Tag Archives: Security

Before you initiate a “docker pull”

In addition to the general challenges that are inherent to isolating containers, Docker brings with it an entirely new attack surface in the form of its automated fetching and installation mechanism, “docker pull”. It may be counter-intuitive, but “docker pull” both fetches and unpacks a container image in one step. There is no verification step and, surprisingly, malformed packages can compromise a system even if the container itself is never run. Many of the CVE’s issues against Docker have been related to packaging that can lead to install-time compromise and/or issues with the Docker registry.

One, now resolved, way such malicious issues could compromise a system was by a simple path traversal during the unpack step. By simply using a tarball’s capacity to unpack to paths such as “../../../” malicious images were able to override any part of a host file system they desired.

Thus, one of the most important ways you can protect yourself when using Docker images is to make sure you only use content from a source you trust and to separate the download and unpack/install steps. The easiest way to do this is simply to not use “docker pull” command. Instead, download your Docker images over a secure channel from a trusted source and then use the “docker load” command. Most image providers also serve images directly over a secure, or at least verifiable, connection. For example, Red Hat provides a SSL-accessible “Container Images”.  Fedora also provides Docker images with each release as well.

While Fedora does not provide SSL with all mirrors, it does provide a signed checksum of the Docker image that can be used to verify it before you use “docker load”.

Since “docker pull” automatically unpacks images and this unpacking process itself is often compromised, it is possible that typos can lead to system compromises (e.g. a malicious “rel” image downloaded and unpacked when you intended “rhel”). This typo problem can also occur in Dockerfiles. One way to protect yourself is to prevent accidental access to index.docker.io at the firewall-level or by adding the following /etc/hosts entry: index.docker.io

This will cause such mistakes to timeout instead of potentially downloading unwanted images. You can still use “docker pull” for private repositories by explicitly providing the registry:

docker pull registry.somewhere.com/image

And you can use a similar syntax in Dockerfiles:

from registry.somewhere.com/image

Providing a wider ecosystem of trusted images is exactly why Red Hat began its certification program for container applications. Docker is an amazing technology, but it is neither a security nor interoperability panacea. Images still need to come from sources that certify their security, level-of-support, and compatibility.

Container Security: Isolation Heaven or Dependency Hell

Docker is the public face of Linux containers and two of Linux’s unsung heroes: control groups (cgroups) and namespaces. Like virtualization, containers are appealing because they help solve two of the oldest problems to plague developers: “dependency hell” and “environmental hell.”

Closely related, dependency and environmental hell can best be thought of as the chief cause of “works for me” situations. Dependency hell simply describes the complexity inherent in modern application’s tangled graph of external libraries and programs they need to function. Environmental hell is the name for the operating system portion of that same problem (i.e. what wrinkles, in particular which bash implementation,on which that quick script you wrote unknowingly relies).

Namespaces provide the solution in much the same way as virtual memory simplified writing code on a multi-tenant machine: by providing the illusion that an application suite has the computer all to itself. In other words,”via isolation”. When a process or process group is isolated via these new namespace features, we say they are “contained.” In this way, virtualization and containers are conceptually related, but containers isolate in a completely different way and conflating the two is just the first of a series of misconceptions that must be cleared up in order to understand how to use containers as securely as possible. Virtualization involves fully isolating programs to the point that one can use Linux, for example, while another uses BSD. Containers are not so isolated. Here are a few of the ways that “containers do not contain:”

  1. Containers all share the same kernel. If a contained application is hijacked with a privilege escalation vulnerability, all running containers *and* the host are compromised. Similarly, it isn’t possible for two containers to use different versions of the same kernel module.
  2. Several resources are *not* namespaced. Examples include normal ulimit systems still being needed to control resources such as filehandlers. The kernel keyring is another example of a resource that is not namespaced. Many beginning users of containers find it counter-intuitive that socket handlers can be exhausted or that kerberos credentials are shared between containers when they believe they have exclusive system access. A badly behaving process in one container could use up all the filehandles on a system and starve the other containers. Diagnosing the shared resource usage is not feasible from within
  3. By default, containers inherit many system-level kernel capabilities. While Docker has many useful options for restricting kernel capabilities, you need a deeper understanding of an application’s needs to run it inside containers than you would if running it in a VM. The containers and the application within them will be dependent on the capabilities of the kernel on which they reside.
  4. Containers are not “write once, run anywhere”. Since they use the host kernel, applications must be compatible with said kernel. Just because many applications don’t depend on particular kernel features doesn’t mean that no applications do.

For these and other reasons, Docker images should be designed and used with consideration for the host system on which they are running. . By only consuming images from trusted sources, you reduce the risk of deploying containerized applications that exhaust system resources or otherwise create a denial of service attack on shared resources. Docker images should be considered as powerful as RPMs and should only be installed from sources you trust. You wouldn’t expect your system to remain secured if you were to randomly install untrusted RPMs nor should you if you “docker pull” random Docker images.

In the future we will discuss the topic of untrusted images.

AVG at Kiwicon 8 in Wellington, New Zealand

But this is no ordinary conference, this is “Kiwicon” the eighth consecutive annual security conference held in Wellington, New Zealand whose theme this year is – “It’s always 1989 in computer security”.

No expense has been spared by the organisers to reinforce the 80’s theme including name badges in the form of real audio cassettes (yes, they still exist) that are labelled with your hacker name.  I’m afraid my hacker name of “Michael” was somewhat plain in hindsight!

The self-deprecating humour scattered throughout the Kiwicon website and program guide is nothing short of amazing; a must-read if you get the chance.  And the permanent stage props of a Llama and Sheep really help paint the picture of a conference that has a wonderful relaxed, if not quirky tone.

With more than 1,100 security geeks attending, including many international guests, this conference is likely the closest thing to DEFCON this side of the Pacific; and from comments I’ve heard from fellow attendees, maybe even better.

The first day has concluded with talks as diverse as real cases of journalists and human rights activists being hacked by suspicious government actors, to researchers who reverse engineered the Bluetooth powered controls of an electric skateboard.

Presentations at Kiwicon tend to be very technical, and give you an insight into the genius minds behind some of the leading edge security research that over time assists in keeping all of us safer online, as vulnerabilities are discovered and disclosed.

Day two of Kiwicon is packed with topics such as a walk through of techniques that can be used to detect hoax images that are all too familiar on the Internet these days, as well as some possible disclosures relating to Minecraft which may well turn into breaking news.

But if attending security talks aren’t your thing, the conference also offers the chance to participate in a hacking challenge, lock-picking competition and other activities to keep the minds of the brightest up and coming security professionals occupied.

Until the next conference, stay safe out there.

Is backing up your data the same as exposing it? In this case – Yes!

Losing contacts from your mobile phone is highly inconvenient. There’s seems to be a solution –  You can find them online! The catch? Your contacts are in a publicly accessible place.

1playstore photo


If you care for your privacy you should always be suspicious about “Cloud Backup” solutions you find in the Google Play Store. The solution that is being analyzed here backs up your personal contacts online. In public.

Upon starting the application, you will find a screen where you can put your mobile number and a password of your choice. Then you can upload your contacts in the cloud.


A brief analysis inside this application shows us how exactly it backs up your contacts in the cloud. The contacts are associated with the phone number that you have given in the previous step and they are sent through HTTP POST requests in a PHP page.


Further analysis through IP traffic capturing with Fiddler helped usdiscover the results in the pictures above; a page located online, for anyone to see, that contains thousands of un-encrypted entries of phone numbers and passwords. Using the info in the app you can retrieve personal private data (contacts) from another user.

4fiddlerinfo 5datafromserver

We found log in data inside those entries from countries like Greece, Brazil, and others

The Play Store page says that this app has been installed 50.000-100.000 times. This is a big number of installations for an application that doesn’t deliver the basic secure Android coding practices. The developer must use technologies like HTTPS, SSL and encryption on the data that are transferred through the web and stored in the server. Nogotofail is a useful network security testing tool designed by Google to “to help developers and security researchers spot and fix weak TLS/SSL connections and sensitive cleartext traffic on devices and applications in a flexible, scalable, powerful way.

6appinfoplaystore The application has been reported to Google without receiving any response.

Avast detects it as Android:DataExposed-B [PUP].

Samples (SHA-256):

F51803FD98C727F93E502C13C9A5FD759031CD2A5B5EF8FE71211A0AE7DEC78C 199DD6F3B452247FBCC7B467CB88C6B0486194BD3BA01586355BC32EFFE37FAB

Disabling SSLv3 on the client and server

Recently, some Internet search engines announced that they would prefer websites secured with encryption over those that were not.  Of course there are other reasons why securing your website with encryption is beneficial.  Protecting authentication credentials, mitigating the use of cookies as a means of tracking and allowing access, providing privacy of your users, and authenticating your own server thus protecting the information you are trying to convey to your users.  And while setting up and using encryption on a webserver can be trivial, doing it properly might take a few additional minutes.

Red Hat strives to ship sane defaults that allow both security and availability.  Depending on your clients a more stringent or lax configuration may be desirable.  Red Hat Support provides both written documentation as well as a friendly person that can help make sense of it all.  Inevitably, it is the responsibility of the system owner to secure the systems they host.

Good cryptographic protocols

Protocols are the basis for all cryptography and provide the instructions for implementing ciphers and using certificates.  In the asymmetric, or public key, encryption world the protocols are all based off of the Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL, protocol.  SSL has come along way since its initial release in 1995.  Development has moved relatively quickly and the latest version, Transport Layer Security version 1.2 (TLS 1.2), is now the standard that all new software should be supporting.

Unfortunately some of the software found on the Internet still supports or even requires older versions of the SSL protocol.  These older protocols are showing their age and are starting to fail.  The most recent example is the POODLE vulnerability which showed how weak SSL 3.0 really is.

In response to the weakened protocol Red Hat has provided advice to disable SSL 3.0 from its products, and help its customers implement the best available cryptography.  This is seen in products from Apache httpd to Mozilla Firefox.  Because SSL 3.0 is quickly approaching its twentieth birthday it’s probably best to move on to newer and better options.

Of course the protocol can’t fix everything if you’re using bad ciphers.

Good cryptographic ciphers

Cryptographic ciphers are just as important to protect your information.  Weak ciphers, like RC4, are still used on the Internet today even though better and more efficient ciphers are available.  Unfortunately the recommendations change frequently.  What was suggested just a few months ago may no longer be good choices today.  As more work goes into researching the available ciphers weaknesses are discovered.

Fortunately there are resources available to help you stay up to date.  Mozilla provides recommended cipher choices that are updated regularly.  Broken down into three categories, system owners can determine which configuration best meets their needs.

Of course the cipher can’t fix everything if your certificate are not secure.


Certificates are what authenticate your server to your users.  If an attacker can spoof your certificate they can intercept all traffic going between your server and users.  It’s important to protect your keys and certificates once they have been generated.  Using a hardware security module (HSM) to store your certificates is a great idea.  Using a reputable certificate authority is equally important.


Most clients that support SSL/TLS encryption automatically try to negotiate the latest version.  We found with the POODLE attack that http clients, such as Firefox, could be downgraded to a weak protocol like SSL 3.0.  Because of this many server owners went ahead and disabled SSL 3.0 to prevent the downgrade attack from affecting their users.  Mozilla has, with their latest version of Firefox, disabled SSL 3.0 by default (although it can be re-enabled for legacy support).  Now users are protected even though server owners may be lax in their security (although they are still at the mercy of the server’s cipher and protocol choices).

Much of the work has already been done behind the scenes and in the development of the software that is used to serve up websites as well as consume the data that comes from these servers.  The final step is for system owners to implement the technology that is available.  While a healthy understanding of cryptography and public key infrastructure is good, it is not necessary to properly implement good cryptographic solutions.  What is important is protecting your data and that of your users.  Trust is built during every interaction and your website it usually a large part of that interaction.

Cybercriminals take advantage of relaxed security measures during Black Friday

Cybercrooks believe that their attacks are more likely to succeed during the holiday shopping season.



Retailers have been “leaking” special Black Friday deals since before Buffalo got covered in a snow wall, and that flurry of sales results in the annual spike that carries them through the rest of the year. But analysts who study these things warn that cybercrooks are riding the sales wave with a surge in attacks due to relaxed security measures.

The Wall Street Journal quotes Gartner Inc’s vice president Avivah Litan,

Retail transaction volume increases by 50% during the holidays and retailers don’t want to stop to slow the pace of business, so they relax fraud controls to some degree. Criminals know they’re likely to get away with more.

Yikes! That’s not good news for consumers, especially since we are swiping our credit and debit cards at places like Target, The Home Depot, and Neiman Marcus – all victims of point-of-sale terminal hacks this year. Experts have advised retailers to take action, like upgrading terminals with new technology and enabling chip embedded cards, but all that takes time to implement.

It’s not much better online. Attacks during last holiday shopping season, November 14, 2013 through January 9, 2014 increased by 264% over the weeks prior to that time, says security company Imperva.The reason?

Believe Macy's

Cybercrooks believe in their ability to succeed this time of year.

Cybercrooks believe that retail applications are more vulnerable during this time of the year, and that attacks are more likely to succeed. Isn’t that what the Gartner analyst said about brick-and-mortar retailers?

The reasoning is similar – in order not to annoy shoppers who can go elsewhere, online retailers relax strict security measures such as step-up authentication and Captcha. Add that easy check-out to all those new Black Friday and CyberMonday quick campaign webpages, (“bad design, unsafe coding, and usage of insecure third-party libraries”) and cybercrooks get an early Christmas present in the form of your credit card number and possible stolen identity.

How to protect yourself during Black Friday

  • Stay home on Thursday Celebrate Thanksgiving with your family. That way you can safely eat too much and watch football and movies while avoiding the crazed crowds trying to jump the gun on Black FRIDAY sales.
  • In God We Trust, All Others Use Cash Use cash or a credit card when paying for your purchases. With a credit card, you can dispute charges, if your financial data falls into the hands of cybercrooks.
  • Change your passwords. Please don’t use the same password for online shopping sites that you use for your bank. When you do it’s like wrapping it in fancy paper and a bow – it’s that easy for a cybercrook to get to.
  • Regularly monitor your bank and credit card statements to make sure all the transactions are legitimate. Monitor your credit report for any changes.

Avast Software’s security applications for PC, Mac, and Android are trusted by more than 200-million people and businesses. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.


WordPress 4.0.1 Security Release

WordPress 4.0.1 is now available. This is a critical security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately.

Sites that support automatic background updates will be updated to WordPress 4.0.1 within the next few hours. If you are still on WordPress 3.9.2, 3.8.4, or 3.7.4, you will be updated to 3.9.3, 3.8.5, or 3.7.5 to keep everything secure. (We don’t support older versions, so please update to 4.0.1 for the latest and greatest.)

WordPress versions 3.9.2 and earlier are affected by a critical cross-site scripting vulnerability, which could enable anonymous users to compromise a site. This was reported by Jouko Pynnonen. This issue does not affect version 4.0, but version 4.0.1 does address these eight security issues:

  • Three cross-site scripting issues that a contributor or author could use to compromise a site. Discovered by Jon Cave, Robert Chapin, and John Blackbourn of the WordPress security team.
  • A cross-site request forgery that could be used to trick a user into changing their password.
  • An issue that could lead to a denial of service when passwords are checked. Reported by Javier Nieto Arevalo and Andres Rojas Guerrero.
  • Additional protections for server-side request forgery attacks when WordPress makes HTTP requests. Reported by Ben Bidner (vortfu).
  • An extremely unlikely hash collision could allow a user’s account to be compromised, that also required that they haven’t logged in since 2008 (I wish I were kidding). Reported by David Anderson.
  • WordPress now invalidates the links in a password reset email if the user remembers their password, logs in, and changes their email address. Reported separately by Momen Bassel, Tanoy Bose, and Bojan Slavković of ManageWP.

Version 4.0.1 also fixes 23 bugs with 4.0, and we’ve made two hardening changes, including better validation of EXIF data we are extracting from uploaded photos. Reported by Chris Andrè Dale.

We appreciated the responsible disclosure of these issues directly to our security team. For more information, see the release notes or consult the list of changes.

Download WordPress 4.0.1 or venture over to Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now”.

Already testing WordPress 4.1? The second beta is now available (zip) and it contains these security fixes. For more on 4.1, see the beta 1 announcement post.

Keep track of your family’s devices using your Avast Account

The average US family owns four mobile devices, plus Internet-connected computers and other devices. Your Avast Account helps you manage their security.

Avast Account screenshot

Manage all your devices with a free Avast Account.

Keeping your security software up-to-date on all of these devices can quickly get confusing, and with today’s risks you want to make sure everything has adequate protection. Your Avast Account can simplify that task greatly.

Here’s what you get with an Avast account

Management made easy

  • Register any Avast free product which you have installed and which requires registration.
  • Manage multiple Avast-protected devices (PC, smartphone, tablet) from one place.
  • Remotely control Android mobile devices with Avast Mobile Security and Avast Anti-Theft installed. This is especially useful in case of loss or theft of the device .

Information at your fingertips

You can find information about your connected devices.

  • License status
  • Expiration date
  • Basic statistics
  • Version of virus signature database
  • Logs of activities, and more

Earn Avast Reward points for free stuff

You can generate your own special Avast Free Antivirus link to give to your family members and friends. When they download their own protection using your link, you collect “Karma” points to earn a free copy of Avast Internet Security. In your Avast Account, you can see how many points you have, earn badges and even see how you’re doing compared to other users.

Give Avast feedback

We provide links to the Avast Community Forum where you can ask questions of our experienced “evangelists,” and the Feedback page, where you can give suggestions, report a problem, or just say thanks.

Secure your Facebook profile

You can secure your Facebook profile using Avast Social Media Security. We help you navigate thorough the frequently changing security and privacy settings in Facebook. In the future we plan to add security profiles on other social networks.

How do I get an Avast Account?

New registrations of Avast Free Antivirus will automatically create an Avast Account and connect your device automatically. Visit https://my.avast.com or click Account in the Avast user interface. Use of the Avast Account for accessing other Avast services is completely optional.

NOTE: It’s especially useful to connect any mobile devices that have Avast Mobile Security installed because it gives you remote control over your device if the device is stolen. These remote control features have not yet been implemented for PC or Mac devices, therefore if you are not interested in the activity log or other information, you don’t have to connect your device to your Avast Account at all.

When you do connect your device, please be patient because of the large amount of data we have to process; the device status isn’t updated in real-time. It could take up to a half hour before the actual security status and other device information appears on the devices page, so check again later.

Avast Software’s security applications for PC, Mac, and Android are trusted by more than 200-million people and businesses. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Top Cyber Security Awareness Month themes, topics, and resources

National Cyber Security Awareness Month happens every October and NCSAM 2014 has seen more events and resources than ever. This recorded webinar discusses the top topics of NCSAM 2014, from the shortage of skilled cybersecurity workers to the Internet of Things (IoT).

The post Top Cyber Security Awareness Month themes, topics, and resources appeared first on We Live Security.