Category Archives: Hackers News

Hackers News

Top 8 Cyber Security Tips for Christmas Online Shopping

As the most wonderful time of the year has come – Christmas, it has brought with itself the time of online shopping.

According to National Retail Federation, more than 151 million people shopped in store, but more than 100 Million shopped online during Cyber Monday sales and even why wouldn’t it be so given the vast conveniences of online shopping.

It is quite visible in these days that

How to Turn Any Non-Touch Screen PC Into a Touch Screen

Want to buy a touch-screen laptop but couldn’t afford it?

But what if I told you that you can turn your existing non-touch-screen laptop into a Touch Screen laptop?

Yes, it’s possible. You can now convert your laptop or PC into a touch screen with the help of a new device called AirBar.

Touch screen has become a popular feature on laptops these days, and many laptops are moving

AlienVault Unified Security Management: Real-Time Threat Detection Starting on Day 1

As organizations expand their IT infrastructure to match their evolving business models and meet changing regulatory requirements, they often find that their networks have become extremely complex and challenging to manage.

A primary concern for many IT teams is detecting threats in the mountain of event data being generated every day.

Even a relatively small network can generate

Juniper Firewalls with ScreenOS Backdoored Since 2012

Juniper Networks has announced that it has discovered “unauthorized code” in ScreenOS, the operating system for its NetScreen firewalls, that could allow an attacker to decrypt traffic sent through Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

It’s not clear what caused the code to get there or how long it has been there, but the release notes posted by Juniper suggest the earliest buggy versions of

Shocking! Instagram HACKED! Researcher hacked into Instagram Server and Admin Panel

Ever wonder how to hack Instagram or how to hack a facebook account? Well, someone just did it!

But, remember, even responsibly reporting a security vulnerability could end up in taking legal actions against you.

An independent security researcher claims he was threatened by Facebook after he responsibly revealed a series of security vulnerabilities and configuration flaws that allowed

19-Year-Old Teen Steals $150,000 by Hacking into Airline's Website

What do you do to earn up to $150,000?

Somebody just hacks into airlines and sells fake tickets.

That’s exactly what a 19-year-old teenager did and made approximately 1.1 Million Yuan (£110,000 or $150,000) by hacking into the official website of an airline and using the stolen booking information to defraud hundreds of passengers.

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The teenager, identified as Zhang

Bad Santa! Microsoft Offers — 'Upgrade now' or 'Upgrade tonight' to Push Windows 10

Many Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users don’t want to upgrade their machines to Microsoft’s newest Windows 10 operating system now or anytime soon. Isn’t it?

But what if you wake up in the morning and found yourself a Windows 10 user?

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That’s exactly what Microsoft is doing to Windows 7 and 8.1 users.

Windows 10 Upgrade Becomes More Aggressive

Ever since Microsoft

You can Hack into a Linux Computer just by pressing 'Backspace' 28 times

So what would anyone need to bypass password protection on your computer?

It just needs to hit the backspace key 28 times, for at least the computer running Linux operating system.

Wait, what?

A pair of security researchers from the University of Valencia have uncovered a bizarre bug in several distributions of Linux that could allow anyone to bypass any kind of authentication during

Hackers Plan to Ruin Christmas Eve for Millions of PlayStation and Xbox Live Gamers

Remember the notorious hacker group Lizard Squad that spoiled last Christmas holidays of many game lovers by knocking the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live offline with apparent Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks?

But, Will you be able to Play Xbox and PlayStation Game this Christmas?

Probably Not.

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Because a new hacking group is threatening to carry out

N3XT — Advanced CHIP that Could Make Your Computer 1000 Times Faster

Researchers have come up with an all new way to revolutionize the standard computer chip that comes inbuilt in all our electronics.

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, and the University of California, Berkeley among others, have invented a new material that could replace the ‘silicon’ in conventional chips – built in all electronic devices – making the device’s processing speed