accounts in August 2013.

…And it’s separate from the one disclosed by Yahoo! in September, in which hackers compromised as many as 500 Million user accounts in late 2014.

What’s troubling is that the company has not been

Yahoo Email Spying Scandal — Here's Everything that has Happened So Far

Today Yahoo! is all over the Internet, but in a way the company would never have expected.

It all started days ago when Reuters cited some anonymous sources and reported that Yahoo built a secret software to scan the emails of hundreds of millions of its users at the request of a U.S. intelligence service.

At this point, we were not much clear about the intelligence agency: the National

Verizon wants $1 Billion Discount on Yahoo Acquisition Deal after Recent Scandals

It seems like it is not all over for Yahoo yet. Another day, another bad news for Yahoo!

Verizon, which has agreed to purchase Yahoo for $4.8 Billion, is now asking for a $1 Billion discount, according to recent reports.
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The request comes after Verizon Communications learned about the recent disclosures about hacking and spying in past few weeks.

Just two weeks ago, Yahoo

Uh oh, Yahoo! Data Breach May Have Hit Over 1 Billion Users

The massive data breach that Yahoo! confirmed to the world last week is claimed by the company to have been carried out by a “state-sponsored actor” in 2014, which exposed the accounts of at least 500 Million Yahoo users.

But, now it seems that Yahoo has downplayed a mega data breach and triying to hide it’s own security blunder.

Recently the information security firm InfoArmor that analyzed