Tag Archives: data breach

Hey, Music Lovers! Last.Fm Hack Leaks 43 Million Account Passwords

Another Day, Another Data Breach!

If you love to listen to music online and have an account on Last.fm website, your account details may have compromised in a data breach that leaked more than 43 Million user personal data online.

Last.fm was hacked in March of 2012 and three months after the breach, London-based music streaming service admitted to the incident and issued a warning,

Dropbox Hacked — More Than 68 Million Account Details Leaked Online

Hackers have obtained credentials for more than 68 Million accounts for online cloud storage platform Dropbox from a known 2012 data breach.

Dropbox has confirmed the breach and already notified its customers of a potential forced password resets, though the initial announcement failed to specify the exact number of affected users.
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However, in a selection of files obtained

Guccifer 2.0 Leaks Personal Info of Nearly 200 Congressional Democrats

The hacker, who recently claimed responsibility for the high-profile hack of Democratic National Committee (DNC), has now taken credit for hacking into the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) as well.

To prove his claims, the hacker, going by the moniker Guccifer 2.0, dumped on Friday night a massive amount of personal information belonging to nearly 200 Democratic House

Data Breach — Oracle's Micros Payment Systems Hacked

The risks associated with data breaches continue to grow, impacting a variety of industries, tech firms, and social networking platforms. In the past few months, over 1 Billion credentials were dumped online as a result of mega breaches in popular social networks.

Now, Oracle is the latest in the list.

Oracle has confirmed that its MICROS division – which is one of the world’s top three

Hacker Selling 200 Million Yahoo Accounts On Dark Web

Hardly a day goes without headlines about any significant data breach. In the past few months, over 1 Billion account credentials from popular social network sites, including LinkedIn, Tumblr, MySpace and VK.com were exposed on the Internet.

Now, the same hacker who was responsible for selling data dumps for LinkedIn, MySpace, Tumblr and VK.com is now selling what is said to be the login

Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign also Hacked in Attack on Democratic Party

There’s a lot more to come from the DNC Hack.

The Associated Press confirmed yesterday that the computer systems used by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were hacked as part of the recent Democratic National Convention (DNC) hack.

Last week’s email dump containing almost 20,000 emails from top DNC officials was just the beginning, which led DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to

Ubuntu Linux Forum Hacked! Once Again

No software is immune to being Hacked! Not even Linux.

The Ubuntu online forums have been hacked, and data belonging to over 2 Million users have been compromised, Canonical just announced.

The compromised users’ data include their IP addresses, usernames, and email addresses, according to the company, who failed to apply a patch to secure its users’ data.
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However, users

Another CEO Hacked… It's Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey!

Twitter account of another high profile has been hacked!

This time, it’s Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

OurMine claimed responsibility for the hack, which was spotted after the group managed to post some benign video clips.

The team also tweeted at 2:50 AM ET today saying “Hey, its OurMine,we are testing your security,” with a link to their website that promotes and sells its own “services” for

Over 1000 Wendy's Restaurants Hit by Credit Card Hackers

The Popular fast-food restaurant chain Wendy’s on Thursday admitted that a massive cyber attack had hit more than 1,000 of its restaurants across the country.

The burger chain did not speculate how many people may have been affected, though it did confirm that the hackers were able to steal its customers’ credit and debit card information.

The data breach is more than three times bigger