Tag Archives: Privacy

World’s 25 worst passwords revealed! Is yours one of them?

According to this report, the world’s most used passwords from 2015 were “123456” followed closely by “password” itself. And to make matters worse, out of the Top 25 over a third (40%) were lazy combinations of those first two passwords.

Also on the list were shockers such as “solo”, “starwars” and even “princess” more than likely referring to the latest Star Wars movie that has been top of mind for many.

Perennial favorites like “qwerty” and “1qaz2wsx” also appear on the list, as people continue to think that using a pattern on their keyboard will thwart the cybercriminals – who, by the way, have known about that technique for years!


1 123456
2 password
3 12345678
4 qwerty
5 12345
6 123456789
7 football
8 1234
9 1234567
10 baseball
11 welcome
12 1234567890
13 abc123
14 111111
15 1qaz2wsx
16 dragon
17 master
18 monkey
19 letmein
20 login
21 princess
22 qwertyuiop
23 solo
24 passw0rd
25 starwars


Okay yes, I’ll put my hand up, I’ve been guilty of using one of these passwords myself – have you? But the important question is why we do it.

Having to think of a new and unique password these days is annoying and frustrating, especially when we’re all being told to create different passwords for every online account we have.  For some of us, that’s hundreds of accounts!

So what is the solution?  Here are some password tips.

  1. Watch this video on why you should never use the same password twice – and understand how you can “separate” a common password for use across multiple sites in a reasonably secure way.
  2. When thinking up a new password, learn about the four common mistakes that people make with passwords, as I explain in this video.
  3. Where available, especially for important accounts like Email, Banking and Facebook, consider activating “2-Factor” or “2-Step” authentication where you can – it’s no excuse for creating a lazy password, but it does add another layer of security.

Until next time, stay safe out there.


‘Instagram for Doctors’ app could risk your privacy

A social networking app called ‘Figure 1’ dubbed the ‘Instagram for doctors’, allows medical professionals to share photos and comments of interesting or baffling clinical cases with the goal of providing advice, education, and treatment options. But does it put patient privacy at risk?

Anyone can download the app and view the material posted on the platform, but only healthcare professionals can post images or make comments.

Any images posted to Figure 1 must have any physical details that could identify patients (faces, tattoos, piercings etc.) obscured or removed using the in-app tools. According to Figure 1, these images are then reviewed by moderators to verify that all identifying information has been properly removed.

However, while the in-app tools help maintain patient anonymity, there may be situations where a patient’s symptoms are so unique that, by virtue of the fact, they could be easily identified.

Figure 1 claims to take the issue of patient privacy extremely seriously, however, Dr Landy the creator of the app admitted that control of the patient consent process was out of their hands — it still remains the responsibility of the medical professional or institution.

Risks and concerns

The question of data security is all important in this particular case, because a data breach could be personally damaging for patients, and financially costly for medical practitioners and institutions alike.

As a patient, here are four questions you might like to ask your health care provider.

  • What assurances do you have that your data is being handled appropriately?
  • If your privacy is relying on any kind of human moderator, who’s watching the moderators?
  • How is your personally identifiable data securely disposed of, and when?
  • Does your provider have suitable data breach prevention policies, and are all their employees familiar with them?

Even though some companies and their employees may have the best intentions for their customers, not having proper measures in place can result in actions that have serious implications — as was the case with the 56 Dean Street clinic in London.

The Figure 1 app is an example of how technology can democratize knowledge to improve the speed and delivery of essential information that can make a real difference to people’s lives.

However, technologies that handle extremely confidential information must be tempered with the right controls to avoid privacy breaches at all costs.


2016: The Year of Spying Microwaves and Hijacked Cars

The security stakes only seem to be rising when it comes to the threats that affect us as modern-day consumers.

What behavior could a smart appliance reveal about you?

What behavior could a smart appliance reveal about you?

Over the past year, we have seen a list of notable mobile threats that put people’s privacy at risk. Previously unseen vulnerabilities surfaced, such as Certifi-gate and Stagefright, both of which can be exploited to spy on users. Certifi-gate put approximately 50 percent of Android users at risk, and Stagefright made nearly 1 billion Android devices vulnerable to spyware. In 2015, for the first time, cybercriminals were able to attack users on a vast level.

Another mobile threat on the rise in 2015 was mobile ransomware, using asymmetric cryptography, making it nearly impossible to recover the encrypted data on a smartphone. The most common mobile threats in 2015 were adware — often apps disguised as fun gaming apps that provide little value and spam users with ads. We believe that 2016 will be the year in which we see threats moving from smartphones to smart homes — and beyond.

Total number of attacks on Android devices that Avast has detected in 2015

Total number of attacks on Android devices that Avast has detected in 2015


2016: Internet-connected devices will spell out your life to anyone who’s curious

In 2015, society has gotten a taste of what the future might look like with the rise of Internet-connected devices. While we’ve now become accustomed to our smartphones, the possibilities for both users and hackers are growing exponentially when it comes to gadgets and systems that comprise the budding Internet of Things (IoT).

We often forget about many of the devices that, in reality, fit into the “smart” category. Smart devices and gadgets can include anything from thermostats to microwaves, smart locks to smoke detectors to children’s toys. Since we make use of these gadgets in our daily tasks and endeavors, an attack on their security could result in dire threats to our privacy and security.

Smart devices, such as household appliances, cars and wearables are basically our life companions. Unlike a smartphone, which holds information about our communications, contacts, photos and videos, smart devices reveal more specific information about our behavior, such as our driving, fitness, and cooking habits, or our children’s learning behavior.

This provides optimal opportunities for hackers to target personal data, including information collected by wearable, Internet-connected devices. What’s more, this data can be used by governments for law enforcement purposes and for businesses, like insurance companies, to restrict payments or medical procedures from people who may have previously made unwise financial or health-related decisions. This year, we could see the first country enact a law that would give certain industries authorization to exploit consumer data through information collected by smart devices.

Ransomware that could turn your devices against you

We already know how dangerous ransomware can be — this aggressive malware family locks individuals out of their devices and renders them useless, leaving users with little choice other than to pay a specified amount of money demanded by hackers in order to regain access to their device. On a smartphone, a factory reset helps to remove the ransomware, and if the user has conducted a backup, the harm is minor. However, if and when ransomware makes its way into the IoT sphere, we must be prepared in order to prevent our own devices from being manipulated and turning against us.

But 2016 could be the year when we witness our first serious car hack. This year, Land Rover has recalled 65,000 cars from the market because of a software bug that could lead to car theft. Taking this point a step further, imagine if your car’s software actually locked you out of your primary mode of transportation. What lengths would you go to if your personal security system locked you out of your own home? There’s a good chance that these issues will need to be dealt with as we move into the heyday of IoT.

Kids’ safety: toys that put children’s privacy at risk

Now, people should think twice before buying their children the newest trinket that they see in the window — while seemingly harmless, children’s toys can be wolves in sheep’s clothing when it comes to security. This can be seen in the recent VTech scandal, around the toy manufacturer of network-enabled learning toys that stored email addresses, physical addresses, passwords, as well as names and birth dates of more than 6 million children without proper protection measures. Another example is the Internet-connected Hello Barbie doll that was vulnerable to hackers who could spy on children talking to their dolls.

These two examples could be the start of an uprising in hacks in 2016 that jeopardize kids’ privacy. No longer are parents the only ones taking photos of their children — with smart kids’ devices storing photo and video footage, leaked files could easily make their way into the wrong hands. These files are then sent to servers, and often, it remains unclear what happens to these files, how they are secured and whether or not they are shared with third parties.

Children’s toys even have the ability to potentially affect a child’s success later in life — if schools choose to examine data supplied and exploited by Internet-connected educational toys, admittance processes could change, resulting in children’s lives being directly affected.

New year, new threats on the horizon

When it comes to dealing with security threats in 2016, the rule of thumb is this: Consumers should always stay one large step ahead of their smart devices. As these gadgets continue to obtain more capabilities and gather more of our information, it’s important that we retain our common sense when managing our security and personal privacy. Making use of security solutions on both computers and mobile devices is a reliable way to ensure that consumers remain in control of what belongs to them. While staying protected, we can confidently look forward to what’s in store as the new year continues to unfold.


What you share online may be revealed to others

Every year we celebrate Data Privacy Day by thinking about what we post online, what methods we use to connect, and the security of the devices we use.

Data Privacy Day

Data Privacy Day  (DPD) is an international effort held annually on January 28 to create awareness about the importance of privacy and protecting personal information. Avast knows that security these days means more than protection against viruses. Online threats put your security and personal data at risk. You not only have to protect your desktop PC, but also your mobile devices. Your privacy can be violated by the apps you use, and bad guys can even invade your home through your home router.  

Fortunately, these threats can be managed when you take the advice of Data Privacy Day: 


Here’s some tips and solutions from Avast to help you manage all the privacy needs on your devices.

Share with care

Think about the consequences of what you post online, especially in social networks. Think about what others could learn about you and who might see your posts in the future ‒ teachers, parents, colleges, and potential employers.

career ending

What you post can last a lifetime, so choose wisely what you share publicly.


Own your online presence: Set the privacy and security settings on web services and devices to your comfort level for information sharing. It’s ok to limit how and with whom you share information.

Want to view or change your privacy/security settings, but don’t know where to find them? Use the direct links gathered for DPD to update your privacy settings on popular devices and online services.

Stay CyberAware while on the go

Don’t count on public Wi-Fi networks and hotspots to be safe; anyone could potentially see what you are doing on your mobile device while you are connected. Avast Wi-Fi Finder locates safe and reliable connections in your area.

If no secured networks are to be found, then you can connect using Avast’s virtual private network (VPN) app called Avast SecureLine VPN. It encrypts your connect to prevent hackers from stealing your data via public/open Wi-Fi hotspot networks.

Personal information is like money. Value it. Protect it.

Protect your PC or Mac. Bank account numbers, passwords, photos, messages and emails – all of them need some form of protection to stay out of the wrong hands. One of the easiest steps to take is to get strong protection like Avast Antivirus. Avast does what you would expect – detects and blocks viruses and malware, but it has a unique feature called Home Network Security which strengthens your home network by scanning your home router for vulnerabilities.

Protect your mobile devices. Much of your life is on your mobile devices – banking information, private messages, and photos. Protect all your data with Avast Mobile Security, free from Google Play.

Protect your passwords. The best tip: Avoid using easy-to-crack passwords like 123456 or password. We know when you have an average of 19 passwords to remember that that advice can be a bit difficult. Avast Passwords  for PC, iOS, and Android automatically generates extremely strong passwords that you don’t have to struggle to remember! All you do is set and remember one master password to access all your passwords across your devices.

Data Privacy Day might be celebrated on January 28, but the principles need to be practiced everyday so you can make sure your privacy is protected around-the-clock. Here at Avast, we strive to give you the tools to do that. Please share these tips and Avast solutions with the important people in your life.