Tag Archives: World Back Up Day

World Back Up Day: Five Tips for choosing a Cloud Storage Provider

Billions of people use the Internet every day. We use it to work, play, create and share memories. World Back Up Day is an annual reminder to protect our most precious files from being lost forever.

After all, what would you miss if you lost everything?

Cloud based back up services are incredibly cost effective and most allow you to access your files from anywhere in the world.

So if you’re ready to celebrate World Back Up Day, I have five tips on how you can pick a secure cloud storage service.

Is it for business or personal use?

There are plenty of free options, before you trust a service with your personal or critical business files you should make sure it is reliable and secure.

What type of files are you storing and why?
Different cloud services offer various features and options that might suite your particular need. For example video or photos back up.

What level of encryption do they offer?

Does the cloud storage service offer encryption? If the provider is hacked, your data will be vulnerable. If the provider don’t provide encryption then you should consider encrypting it yourself before you upload.

Are there additional security features?
If possible, use additional security features like two-factor authentication and login notifications to help prevent unwanted breaches.

Do you have adequate backups?
Don’t rely on a single backup, especially for your critical files. You should also backup regularly.


Until next World Back Up Day, stay safe out there.