If you are on Twitter you may have noticed the actress Jennifer Lawrence has been ‘Trending Topic’ since yesterday afternoon.
The reason? The leak of nude photos of the 2013 Academy Award winner on the /b/ forum of 4Chan.
She has confirmed the story, although she is apparently not the only victim.
Other models and actresses such as Kirsten Dunst, Kate Upton or Ariana Grande have also allegedly had pictures leaked, although not all these cases have been confirmed. Meanwhile, Mary E. Winstead has acknowledged the authenticity of the pictures that have been circulated, while Victoria Justice has denied that some photos allegedly of her are authentic.
It is still not clear how ‘Celebgate’ (as some are referring to this massive hacking) was carried out. Some sources have suggested a possible security breach in iCloud, Apple’s virtual data storage platform, though the company has yet to confirm this.
Until it is known how these images were stolen, the best anyone can do is apply common sense and ensure they use strong passwords to access their services. We also recommend that users check their Apple ID account.
The post Jennifer Lawrence: Victim of a security hole in iCloud? appeared first on MediaCenter Panda Security.