Tag Archives: SplashData

Sports fans, avoid these weak passwords!

Earlier this week, a list of 25 worst sporting passwords was released by SplashData, and includes a whole raft of easily guessable passwords,  the most common being “baseball” and “football”.

Worst Sporting Passwords


In fact, baseball and football are so common that they appeared on the list of overall worst passwords published earlier in 2015.

It goes without saying that if you see your password among this list it really is time to change it. Having a weak password can make it easy for attackers or scammers to gain access to your accounts and the data stored within.


How to create a strong password:

Creating a strong password is much easier than winning the World Series and in a few simple steps you can have a password that can help keep your data secure while also being easy to remember.

For tips on what to avoid when getting a new password, be sure to check out this video from AVG Security Expert Michael McKinnon.


Four password mistakes to avoid