Tag Archives: federal communications commission

Trump Signs Repeal of ISP Privacy Rules

President Trump signed a resolution to complete the overturning of internet privacy protections that would have prevented ISPs from tracking you online without first asking users to opt-in.

Trump's New FCC Chairman Lets ISPs Sell Your Private Data Without Your Consent

Bad News for privacy concerned people!

It will be once again easier for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to sell your personal data for marketing or advertisement purposes without taking your permission.

Last October, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) passed a set of privacy rules on ISPs that restrict them from sharing your online data with third parties without

New Privacy Rules require ISPs to must Ask you before Sharing your Sensitive Data

Good News for privacy concerned people! Now, your online data will not be marketed for business; at least by your Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

Yes, it’s time for your ISPs to ask your permission in order to share your sensitive data for marketing or advertisement purposes, the FCC rules.

On Thursday, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has imposed new privacy

EFF Calls Out ISPs Modifying STARTTLS Encryption Commands

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has backed VPN provider Golden Frog’s FCC filing that accuses ISPs of stripping out STARTTLS instructions from email messages.