Bad news for gamers!
It’s once again the time when most of you will get new PlayStations and XBoxes that continue to be among the most popular gifts for Christmas, but possibilities are you’ll not be able to log into the online gaming console, just like what happens on every Christmas holidays.
On 2014 Christmas holidays, the notorious hacker group Lizard Squad knocked the PlayStation

If you are a fan of Unreal Tournament from Epic Games or ever have participated in discussions on the online forums run by Epic Games, you possibly need to change your forum password as soon as possible.
It seems the Unreal Engine and its creators, Epic Games’ forums have recently been compromised by an unknown hacker or a group of hackers, who have stolen more than 800,000 forum accounts

Hackers enjoy much playing with PlayStation and Xbox, rather than playing on them. And this time, they have done some crazy things with Sony’s PlayStation gaming console.
It appears that a console-hacking that goes by the name of Fail0verflow have managed to hack PlayStation 4 (PS4) to run a Linux kernel-based operating system.
Fail0verflow announced this week that they successfully

Remember the notorious hacker group Lizard Squad that spoiled last Christmas holidays of many game lovers by knocking the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live offline with apparent Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks?
But, Will you be able to Play Xbox and PlayStation Game this Christmas?
Probably Not.
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Because a new hacking group is threatening to carry out

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