Tag Archives: DDoS attack

4 Flaws hit HTTP/2 Protocol that could allow Hackers to Disrupt Servers

If you think that the HTTP/2 protocol is more secure than the standard HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), then you might be wrong, as it took researchers just four months to discover four flaws in the HTTP/2 protocol.

HTTP/2 was launched properly just in May last year after Google bundled its SPDY project into HTTP/2 in February in an effort to speed up the loading of web pages as well as

IoT Botnet — 25,000 CCTV Cameras Hacked to launch DDoS Attack

The Internet of Things (IoTs) or Internet-connected devices are growing at an exponential rate and so are threats to them.

Due to the insecure implementation, these Internet-connected embedded devices, including Smart TVs, Refrigerators, Microwaves, Set-top boxes, Security Cameras and printers, are routinely being hacked and used as weapons in cyber attacks.

We have seen how hackers

DDoS Extortionists made $100,000 without Launching a Single Attack

In Brief
Cyber crooks find a new and ingenious way to make hundreds of thousands of dollars with no effort.

An unknown cyber gang, pretending to be Armada Collective, has made more than $100,000 in less than two months simply by threatening to launch DDoS attack on websites, but never actually launched a single attack.

A group of Cyber Extortionists is sending threatening emails to

Anti-DDoS Firm Staminus HACKED! Customers Data Leaked

Staminus Communications – a California-based hosting and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) protection company – is recovering a massive data breach after hackers broke down into its servers and leaked personal and sensitive details of its customers.

Though the company acknowledged that there was a problem in a message posted to Twitter on Thursday morning, it did not specify a data

NSA Data Center Experiencing 300 Million Hacking Attempts Per Day

Utah State computer systems are experiencing a massive cyber attack on up to 300 Million Hacking attempts per day due to National Security Agency’s (NSA) data center in the state.

Yes, 300,000,000 hacking attempts in a day!

According to the statistical survey, it is evident that the computer systems in the US State of Utah began to experience the hacking attack a few years back,

Creator of MegalodonHTTP DDoS Botnet Arrested

Last month, the Norway police arrested five hackers accused of running the MegalodonHTTP Remote Access Trojan (RAT).

The arrests came as part of the joint operation between Norway’s Kripos National Criminal Investigation Service and Europol, codenamed “OP Falling sTAR.”

According to the United States security firm, all the five men, aged between 16 and 24 years and located in Romania,

602 Gbps! This May Have Been the Largest DDoS Attack in History

Cyber attacks are getting evil and worst nightmare for companies day-by-day, and the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one of the favorite weapon for hackers to temporarily suspend services of a host connected to the Internet.

Until now, nearly every big website had been a victim of this attack, and the most recent one was conducted against the BBC’s websites and Republican

Chinese Hackers tried to Take Down Tibetan Social Networking Website

Tibet is an area in the Republic of China that has been the point of conflict for many years in China. While China believes that Tibet has been under Chinese rule for many centuries, Tibetans claim that they declared itself an independent republic in 1912.

Tibetan Groups, especially pro-democracy activists, are being repeatedly targeted by persistent Cyber Attacks by Chinese

Hackers Plan to Ruin Christmas Eve for Millions of PlayStation and Xbox Live Gamers

Remember the notorious hacker group Lizard Squad that spoiled last Christmas holidays of many game lovers by knocking the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live offline with apparent Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks?

But, Will you be able to Play Xbox and PlayStation Game this Christmas?

Probably Not.

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Because a new hacking group is threatening to carry out