Teenagers are responsible for their smartphones. Help them keep it safe with a few easy additions.

Seven out of ten high schoolers take a smartphone to school. Not only are these phones being used for surfing the Internet or social networking, but they help kids navigate around campus, connect with teachers and other students, and follow streaming campus news. Many parents see equipping their teenager with a mobile phone as a safety tool and a way to keep in closer contact, especially if an emergency arises.
The first thing to do after buying your teenager a smartphone
Most kids are using a device with an Android operating system and no added security protection. The first thing you should do is to download a security app to protect the phone and data on it.
The newest version of avast! Mobile Security & Antivirus is out now, with a completely re-imagined user interface, making it simpler and even more user friendly than it was before. Avast! Mobile Security is free, and it will instantly begin protecting your child from downloading bad apps, protect against spyware and block malware, and backup contacts, SMS/call logs, and photos.
Install avast! Mobile Security and Antivirus from the Google Play store.

The second thing to do after buying your teenager a smartphone
High school students are busy people, with lots of activities, so it’s likely that your teen’s smartphone will be misplaced. Avast! Anti-theft is a stand-alone app that can be installed separately from avast! Mobile Security. You can use the phone locator features to find the lost or stolen phone, control it remotely, and lock it down.
Once you install avast! Mobile Security, you will be asked to set up the anti-theft module. You can read about that and the remote features you’ll have access to from your my.avast.com account in our avast! Mobile Security FAQs.
Install avast! Anti-Theft from the Google Play store.
Other things to do
- Set up a password for the smartphone. This is easy to do and will serve as the first line of defense against nosy people and thieves.
- Add important numbers to the contact list. Add your mobile number as well as a work line, grandparents, the school, and emergency contacts.
- Know the school’s rules. If phone usage is prohibited during school hours or allowed only during breaks, that’s important information to know.
- Talk to your kids about privacy. This includes a conversation about uploading photos and videos, sexting, and oversharing on social networks.
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