Twitter account of another high-profile CEO has been hacked!
This time, it’s Niantic CEO John Hanke, the developer behind the world’s most popular game Pokémon GO.
And it seems like Hanke is so busy with its newly launched game Pokémon GO that he hasn’t noticed or took any measures against it even after over 12 hours of the hack, as the tweets made by hackers are still displaying on his

Do you know that you can access your WeChat, Line and WhatsApp chats on your desktop as well using an entirely different, but fastest authentication system?
It’s SQRL, or Secure Quick Response Login, a QR-code-based authentication system that allows users to quickly sign into a website without having to memorize or type in any username or password.
QR codes are two-dimensional barcodes that

Nintendo’s new location-based augmented reality game Pokémon GO has been making rounds since its launch just a few days ago. People are so excited to catch ’em all that brought Nintendo’s market-value gains to $7.5 Billion (£5.8 Billion) in just two days – the highest surge since 1983.
Due to the huge interest surrounding Pokémon GO, even hackers are using the game’s popularity to distribute

If you are a torrent lover and have registered on BitTorrent community forum website, then you may have had your personal details compromised, along with your hashed passwords.
The BitTorrent team has announced that its community forums have been hacked, which exposed private information of hundreds of thousands of its users.
As of now, BitTorrent is the most visited torrent client around

LinkedIn’s 2012 data breach was much worse than anybody first thought.
In 2012, LinkedIn suffered a massive data breach in which more than 6 Million users accounts login details, including encrypted passwords, were posted online by a Russian hacker.
Now, it turns out that it was not just 6 Million users who got their login details stolen.
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Latest reports emerged that the 2012

There is no doubt that data breaches are on the rise. Hardly a day goes without headlines about any significant data breach.
According to the latest ‘Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2016’ report published by UK government, two-thirds of the biggest firm in the UK have experienced at least a cyber attacks or data breaches within the past 12 months.
Here’s today, I am writing about top 4 data

1. Spotify Hacked! Change your Password ASAP
If you are one of the millions of people around the world who love to listen to music on Spotify, you may need to change your password immediately.
Has Spotify been hacked? The company says no, but some Spotify users have claimed their profiles were hijacked, and details were changed without knowledge, including passwords and email addresses

Software and Security Information