[ANNOUNCE] libapreq2-2.12 Released

        libapreq2-2.12 Released

The Apache Software Foundation and The Apache HTTP Server Project
are pleased to announce the 2.12 release of libapreq2.  This
Announcement notes significant changes introduced by this release.

libapreq2-2.12 is released under the Apache License
version 2.0.  It is now available through the ASF mirrors


and has entered the CPAN as 

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/J/JO/JOESUF/libapreq2-2.12.tar.gz
  size: 859412 bytes
  md5: 76e2acde0d82246dea6f2565f3746eec

libapreq2 is an APR-based shared library used for parsing HTTP cookies,
query-strings and POST data.  This package provides

    1) version 2.7.1 of the libapreq2 library,

    2) mod_apreq2, a filter module necessary for using libapreq2
       within the Apache HTTP Server,

    3) the Apache2::Request, Apache2::Cookie, and Apache2::Upload
       perl modules for using libapreq2 with mod_perl2.


Changes with libapreq2-2.12 (released March 13, 2009)

- C API [joes]
  Make the cookie parser a little more flexible.

- Interactive CGI module [issac]
  Allow cgi module to interactively prompt for parameters and cookies when
  running a script from the command line and not from a CGI interface

- Perl Glue [joes]
  Fix the linking of the perl modules to libapreq2 and libapr
  on Solaris.

- Perl Glue [joes]
  Fix install-time linking issue of the .so modules.
  Previously they would remain linked against the src
  library path, not the install path.

- C API [joes]
  Add optional interface for apreq_handle_apache2().

- C API [joes]
  Clean up buggy apreq_hook_find_param().

- Perl Glue Build [Philip M. Gollucci]
  config.status format changed format yet again in autoconf 2.62+.

- License [Mladen Turk]
  Add libapreq.rc and generate libapreq.res

- Build [Mladen Turk]
  in the same way as APR declares so that dllexport/dllimport
  get correctly handled.   

- Build [Randy Kobes]
  Add appropriate manifest command to embed manifest files on Win32 
  when using VC8

- C API [Andy Grundman, joes]
  Add missing bytes_read initializer to apreq_handle_custom().

- C API [suggested by Vinay Y S, tested by Steve Hay and Peter Walsham]
  For Win32, remove the
  in apreq_file_cleanup, to avoid problems with file uploads.

- C API [joes]
  Fix leak associated to calling apreq_brigade_fwrite() on an upload

- Build [Philip M. Gollucci]
  SunOS (Solaris) 
  Users must use gmake not make for building.

- Build [Philip M. Gollucci]
  SunOS (Solaris)
  Code around bug in libtool (at least in 1.5.18, 1.5.20, 1.5.22)
  causing mod_apreq2 to be built instead of mod_apreq2.so

- C API [Philip M. Gollucci]
  Fix comparison signed vs unsigned comparison
  in apreq_fwritev() on SunOS/gcc where iovec.iov_len is a long.

- Build [Philip M. Gollucci]
  SunOS (Solaris)
  fix duplicate link error to libexpat.so -- by using the one from httpd
  exclusively now.

- Build [Philip M. Gollucci]
  code around |#_!!_#| autoconf 2.60 bug.

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