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Category Archives: Apache
Apache Security
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[ANNOUNCE] Apache HTTP Server 2.4.25 Released
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.25 Released The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are pleased to announce the release of version 2.4.25 of the Apache HTTP Server ("Apache"). This version of Apache is our latest GA release of the new generation 2.4.x branch of Apache HTTPD and represents fifteen years of innovation by the project, and is recommended over all previous releases. This release of Apache is a security, feature, and bug fix release, and addresses these specific security defects as well as other fixes: CVE-2016-0736 ( mod_session_crypto: Authenticate the session data/cookie with a MAC (SipHash) to prevent deciphering or tampering with a padding oracle attack. CVE-2016-2161 ( mod_auth_digest: Prevent segfaults during client entry allocation when the shared memory space is exhausted. CVE-2016-5387 ( core: Mitigate [f]cgi "httpoxy" issues. CVE-2016-8740 ( mod_http2: Mitigate DoS memory exhaustion via endless CONTINUATION frames. CVE-2016-8743 ( Enforce HTTP request grammar corresponding to RFC7230 for request lines and request headers, to prevent response splitting and cache pollution by malicious clients or downstream proxies. NOTE: Version 2.4.24 was not released. We consider this release to be the best version of Apache available, and encourage users of all prior versions to upgrade. Apache HTTP Server 2.4.25 is available for download from: Apache 2.4 offers numerous enhancements, improvements, and performance boosts over the 2.2 codebase. For an overview of new features introduced since 2.4 please see: Please see the CHANGES_2.4 file, linked from the download page, for a full list of changes. A condensed list, CHANGES_2.4.25 includes only those changes introduced since the prior 2.4 release. A summary of all of the security vulnerabilities addressed in this and earlier releases is available: This release requires the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) version 1.5.x and APR-Util version 1.5.x. The APR libraries must be upgraded for all features of httpd to operate correctly. This release builds on and extends the Apache 2.2 API. Modules written for Apache 2.2 will need to be recompiled in order to run with Apache 2.4, and require minimal or no source code changes. When upgrading or installing this version of Apache, please bear in mind that if you intend to use Apache with one of the threaded MPMs (other than the Prefork MPM), you must ensure that any modules you will be using (and the libraries they depend on) are thread-safe. Please note that Apache Web Server Project will only provide maintenance releases of the 2.2.x flavor through June of 2017, and will provide some security patches beyond this date through at least December of 2017. Minimal maintenance patches of 2.2.x are expected throughout this period, and users are strongly encouraged to promptly complete their transitions to the the 2.4.x flavor of httpd to benefit from a much larger assortment of minor security and bug fixes as well as new features.
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CVE-2016-8740, Server memory can be exhausted and service denied when HTTP/2 is used
Security Advisory - Apache Software Foundation Apache HTTPD WebServer / Server memory can be exhausted and service denied when HTTP/2 is used CVE-2016-8740 The Apache HTTPD web server (from 2.4.17-2.4.23) did not apply limitations on request headers correctly when experimental module for the HTTP/2 protocol is used to access a resource. The net result is that a the server allocates too much memory instead of denying the request. This can lead to memory exhaustion of the server by a properly crafted request. Background: - ----------- Apache has limits on the number and length of request header fields. which limits the amount of memory a client can allocate on the server for a request. Version 2.4.17 of the Apache HTTP Server introduced an experimental feature: mod_http2 for the HTTP/2 protocol (RFC7540, previous versions were known as Google SPDY). This module is NOT compiled in by default -and- is not enabled by default, although some distribution may have chosen to do so. It is generally needs to be enabled in the 'Protocols' line in httpd by adding 'h2' and/or 'h2c' to the 'http/1.1' only default. The default distributions of the Apache Software Foundation do not include this experimental feature. Details: - -------- - From version 2.4.17, upto and including version 2.4.23 the server failed to take the limitations on request memory use into account when providing access to a resource over HTTP/2. This issue has been fixed in version 2.4.23 (r1772576). As a result - with a request using the HTTP/2 protocol a specially crafted request can allocate memory on the server until it reaches its limit. This can lead to denial of service for all requests against the server. Impact: - ------- This can lead to denial of service for all server resources. Versions affected: - ------------------ All versions from 2.4.17 to 2.4.23. Resolution: - ----------- For a 2.4.23 version a patch is supplied. This will be included in the next release. Mitigations and work arounds: - ----------------------------- As a temporary workaround - HTTP/2 can be disabled by changing the configuration by removing h2 and h2c from the Protocols line(s) in the configuration file. The resulting line should read: Protocols http/1.1 Credits and timeline - -------------------- The flaw was found and reported by Naveen Tiwari <> and CDF/SEFCOM at Arizona State University on 2016-11-22. The issue was resolved by Stefan Eissing and incorporated in the Apache repository, ready for inclusion in the next release. Apache would like to thank all involved for their help with this. Patch against 2.4.23 release source:
iPhone da 249 Euro – PC GAMING & PRO
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data services
Dear Sir/Madam, We wish to introduce our company to you; Data Service, in London Uk. We are a consulting Firm to HSBC,in Spain. We are conducting a standard process verification involving a client who shares the same name with you in an investments made at HSBC, Spain. The HSBC,Private Banking client died intestate and did not nominate a heir to her investments. Sequel to the above, We are requesting that you confirm the following below and your full names; (i). Are you aware of any relative/relation having the same surname,Whose last known contact address was Madrid,Spain? (ii). Are you aware of any investment of considerable value made by such a person at the HSBC,? (iii). If the above is correct, Can you assume the status of the heir to the deceased At this point.? You must appreciate that we are constrained from providing you with more detailed information. All correspondence should please be directed to this email address ( Thanks for the anticipated response to this inquiry. Yours sincerely, Mrs.Marie Benes, Data Service Ltd This is a confidential message from Data services Ltd
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