Tag Archives: Virus Lab

WordPress and Joomla users get hacked with fake jQuery

Hackers use the popular jQuery library to inject malicious code into websites powered by WordPress and Joomla.

JQuery is a very popular JavaScript library. The basic aim of this library is to erase the differences between implementations of JavaScript in various web browsers. If you have ever tried web coding you know how tedious it can be to make the code do the same thing in different browsers. Sometimes it is a really big challenge. In such situations, this library can be very useful.

Of course it is only a matter of time until such a well-known library gets the attention of those who want to use it for different purposes other than web coding. Fake jQuery injections have been very popular among hackers. And that brings us to one of the most popular infections of the last couple of months –  the attack that injects fake jQuery script into the head section of CML websites powered by WordPress and Joomla.

What does it look like?

jQuery hack source codeThe script is located right before the tag </head> so as a normal visitor you can’t notice anything unless you look into source code

In search of the perfect instruction

Knowing the language of common microprocessors is essential for the work of virus analysts across the AV industry.

Each program you run – clean, malicious, no matter – is actually a set of commands (called instructions) specific for particular processors. These instructions can be very simple, e.g. addition of two numbers, but we can see very complex cryptographic functions as well.

As the processor architecture evolves in time, it becomes more and more complicated and understanding or decoding the language is more difficult. It (hypothetically) does not have to be like this, but there’s a hell called backward compatibility.


Sooner or later, popular products such as (the majority of) desktop computers with the x86 processor need some innovative development to meet future requirements. Sometimes the amount of innovation is so vast, that it could easily form a completely new product. That’s the decision point – to be, or not to be – are you going to start a new product line and throw away the old platform, or will you stick with the old solution and keep the backward compatibility by hook or by crook?

Intel actually tried both ways.They admitted that there’s a need to make fundamental changes in the architecture and not limit themselves with the 20 year old shackle of 8086 processor.

So they started with the Itanium series – a completely different processor without the old limits. But the majority of common applications were written/compiled for traditional x86 architecture and Itanium has never made it to the “mainstream”.

To be honest, Itanium’s primary focus is a sphere of enterprise servers and high-end solutions, but it was a chance to make a big change with an impact also to traditional desktop systems. However, it would mean a successive conversion of current users to the new platform, motivating developers to write applications (browsers, media players, office suites…) for that platform, etc. This never happened and Itanium remains a enterprise solution. The x86 ecosystem was, and still is, so strong, that it was a necessity to paste all innovations to the old architecture. If you can’t start a greenfield project, you will always end up finding the lesser of two evils.

What are the drawbacks to Avast virus analysts?

The language of x86 processors is called x86 assembler. If we want to understand it, we must decode it with our x86 disassembler. This is a crucial part of static analysis, emulation, dynamic translation; weapons used by, I would guess, all antivirus engines to fight malware.

Having such a disassembler means having over 16,000 lines of C code and data, including padding and formatting in our case. It could be much shorter, if there were no logical exceptions from the decoding scheme, reusing prefixes for different purposes and giving them completely different meaning, etc. With such circumstances, writing a reliable, fast, and small disassembler is really difficult and with each “paste-to-old-architecture” innovation it gets closer to impossible. It’s going to be either big, slow, or not that reliable by design, because the x86/x64 architecture is so rich and in-homogeneous.

What should be done about x86

Here’s my point. It’s OK to add native support for AES and other cryptographic functions, it’s useful, but this is not the perfect instruction. I would really like to see the disasm instruction. Once the architecture is so complicated and the opcode map so messed up and there’s no way back, why not let Intel engineers deal with it?

We have a saying in Czech Republic, loosely translated: “Let them eat, what they cooked.” It would be so nice if a processor was able to provide us with its own native decoding capability. It would be so nice if we did not have to walk through the whole instruction set reference and find which part was twisted this time to fit new demands along with old shackles. After all, we could have smaller, faster, and the most reliable code (because who’s supposed to know x86/x64 processors better than their architects?).

So, Intel engineers, for the sake of all emulator programmers, will you pick up the gauntlet and implement the perfect instruction? :-)

Tiny Banker hidden in modified WinObj tool from Sysinternals

The Tiny Banker Trojan is spread by email attachments.

Tiny Banker aka Tinba Trojan made a name for itself targeting banking customers worldwide. The Avast Virus Lab first analyzed the malware found in the Czech Republic reported in this blog post, Tinybanker Trojan targets banking customers. It didn’t take long for the malware to spread globally attacking customers from various banking behemoths such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and RBC Royal Bank, which we wrote about in Tiny Banker Trojan targets customers of major banks worldwide.

This time we will write about a campaign targeting customers of Polish financial institutions.  The Trojan is spread by email attachments pretending to be pictures. The examples of email headers are shown in the following image.


In fact, there are executable files in the zip attachments – IMG-0084(JPEG).JPEG.exe, fotka 1.jpeg.exe. The interesting thing is that the binary looks almost like regular WinObj tool from Systernals, however there are differences: The original version of WinObj has a valid digital signature. The malware doesn’t have any.

The most significant difference is in the payload that replaced the original code. It is the same until a VA 0×414923  is reached where the original code is replaced by a malicious one, as you can see on the following image.

 Binary comparsion

There are some modifications in Tiny Banker including anti-debug tricks, however the encryption remains the same RC4 with a hard-coded password.


RC4 password


Using the RC4 algorithm with the hard-coded password we were able to get the configuration file for the Banker.

RC4 Passwordconfig

The configuration file provided us with information about the targeted financial institutions in Poland.

  • Bank Zachodni WBK
  • Bank Pekao
  • BOS Bank
  • BGZ GNP Paribas
  • eurobank
  • GBSBank
  • mBank
  • Toyota Bank
  • Spóldzielcza Grupa Bankowa


Avast detections

Avast customers are protected by the following detections:
Win32:Kryptik-PMD [Trj]
Win32:Kryptik-PME [Trj]


Malware spreading by email scams is pretty common. Malware authors use Tiny Banker to target multiple customers of financial institutions around the world. They used a regular binary this time and replaced original code with their payload.

This analysis was done collaboratively by David Fiser and Jaromir Horejsi.

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Android malware Fobus now targeting users in the U.S., Germany and Spain

Mid January we informed you of a data-stealing piece of Android malware called Fobus. Back then Fobus mainly targeted our users in Eastern Europe and Russia. Now, Fobus is also targeting our users in the USA, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and other countries around the world.

Fobus can cost its unaware victims a lot of money, because it sends premium SMS, makes calls without the victims’ knowledge and can steal private information. More concerning is that Fobus also includes hidden features that can remove critical device protections. The app tricks users into granting it full control of the device and that is when this nasty piece of malware really begins to do its work. You can find some more technical details and analysis of Fobus in our previous blog post from January.

Today, we decided to look back and check on some of the data we gathered from Fobus during the last six months. We weren’t surprised to find out that this malware family is still active and spreading, infecting unaware visitors of unofficial Android app stores and malicious websites.

The interesting part of this malware is the use of server-side polymorphism, which we suspected was being used back in January but could not confirm. We have now confirmed that server-side polymorphism is being used by analyzing some of the samples in our database. Most of these have not only randomly-generated package names, but it also seems that they have randomly-generated signing certificates.

Number of users who have encountered Fobus

Number of users who have encountered Fobus

Geographical reach expanded from the East to the West

Previously, we predicted that we would probably see a steady growth in the number of encounters users have with this malicious application. A review of the results, however, beats all of our predictions. At the beginning, this malware mainly targeted mobile users in Russian speaking countries. As our detections got smarter and we discovered new mutations of Fobus, we discovered that many other countries are affected as well. Now Fobus, although it still mainly targets users in Eastern Europe and Russia, is also targeting our users in the USA, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, and other countries around the world.

The above graph shows the number of unique users (user IDs) encountering Fobus per day. The graph is also geologically divided by country codes as reported by the users’ connection location.

Number of times users encountered Fobus by country (as of July 21, 2015):

  • Russia: 87,730
  • Germany: 25,030
  • Spain: 12,140
  • USA: 10,270
  • UK:  6,260
  • Italy: 5,910

There are two great leaps visible in the graph, which mark the days when new versions of Fobus were discovered and new detections protecting our users were released. These three detections seem to be particularly effective at their task. The high impact in countries outside of Russia and English speaking regions, which can be seen in the graph, is a little surprising. Especially considering that the malware typically is only in Russian and English and even the English version contains some strings in Russian. Seems like the authors were too lazy to translate their own app properly…

World map showing the percentage of users who encountered Fobus

World map showing the percentage of users who encountered Fobus

An app, built just for you

Now, let’s dig into the analysis. We will look at the certificates used to sign some of the Fobus samples. We already mentioned the problems connected with generating unique applications for each victim (server-side polymorphism). This does not only apply to rebuilding, repackaging and obfuscating each instance of the app itself, but also extends to their signing certificates. To back this up, we analyzed around 4,000 samples and data and inspected the usage of these certificates. We verified that each build of the malicious app is typically seen by one user only, even though its signing certificate can be used to sign multiple apps. Virtually all of the samples we have are very low prevalent, meaning that different users only very rarely see an app instance multiple times. As for the signing certificates, we believe that they are being regenerated on a timely basis. We were able to pick a few examples of such certificates from our statistics.












As you can see from the screenshots above, these certificates are dated the 28th and 30th May 2015 and the time differences in the beginning of the validity period between these certificates are in the order of minutes, sometimes even seconds. We have also found some samples that have certificates with randomly generated credentials altogether.


The above provided screenshot is an example of such randomly generated certificates.

To conclude, we would like to encourage you to think twice about the apps you install on your phone. Especially if the apps you download are from third party stores and unknown sources. If you download apps from the Google Play Store you’re on the safe side. Requiring nonstandard permissions – especially permissions that don’t seem necessary for the app to properly function – may be a sign that something fishy going on. You should be very suspicious of an app that requests device administrator access and think twice before downloading it.


Special thanks to my colleague, Ondřej David, for cooperation on this analysis.

Ask Me Anything (on Reddit) with Avira

We are sure you guys have a lot of questions as to how an antivirus company works.  That’s why we’re happy to announce that Carlos Valero Llabata, our Manager for the Virus Lab Detection Service, will be doing an Ask Me Anything on Reddit, the extremely popular gathering place/social networking/news website.

The IAmA will take place on the Mai 12th and start at 16:00 CEST. Once the Ask Me Anything on Reddit is live, we will update this post with a link, so that you can’t miss it and start posting your questions.

Wait a second – what is an AMA?

AMA is an acronym and means “Ask Me Anything”. On Reddit it basically offers the opportunity to interview people, but in a new way. “IAmA” is the traditional way of beginning the description of who you are; “AMA” is the traditional way of ending the description. Carlos will begin the process by starting a short introduction post. Then it’s your turn: You can leave questions and vote on other questions according to which ones you would like to see answered. You can ask any question you want. Take a look at some of the old or running AMAs if you are still unsure, it’s a lot of fun.

This doesn’t sound too hard, right? So gather your questions – we’ll see you in a week on /r/IAmA/ !

The post Ask Me Anything (on Reddit) with Avira appeared first on Avira Blog.

Malware authors go a step further to access bank accounts

Malware authors like to play hide-and-seek. Hiding executable files inside PDFs and Microsoft Office documents then emailing them as attachments are nothing new, but sometimes one layer isn’t enough. This Avast Virus Lab analysis peels back the layers of a new threat.


Malware authors continually surprise us with their creativity. In an effort to trick banking customers into revealing the login credentials for their online account, cycbercrooks are using the trust people have in Microsoft Office to make them execute banking malware on their own computers. Here’s how it works:

Typically, spam emails contain executable files that can harm a victim’s computer and steal private information. In the layered version, they have PDFs or Microsoft Office documents attached that contain a malicious executable file. We recently found an email that had an added layer and decided to analyze the email.

The email, disguised as a financially-related message from a legitimate company,  informed the recipient that an invoice was due and had a PDF file attached. Embedded inside the malicious PDF was a Microsoft Office document and simple java script that dropped and executed the DOC file.

pdf_jsInside the DOC file we found malicious macro code, which users must activate, as the code is disabled by Microsoft Office by default. The code obfuscates DOC files by creating new documents with unique methods names, variable names, and URLs, making it difficult to detect the malicious files.


When we analyzed the malicious macro code, we found some hints that helped us with our analysis. In this sample it was a function called MICHEL.


We already knew this function would open the URL with the malicious file, and when we found this function in one of the modules, we were able to find the download path.


The address is stored as a GUADALUPE variable. The URL is unique for each sample and leads to the download of a malicious PE file.


The PE file would act as an information stealer, stealing login credentials from banking sites like

  • Santander, whose principal market is in the Northeastern United States
  • Ulster bank, based in Ireland
  • From Google accounts
  • Microsoft

How to protect yourself from banking malware

Our number 1 recommendation is keep your security software updated. Avast streams hundreds of updates every day to your devices, so you will stay protected. For example, the executable file downloaded by the malicious Microsoft Office document belongs to a banker family evolved from infamous Zeus. This variant is also known as a Dridex Botnet. At the time of writing this post, the botnet is still active, but the malware itself is inactive. Avast detects it as Win32: Pierre-A.

Clever cybercrooks use social engineering to manipulate their victims. Use extreme caution when opening emails related to your finances until you can verify the legitimacy.

Samples related to this analysis:

PDF virustotal

DOC virustotal

PE virustotal

Porn clicker app slipped into Google Play imitating popular Dubsmash app

Everyone from celebrities like Lena Dunham to Hugh Jackman are using the (currently) seventh most popular app available on Google Play: Dubsmash. Dubsmash is an app with more than 10 million Google Play installations that lets users choose a sound, record a video to go along with the sound and send their dub to their friends or social media channels. Dubsmash is not only widely popular amongst teens and celebs, but the app has also caught the attention of malware authors.

Avast finds porn clicker app named Dubsmash 2 on Google Play

Google removed the rouge app after Avast notified them

Avast recently discovered “Dubsmash 2” (with the package name “com.table.hockes”) on Google Play – and no, it was not the bigger and better version of the original app. The app is a so called “porn clicker” and was installed 100,000-500,000 times from the Google Play Store. We contacted Google when we discovered the rogue app and it was removed from the Play Store shortly thereafter. Once the app was installed there was no evidence of an app named “Dubsmash 2” on the user’s device, instead the app installed an app icon named “Setting IS”. This is a common trick malware authors use to make it harder for the user to figure out which app is causing problems. This should also be the user’s first clue that something shady is going on. The “Settings IS” icon looked very similar to the actual Android Settings icon (see screenshot below).

The app’s mischievous activities could be triggered by two actions. The first possible way was by simply launching the “Settings IS” app and the second, which occurred only if the user had not yet launched the app, was via the BroadcastReceiver component within the app. BroadcastReceiver observed the device’s Internet connectivity and  if the BroadcastReceiver noticed the device was connected to the Internet, the app’s true functions would be triggered.

If the “Settings IS” app was opened by the user, the Google Play Store would launch to the actual “Dubsmash” app download page.

Porn clicker "Settings IS"

The rogue icon looked very similar to the Android Settings icon

Once activated, the app sent an HTTP GET request to an encrypted URL. If the request returned a string containing the character “1”  two services would begin to work: MyService and Streaming. Using this method the author could also effectively turn off the start of the services remotely.

The MyService service began by deleting the “Settings IS” app icon from the device’s main menu and scheduled a task to run every 60 seconds in the background of the device, meaning the user never realized that anything was happening. The task would download a list of links to various porn sites from an encrypted URL stored within the app, along with JavaScript execution code. One of the porn links from the list would be launched in the browser and after ten seconds, the JavaScript code (also downloaded from an encrypted URL) was executed, clicking further links within the porn site. In the case seen in the picture below, the function opened a random link from the web page.

Porn links app opened

The developer probably made money on pay-per-click ads.

The second service, the Streaming service, was fairly similar in structure to the MyService component in that it also scheduled a task to run every 60 seconds. The main difference to MyService, is that users could notice the Service tasks did not run secretly in the background. The task would check for changes in the device’s IP address or date. If either of them had changed, a video would launch in the device’s YouTube app. The YouTube app needed to be installed on the device for this to function properly. The video address was also obtained from an encrypted URL.


The encrypted URLs used by the app

After decrypting and further examining the URLs and the video from YouTube, the Avast Virus Lab came to the conclusion that the malware most likely originated from Turkey. The developer’s name listed on Google Play and YouTube hint to this.

We suspect the app developer used the porn clicker method for financial gain. Through clicks on multiple ads within the porn sites, the app developer probably received pay-per-click earnings from advertisers who thought he was displaying their ads on websites for people to actually see.

Despite being undesirable, but basically harmless to the user and less sophisticated than other malware families such as Fobus or Simplocker, this app shows that although there are safeguards in place, undesirable apps that fool users can still slip into the Google Play store.

If you installed Dubsmash 2 (package name “com.table.hockes”), you can delete the app by going into Settings -> Apps -> find “Settings IS” and then uninstall the app.

The Avast Mobile Security application detects this threat as Android:Clicker. SHA-256 hash: de98363968182c27879aa6bdd9a499e30c6beffcc10371c90af2edc32350fac4

Thank you Nikolaos Chrysaidos for your help with the analysis :)

Why some people would rather be right than believe a malware warning


This innocent looking USB drive could lead to infection – but only if you second-guess Avast warnings!

Would you rather trust the virus experts or your instincts?

Every day 140,000 people connect their USB flash drive or mobile phone to a computer, and get a warning from Avast about an infection called LNK:Jenxcus.

Which kind of person are you?

Many of them act on that information from their trusted Avast Antivirus security software and as a result, they scan their USB device for malware and they wipe it away. Crisis over.

But there is another group of people who keep this infection alive and active, because they refuse to believe it is a real or dangerous threat. In other words, because something has always been one way, they assume it can’t change, therefore Avast must be wrong.

As a result, they decide to turn off their antivirus shield and by doing so, they create an obstacle-free way for malware to enslave their computer and steal data or valuable computing time.

A perfectly good reason. Or is it?

One of the most frequent reasons people use for disabling shields and allowing malware to spread in their computer is

“I use this file all the time and it is safe.”

Another variation is,

“I created this file, it’s only a picture.”

Do you find this situation familiar? Are you guilty of over-riding the security software you installed to protect yourself?

If your answer is yes, then test your virus detection knowledge with the image below. There are two screenshots of a directory from a USB stick; one is infected and the other is clean. Can you tell the difference?


It’s difficult to tell, isn’t it?

The one on the left is infected. The most visible differences are on the icons, but there is another clue in the file types. Some files and directories on the left side changed their type into a shortcut. This happened because a malicious script installed itself onto a USB drive and replaced legitimate files with links. If the owner of the USB opens the directory Firm Accounting, for example,  he executes malware that in the end opens the real Firm Accounting directory, so it looks like everything is normal. But it is not, because in the background all the computer’s drives are getting infected over and over again.

Avast detects LNK:Jenxcus and warns you.

The trick is; you have to heed the warning.

Source of infection

Except from other infected drives, this malware is downloaded onto your computer from hacked websites. The screenshot below shows an example of a hacked website waiting for random users with a vulnerable internet browser. Can you tell the difference this time?


If you answered no, you are absolutely right, because for the normal user there is no visible change. That is probably the reason for another frequent excuse before disabling the shields,

“I visit this page every day. It doesn’t have malware.”

That’s just not good enough, because the fact that the page is clean most of the time, does not mean it is not vulnerable to attacks. In fact most small and medium-sized business (SMB) pages have some exploitable vulnerability and when they get targeted by exploit kit authors, your best chance to stay safe are updated applications and active antivirus. With the shields ON!


If you are comfortable with computers, then you may want to clean this infection manually. Start with your computer and look for links (.lnk) and visual basic script (.vbs .vba .vbe) or batch files (.bat). Links usually point to this hidden script files so it is not hard to find them. If you wonder where the original files are, you can find this information in links too. They were not moved in most cases, just marked as hidden so they are not visible on computers with standard configuration. When you are sure all hard drives are clean, it is time to go through all your removable ones and go through the same procedure.

An easier way to clean an infection is by using a good cleaning tool. If you need help searching for such tool, visit our Avast forum and read what others do in your situation, or ask nicely for help from Evangelists, who dedicate their free time to helping users and researching security problems.

Suspect a false positive?

If you think it’s a false positive, do a little checking first. The Avast forum is a good place to start. You can read about LNK:Jenxcus, or you can start a new thread with your own question.  If you are still convinced that you have a false positive, then please report it so the Avast Virus Lab can determine how/why it’s detected,. This video tells you how,



Mobile Crypto-Ransomware Simplocker now on Steroids

In June 2014, we told you about mobile ransomware called Simplocker that actually encrypted files (before Simplocker, mobile ransomware only claimed to encrypt files to scare users into paying). Simplocker infected more than 20,000 unique users, locking Android devices and encrypting files located in the external storage. Then, it asked victims to pay a ransom in order to “free” the hijacked device. It was easy to decrypt the files affected by this variant of Simplocker, because the decryption key was hardcoded inside the malware and was not unique for each affected device.

Dangerous unique keys

keyBut now there is a new, more sophisticated variant of Simplocker in town that has already infected more than 5,000 unique users within days of being discovered. The reason why this variant is more dangerous than its predecessor is that it generates unique keys for each infected device, making it harder to decrypt infected devices.

To use an analogy, the original variant of Simplocker used a “master key” to lock devices, which made it possible for us to provide a “copy of the master key” (in the form of an app, Avast Ransomware Removal) to unlock already infected devices. The new variant however, locks each device with a “different key” which makes it impossible to provide a solution that can unlock each infected device, because that would require us to “make copies” of all the different “keys”.

Why would anybody install Simplocker?!

The reason why people install this new variant of Simplocker is because it goes undercover, meaning people don’t even realize that what they are installing is ransomware!

Fake Flash

Tricky Simplocker pretends to be a real app.


In this case, the new variant of Simplocker uses the alias “Flash Player” and hides in malicious ads that are hosted on shady sites. These ads mostly “alert” users that they need Flash Player installed in order to watch videos. When the ad is clicked on, the malicious app gets downloaded, notifying the user to install the alleged Flash Player app. Android, by default, blocks apps from unofficial markets from being installed, which is why users are notified that the install is being blocked for security reasons.
Device Admin Request


Users should listen to Android’s advice. However, users can go into their settings to deactivate the block and download apps from unknown sources. Once installed, a “Flash Player” app icon appears on the device and when it is opened the “Flash Player” requests the user grant it administrator rights, which is when the trouble really begins.

As soon as the app is granted administrator rights, the malware uses social engineering to deceive the user into paying ransom to unlock the device and decrypt the files it encrypted. The app claims to be the FBI, warning the user that they have found suspicious files, violating copyright laws demanding the user pay a $200 fine to decrypt their files.

device-2015-02-05-143216  FBI warning is an example of social engineering

What should I do if I have been infected?

We do NOT recommend you pay the ransom. Giving into these tactics makes malware authors believe they are succeeding and encourages them to continue.

If you have been infected by this new strain of Simplocker, back up the encrypted files by connecting your smartphone to your computer. This will not harm your computer, but you may have to wait until a solution to decrypt these files has been found. Then boot your phone into safe mode, go into the administrator settings and remove the malicious app and uninstall the app from the application manager.

Avast protects users against Simplocker

Avast Mobile Security protects users against both the old and new variant of Simplocker, the new variant is detected as: Android:Simplocker-AA.

A more technical look under the hood:

As the fake FBI warning is being shown to users, the malware continues working in the background, doing the following:

    • The malware decrypts the internal configuration in order to get information like C&C (command and control) commands, the extensions to encrypt, and which users should communicate through Jabber to get the private configuration.

Internal Config

  • The malware communicates to the server every 60 minutes. Upon the first communication with the server it sends data like: BUILD_ID, AFFILIATE_ID, IMEI, OS, OperatorName, PhoneNumber, and Country to identify the device. Furthermore it checks whether the files have been encrypted or not. Also if a voucher has been entered, it sends back the type and the code. All the data that gets sent back to the server is formatted as: Base64 ( CRC(data) + MalwareEncryption(data) )
  • The data that is received by the server (private config) is saved into file <name>.properties in the root external storage folder of the device.

Command and Control (C&C)

The malware communicates with the C&C server through the XMPP protocol and Jabber.


Communication with the C&C

The malware opens the connection in one of the JIDs (Jabber IDs) that can be found in the internal config (ex. [email protected]:LarXrEc6WK2 ).

The connection is established  to the domain server (xmpp.jp)., then uses the username (timoftei) and the password (LarXrEc6WK2) to authorize itself. After authorization it tries to get the buddy list (roster) of the user. Each of the buddies are compared with the internal list, from internal config, in order to find the “master JID”, possibly the one user that will send back the data (private config) to the malware. After this process, the data is parsed and saved into the file <name>.properties  in the root external storage folder of the device.

After the retrieval of the private config the malware starts encrypting files.

SHA-256 Hash List:

  • 4A0677D94DD4683AC45D64C278B6E77424579433398CA9005C50A43FBBD6C8C2
  • 8E9561215E1ACE91F93B4FAD30DA6F368A9E743D3BE59EA34061ECA8EBAB1F33
  • 93FE7B9212E669BCF443F82303B41444CFE53ACEF8AC3A9F276C0FD2F7E6F123