One billion and one reasons to change your password

After another Yahoo’s data breach find out why you need to strengthen your security

Dear 2016, we want you to please be over already! PLEASE!

In a statement released by Yahoo yesterday they confirmed that there’s been another data breach. According to the press release the leaked information is associated with more than one billion Yahoo user accounts. The incident is different than the one reported few months ago. However, initial examinations suggest both attacks have been performed by the same hackers. There are a few things we recommend you to do right away to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime. Don’t delay it!

When did this happen?

Yahoo confirmed the incident happened August 2013. Not to be mistaken with the data breach reported on September 22nd earlier this year.

What information was stolen?

No one really knows for sure, however the stolen information may have included personal information such as names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, passwords and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers.

How is this affecting Yahoo?

In terms of branding and resonance, it’s the latest security blow against the former number one Internet giant. This kind of news won’t help user confidence in the company that has been heavily criticized by leading senators for taking two years to disclose the September 2014 breach. To make matters worse, this new one is from 2013. Yahoo was down more than 2.5 percent in after-hours trading on the Nasdaq in New York.

The company once valued at $125bn will not be sold for more than $5bn to Verizon. The price may go even lower. What make things really bad for Yahoo is that according to BBC, Yahoo knew about the hack but decided to keep quiet… not a smart move.

The good news

Even though your personal information has been circling the dark web for more than 2 years, you may not be affected at all. We are talking about 1 billion accounts – this is a lot of data to process. However, if you don’t change your passwords regularly or if you tend to keep using the same answers on security questions, you may be in danger.

Troublemakers might be able to use the information to get your bank details or commit identity fraud. It’s vital to be self-conscious and protect yourself. And if you do, you don’t have anything to worry about.
Even though Yahoo are working closely with law enforcement and they are doing their best to protect your data, changing your password regularly and installing an antivirus software is a must.

The post One billion and one reasons to change your password appeared first on Panda Security Mediacenter.

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