Internet of Things: How to protect smart cars from cyber-attacks

Knight Rider, Back to the Future, Minority Report. What do these movies have in common? Well, it’s the fact that they all talk about the evolution of cars. We may not yet have a car “buddy” like KITT or flying DeLoreans all over the place – but we are in that moment of time when our cars can be hijacked via the internet and a third party take control over the vehicle.

The post Internet of Things: How to protect smart cars from cyber-attacks appeared first on Avira Blog.

ifchk 1.0.2

Ifchk is a network interface promiscuous mode detection tool that reports on the operational state of all configured interfaces present on the system. In addition, it will disable those interfaces found to be promiscuous if told to do so. Per-interface statistics can also be displayed, allowing administrators to perform traffic trend analysis, which could be an aid in the identification of possible inconsistencies or spikes in network traffic volume that may warrant further investigation.