Google’s Safe Browsing program expands to include “Repeat Offender” websites in blacklisting program.
Tag Archives: Hacks
TrickBot Banking Trojan Adds New Browser Manipulation Tools
The banking Trojan TrickBot is evolving fast, according to researchers, and within weeks will expand its victim list and attack scope.
Google Releases Supplemental Patch for Dirty Cow Vulnerability
Google’s November Android Security Bulletin patched 15 critical vulnerabilities, but only a supplemental patch for the Dirty Cow Linux vulnerability.
Risk of Election Day Cyberattacks Low According To Experts
Security experts monitoring cyber-chatter for virtual and real-world threats against U.S. Election Day targets don’t believe there will be cyberattack or al-Qaeda terror attack this Tuesday.
Tesco Bank Stops Online Transactions After Money Missing from 20K Accounts
Tesco Bank, a U.K. retail bank, today put a halt to online transactions from current accounts after some customers reported over the weekend money missing from their accounts.
Clever Gmail Hack Let Attackers Take Over Accounts
Google patched a hole in its Gmail verification system last week that allowed an attacker to hijack a targeted Google Gmail account.
Inside the RIG Exploit Kit
In a deep analysis of RIG, Cisco Talos team outlined the way the exploit kit combines different web technologies such as DoSWF, JavaScript, Flash and VBscript to obfuscate attacks.
DMCA Exemptions Lift Hacking Restrictions
White hat hackers can hack cars, medical devices and home IoT devices without fear of running amiss of DMCA laws that prevent reverse engineering.
Unpatched Vulnerability on Puts Millions of Sites at Risk
Wix websites are vulnerable to reflective DOM cross-site scripting attack that could give attackers control of user’s websites.
Sundown Exploit Kit ‘Larger Threat Than People Realize’
Cisco Talos identified the Sundown exploit kit as an up-and-coming contender that may soon rival RIG in terms of size and volume.