Tag Archives: Products

Advanced Reporting Tool, an Intelligent Control Platform


A platform that can detect a company’s internal threats? Many organizations and companies could have avoided major scandals if they acted in time: there’s the case of Snowden and the stolen NSA files, Bradley Manning and the US diplomatic cables, and Hervé Falciani and top-secret information from the HSBC private bank. These are all clear examples that, with cybersecurity, you can’t just cross your fingers and think “this won’t happen to me”. Any business could be threatened by an insider.

That’s why Panda Security has introduced the latest version of its Advanced Reporting Tool. This efficient and easy-to-use tool satisfies business needs; it is capable of maximizing Big Data performance to control the corporate resources.

Threats in the Workplace

PandaLabs detects 200,000 samples of new malware daily. It is imperative for businesses to control all security issues, especially those that stem from the misuse and abuse of corporate resources, leading to attacks, threats, vulnerabilities, or data leaks.



While Adaptive Defense collects all information on processes running on the endpoint, the Advanced Reporting Tool automatically stores and correlates this information. The platform automatically generates security intelligence that allow users to identify strange behaviors or problems.



The Advanced Reporting Tool enables the IT administrator to:

  • Focus on relevant information, increasing efficiency in the IT department by finding security risks or misappropriation in the corporate infrastructure.
  • Pinpoint problems by extracting behavior patterns from resources and users, identifying its impact on the business.
  • Alert in real-time about all events that could be a potential data breach.
  • Generate configurable reports showing the status of key security indicators and how they are evolving.

What does the latest version offer?

art-1In addition to the existing Big Data Cloud Service and its real-time alerts, the latest version includes predefined and adaptable analysis with three different action areas:

  • Information about IT security incidents: generates security intelligence then processes and associates those events as intrusion attempts.
  • Controls network applications and resources: detects user patterns of IT resources.
  • Controls access to business data: shows any access to confidential information and its online traffic.


Feedback from SIEM system

For organizations already using a SIEM, the Advanced Reporting Tool compliments it providing a SIEMFeeder which feeds your SIEM relevant data and associates it with the information you already have.  The SIEMFeeder gathers information from all endpoints that are protected by Adaptive Defense.

The feedback provided by the SIEMFeeder enables you to detect insiders before they become the biggest threat to your business.  The SIEMFeeder creates behavioral logics and locates all anomalies existing in your technological system.

The post Advanced Reporting Tool, an Intelligent Control Platform appeared first on Panda Security Mediacenter.

Apple Macs – more secure, but not invulnerable


Over the years, Apple computers have developed a reputation for exceptional security. In fact, many people believe that Macs are completely invulnerable to malware, like viruses and ransomware.

But in an age where cybercriminals are using increasingly sophisticated attacks to break into computers, Apple owners need to know the truth.

No computer is 100% secure

The first thing to realise is that Apple computers are not completely hack proof. No computer is completely hack proof. It is completely untrue to say that Apple Macs cannot be hacked, or be infected with malware.

In fact, one of the first viruses ever created was targeted at the Apple II computer back in 1982. The virus was relatively harmless – it simply displayed a rather childish poem on screen. But the reality was that the computer’s built-in security had been breached.

More malware followed over the years, each becoming more serious as time went on.

OS X significantly improves security

With the release of OS X in 2001, Apple significantly improved the security of their operating system. The core of the operating system made it much harder for malware to install itself – and it was around this time that Apple began to attract a reputation for being 100% secure – one they did little to dispel.

Interestingly, there has been roughly one significant item of Mac malware released every year since 2004. But the fact that there are less viruses targeting OS X than Windows, helped drive the legend of invulnerability. In most cases the only way to “catch” one of these viruses was to install illegal software from a “warez” website.

Ransomware – a true game-changer

Like its Windows-based relatives, most Mac malware was designed to steal personal information. However these viruses were relatively easy to identify and remove – often before any real damage was caused.

The emergence of ransomware has completely changed the game however. These malware infections encrypt the files stored on your Apple computer so that you can no longer read or use them. The only way to decrypt them is by paying a ransom to the cybercriminal behind the infection.

Eventually the ransomware infection will make all of your files unreadable.

There’s still worse to come

Cybercriminals are also creating new attacks that use a number of different techniques to trick you installing their malware. An infected email may be followed by an official-sounding phone call for instance, encouraging you to download and install an application to assist with internet banking, or to troubleshoot a technical issue.

Hackers are also becoming more patient, sometimes spending days and weeks building trust with their victims, using a technique known as “social engineering”. Which makes these attacks all the more subtle and effective.

Mac anti-virus software is no longer optional

When Mac malware was relatively rare, the chances of your computer becoming infected were slim. Mac malware is becoming more common and sophisticated – so all of your computers need to be protected with a comprehensive security package.

Panda Antivirus help to block malware and ransomware before it can be installed on your computer. It will also help to protect against social engineering attacks – you won’t be able to install dodgy software, even by accident.

To learn more about how to protect your Mac, download a free trial of Panda Mac Antivirus now.

The post Apple Macs – more secure, but not invulnerable appeared first on Panda Security Mediacenter.

Control Access to Your Mobile Apps This Summer


Smartphones and mobile devices have become the greatest additions to the continuously booming technological industry, and our lives. If we leave our phones at home, we go back for them. We can’t wait for appointments without swiping through photos on our phones, we cook from recipes downloaded onto our tablets, and it is inconceivable to think of going to the gym without plugging-in a set of earbuds, draining our mobile data plans as we stream our favorite songs.

According to an annual mobile marketing study by IAB, 9 out of every 10 internet users have a Smartphone. 43% of users prefer to use their tablets.

It is easier to connect than ever with the outbreak of technological advances and innovations. We don’t have to worry about where we can connect to the internet and when; we can retweet current events, chat on Whatsapp, or even share a photo on Instagram wherever and whenever we want. What we should worry about is this: how can we do this securely?

Don’t let your guard down. Control those apps!

Social media permanently sits in the favorites bar as these sites continue to be the top visited. Just imagine all of the information these social media sites gather…how very frightening it is to think about the amount of information that exists about us online. Sometimes we are conscience of the personal information they take, but most of the time, we aren’t.

It is time to take a step in the right direction. Do you want to have complete control over who can access your apps? Do you want to prevent prying eyes from peeking at your personal information? Secure your privacy with the latest version of Panda Mobile Security with the newest addition to the Panda Mobile Security family, App Lock: Panda’s application control feature.

Do not hesitate! Download it with our summer promotion and test all the benefits at zero cost!

google playApplication control allows you to block access to your apps using a PIN code. You will be able to block access to your private information. With this feature, you can:

Protect your privacy. Block unauthorized access to all of your apps, from messaging services or social networks (email, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Skype, Instagram, LinkedIn), to bank apps. If you use messaging services like Whatsapp you already know how important encryption is; End-to-end encryption makes sure your messages travel from point-A to point-B and prevents attackers from reading your messages.

App control, limits the little ones from accessing certain apps or games. Knowing that the little ones only use the safest apps is a parent’s biggest priority. With the newest version of Panda Mobile Security, the user can create a PIN to set the Apps they want to block or unblock. In case the user forgets their PIN, they can create a new one on their Panda account.

What are you waiting for? Try this new feature and take advantage of our summer promo. Enjoy your vacation knowing you are protected! Use the activation code and enjoy a 30-day trial of our PRO system for free. Just type in the code: PROMOMS

Secure your apps and have fun in the sun!  

The post Control Access to Your Mobile Apps This Summer appeared first on Panda Security Mediacenter.

How to Take Advantage of Your Antivirus


The first and most important thing that the majority of people look for in an antivirus service is reassurance: to easily maintain security without it taking up too much time. Discover an easy and proven way to guarantee your security with Panda Protection Service. It is very cost-effective at only €5.99/month with no-strings-attached. You can use the service and then cancel it whenever you want to. Try your first month for free!

Panda Protection Service is more than just a simple antivirus. In addition to protecting your computers, mobile phones and tablets, the purchase of a license includes an infinite number of features. Take advantage of your antivirus in every situation: theft, battery and performance optimization, blocking the Wi-Fi connection, criminals, etc.

Learn what Panda Protection Service is all about!

Eight Amazing Features You Will Want

Keep your Wi-Fi off-limits

Keep cybercriminals and tricksters at bay using the Wi-Fi Protection Mode on your Panda Protection Service. You will see the exact moment your devices connect to the router in the history area. This will make it much easier to detect intrusions and cut off access to your network. This tool analyzes your Wi-Fi and searches for vulnerabilities, then offers tips on how to further increase your IT security.

Locate your stolen device

Antitheft measures are available on Panda Protection Service. The movement alarm will sound if someone touches your computer, mobile phone or tablet. If for some reason your device is stolen or lost, Panda prevents thieves from accessing your private photos and information. You can remotely update your phone’s password and wipe your device clean, and you will even receive an email with a photo and location of the thief if he tries to unblock your phone three times. If you lose your phone, you can send a message to your lost device with your information so the person who finds it can contact you.


Manage Your Passwords

With the Password Manager, you can set-up a password for every single account or page and forget about it! All you have to remember is the Master password for the management page and from there you can access everything else you need.

Safely Destroy Documents

A lot of users are unaware that dragging an old document to the Recycle Bin or clicking the “delete” button is not the end. These documents can be recuperated easily. If you really want to eliminate those highly sensitive documents, use the File Shredder. This will come in handy if you decide to recycle, reuse or sell your computer or device.

Parental Control

One of the top priorities for tech-savvy parents is to make sure their kids can safely access the internet. With Panda Protection Service, parents can apply filters to different users to make sure their kids only access trustworthy websites.

Virtual Keyboard

Although a lot of secure websites already use this feature, virtual keyboards are an additional security feature that makes it harder for cybercriminals to hack you. When you are logging into websites, like bank sites, the virtual keyboard pops up on the screen (like an image of a keyboard instead of a physical one). From here, you can enter your password without creating sounds or tones that can be deciphered by black hats.

Encrypt your files

If you are familiar with messaging services like WhatsApp, then you are aware that encryption is highly important. Encryption makes sure your private messages don’t travel to places they shouldn’t. We can also encrypt files and make them unreadable to cybercriminals, thanks to the File Encrypt mode with Panda Protection Service.




The post How to Take Advantage of Your Antivirus appeared first on Panda Security Mediacenter.

Antivirus For Mac: Is It Really Necessary?


The last few days have been intense for Apple fans. Last week, Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference took place, where they presented the company’s new hardware and software. The “bitten apple” went into depth about their new operating systems for iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV but… what about security-related updates?

Following the horrible San Bernardino attack from last December, a controversial topic stemmed regarding the attacker’s iPhone. Apple’s case against the FBI initiated a dispute between user privacy and government access to personal data.

Meanwhile, other giants in the sector, like Facebook and Google, showed their support for Apple by promising to implement more effective encryption tools in the future. WhatsApp was the first to use end-to-end encryption.

Now Tim Cook presents a new file system called APFS, the Apple File System, which incorporates a new encryption system that gives developers multiple options like leave something unencrypted, encrypt it with a unique password, or encrypt it with multiple passwords. The Apple File System is already available online for developers and the new version will leave HFS system and improve security and data encryption.

Why is my Mac vulnerable to advanced threats?

Despite efforts of large security companies, the truth is that no operating system is 100% reliable. Apple computers are not the Macintosh systems that we once knew. Years ago, they had a safety-guarenteed reputation, with a different and solid operating system than others. At that time, hackers targeted computers with Windows operating systems, however, as Apple’s popularity has grown, so have the malicious-code-making hackers. Mac OS X is no longer impregnable and needs mac antivirus software.

In the recent PandaLabs’ Q1 report, experts discussed the latest threats directed specifically towards Apple operating systems. One example of this is the highly powerful ransomware based on Encoder, called KeRanger, which managed to infect Apple users at the beginning of 2016. We all remember the major Trojan attacker flashback and Browlock, also known as the Police Virus or Shellshock. All of the previously mentioned examples confirm that attacks on Mac OS X are growing.

While it is true that the number of threats in the Mac’s operating system are lower than other platforms (such as Windows) we must be aware of the importance of an effective antivirus for Mac in order to fully enjoy our Apple computers. Enough excuses, let’s start preventing viruses!

The post Antivirus For Mac: Is It Really Necessary? appeared first on Panda Security Mediacenter.

The Most Effective Tools to Keep Your PC Malware-free


Malware creation continues to break records on an international level, as proven with the data from Q1 of 2016. Experts are identifying new malware samples every day that endanger the internet security on all of our devices.

Our day-to-day lives are effected, if not immersed, in unprecedented technological changes. As the world continues to become more digital, our personal and work environments continue to be susceptible to the +227,000 new threats that lurk on the internet.   Although our online habits continue to change and reflect these developments, we must remember that technology also opens the door for extremely aggressive cyber-attackers who are financially motivated. But, if we take preventative and adequate security measures, we will be able to protect ourselves from financial harm.

Panda Security would like to accompany our users in their digital transformation by offering solutions for a wide variety of devices and for different budgets; let’s work together to prevent, detect, and remove any kind of malware that is trying to sneak into your computer (and your bank account). Taking care of our computers’ “health” is the best way to save money… don’t wait until it’s too late! Tools like our Panda Cloud Cleaner are the best for working against cyber-crime.

In a recent test comparison, Panda Cloud Cleaner has proven to be one of the best free anti-virus tools in the market. Among the number of solutions tested and analyzed, Panda Cloud Cleaner was rated as outstanding in analysis modes (it is both fast and complete), and was able to eliminate all malware without having to install another anti-virus tool.


As you can see, Panda Security’s solution is rated as one of the most effective solutions for detecting and disinfecting malware.

Businesses maximize their profits by taking advantage of the newest technology and latest products that are lighter, more efficient, and easy-to-use. One of the tools you can add to this is the newly designed Panda Cloud Cleaner, with new ways to detect, disinfect, inform, and protect from the start. Panda’s top priority is to keep users safe and maximize security in all aspects of our digital lives.

The post The Most Effective Tools to Keep Your PC Malware-free appeared first on Panda Security Mediacenter.